Friday, February 27, 2009


Am hoping to be snowed in later on this weekend....or at least sleeted in. I could pass on church or any activities that require me to have to lay out clothes for the little ones. There's a small pile of library books, food in the house, and the basics here to allow for some 'hold up' time.

I'm just worn out, and don't mind saying so. Yesterday being an off day was good, but I wasn't able to transfer it over to today. It was an edgy day, and I'm ready to lose my temper.

As a result, will be offline for the weekend. Will recharge and tuck my head in the sand. Time to hideaway for a bit.

See you soon. Probably Monday. That's likely as far as I can commit to. :)

In a bit of a tiny mood

Sometimes I want to sit on my family, and get them to stop doing things. To be able to enjoy everyone staying at home, nobody driving to and fro, and for silence to permeate at least a reasonable chunk of the day/evening. My husband is one who moves a lot, rarely sitting still for long, and I find myself trying to drag out conversations just so he'll stay in a seated position for awhile.

The kids will talk about things they want to do, many times requiring my own driving skills, and sometimes it gets to be too much. I'm not sure anyone here recognizes my need for quiet.

Think I'll go find something to throw. That might help. :)

Friday's goings on...

Figures. Go and change your blog header from a snowy one to one that looks more Spring-like, and the weather guys forecast snow. Tomorrow. And here it is, the daffodils are up, forsythia blooming, hyacinths are beginning to fill out and there's this cool pink magnolia up the street that's doing its stuff.

And you's OK. Spring tends to be a bit on again/off again anyhow. And it is a cozy cloudy day. Getting cooler, but I still have a couple of windows up. The curtain is blowing behind me, and all is well. Bills are paid, there's grocery money and no pressures. Plus, Gary has work in the shop. All is definitely well.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A wonderful day

The dogs, thankfully, slept in a bit this morning. After feeding them, oldest daughter (who had to be up for work) shooed me back to bed. When daughter and husband left for work, middle daughter took up the slack and watched the puppies (who still tend to find things to chew). I stayed in bed 'til 10am. Bliss.

The rest of the day has been spent in puttering. I had a simple breakfast of a cup of hot tea (PGTips) and a homemade Pop-tart one of the boys made last night from a recipe from Alton Brown. Then after getting dressed I cleaned off the kitchen counters, and that's not a chore since it's always a pleasure to see the flat surfaces all tidy. Watered the pots by the sink and sprayed Mrs. Meyer's lavender with a liberal hand.

Then sat and talked to the boys in the living room, opened a couple of windows, and after a lunch of leftover spaghetti took a rest in bed and played with the design here. And before anyone asks, no, I didn't take the photo, but wish I had, and give credit at the bottom of the sidebar. Now that's a window I'd like to sit in front of!

Honestly, I've not felt this relaxed in weeks and weeks. I was getting to the point where my stomach remained in knots and only a hot bath at night would settle me. That I had the sense to listen to my body crying out to me more often. But I am grateful that I feel better now. :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On Wednesday

Audio is of Leonard Ravenhill.

More stuff

I'm really enjoying the Lisa Samson book I mentioned a couple of posts ago. Her writing is different, and that's about all I'll say....(but watch me go on about her!) She's not a run-of-the-mill writer of Christian-based fiction. She's not fluffy. There's truth tucked in there, and sometimes she hits on a topic that drives it home. That's the way with this one. It's appropriate for where I am right now. What I like is her gutsy way of getting to the point in this book. No pussy-footing around, just writing the hard stuff, but it's real too. Can't say as I get this enthusiastic about all of her books, but this one is definitely one of my favorites. Refreshing too, especially considering much of current Christian fiction is weak and pitiful.

Anyway, have been thinking about this 'turning fifty' mindset, and there's a bit of freedom in a new decade. I'm asking myself where I want to be during the next ten years---am I happy with the way things are, or it is time to change things around? Trying to not over-think, but just ponder a bit on how I want to be in my heart and how I want to be with others. How much to give, and hold back. I'm seeing that sometimes giving is really not appreciated or necessary. While enabling others isn't one of my character traits, I do tend to want to help, yet I don't get all controlling about it. But when the other person is clueless, the choice is a bit harder. It's almost a pearls before swine mentality. (I know I'm being vague---just thinking things through.)

There has to be a case-by-case aspect of taking care of folks. You really can't put a label on your own behavior, thinking that others can be treated in a certain fashion all the time. People are different. What's appreciated in one person goes unnoticed by another, or even worse, you see a greed in the acceptance of help at times.

My personality tends to easily go to into guilt mode. Seems I never can do enough, or will question whether I have or not. The trouble with that is that others sometimes take advantage of that mentality, sort of driving it home. Suckers are easy targets, you know? Fortunately, I'm not talking about my immediate family, here in this house. If anyone tells me to slow down and take a break, it's my husband and kids. Lucky me. :)

As I say, just thinking on things. No big stuff, just mental exercises.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This has been a day. Not hard, but full up. Maybe it's the emotional drain of a funeral and all of the thoughts that that conjures up. Or perhaps it's the errands I had to run after dinner, hoping to get two minor things bought at two places, which ran into four stops and the last bit of my energy.

I think if I add up the fact that we've all been sick, and I'm recovering, it'll make sense. Dizziness sets in if I get up too fast, and it seems this cold we had is hard to get rid of. I'm tired.

Happily though, during my outing tonight, I got my copy of the latest 'Victoria', always a joy, but sadly I bought 'Country Home', and it turns out that it's closing shop. Not happy to hear about that. Things are changing in the world, including old faithfuls like magazines.

One final thought is regarding our church life. Husband and one son are discouraged at sermons that are high on 'milk' and low on 'meat' at the church we regularly visit. Gary is hooked on Alistair Begg and is listening to John MacArthur via the Internet webcasts, and one son is chowing down on some of the more choice of pastors out there too. It'll be interesting to see where the Lord places this particular son. He's searching, that's for sure. He's encouraging us to visit a different congregation soon. We're game, and I mean, if a child is thrilled with the things of God, what can a parent say? Simply yes.

(please forgive my simplistic writing---my vocabulary is elementary at best!)


Curious to see how the day pans out. I'll leave one daughter at my mom's this morning to help her watch little cousins---then I'll head out to the funeral (mentioned yesterday). I'm glad our kids can manage their schoolwork for brief periods of time. That puts me at ease about leaving them for a bit.

Not what else is on tap for the day. Will have to figure out dinner, and tidying up, and maybe going to my mom's this evening for the rest of the kids to see their cousins. Plus, one son noticed that I have a headlight that needs replacing. So many times you have to buy a whatsit to unscrew the light cover off/on. Will have to see about that too, since I really don't want to be stopped by the police who will tell me of it. That'd be a bummer.

And lastly, began reading a Lisa Samson book, Quaker Summer, and am really enjoying it. Really. Naptime will be even more welcome with a dishy book to sink into. By then, I'm sure I'll have earned it. ;)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Turning pages

Am feeling full up, in a good way. I went over to my mom's before dinner to drop off something for one of my brothers (he lives in Baton Rouge, so we don't see one another very often). He's in town for the funeral service of his father-in-law who passed away on Saturday morning. Lots going on. It felt so good to see him, though. We've not been close in recent years, and I won't go into that, but will just say that our relationship has been healed, and not too awfully long ago. I've had to quit being a grump and be open to his forgiveness.

Makes me want to cry, just realizing how many years have been lost. And to be seeing the family deal with a funeral brings it all home.

So much time is wasted in attitude, and I've been a willing participant. So thankful for new beginnings. Just wish I wasn't such a stubborn student, you know?
Here I sit with another good night's sleep behind me. Got up early with the Pugs...did my duty by all dogs and then cozied up on the couch with the puppies and slept another hour before Gary got up. If the kids will be little darlings, then maybe this pretty darn good mood will trickle over into the rest of the day.

Middle daughter (who's 10) is a bit touchy lately, and it's hard to avoid hurting her feelings. She's overly sensitive, and reminds me of myself at that age. Not fun for any of us, including her.

And making plans to haul the kids to the library later on this morning. We've not been since everyone has been sick, and that's such a nice diversion from regular schoolwork. Life gets a bit too routine, and it's nice to shake it up from time to time.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I want to have fun this week. To not be so concerned with doing work and to add more fun-time. Why is this so difficult for me? I'm such a failure at being silly, letting guilt take control of me.

This has to STOP.

Friday, February 20, 2009

This and that again...

  • Thrilled that Benjamin Netanyahu has been selected as the new PM in Israel. Excellent.
  • Listening to RED's newest CD now called Innocence and Instinct. Hot.
  • Still dealing with this cold with the added side-effect of sore shoulders and arms. Odd.
  • In a holding pattern as we pray about and wait for the passing of the father of one of my sisters-in-law. He's not expected to make it past the next few days. Hard.
  • Learning to be less controlling. Difficult.
  • Content with my husband. Easy.
  • Challenged by changing moods of growing pre-adolescent daughter. Frustrating.
  • Glad of a pile of library books to dig into later. Relaxing.
  • Desiring a quiet weekend. Necessary.


This YouTube is just fabulous. Rick Santelli (who's new to me) gets me revved up in this video.

(Thanks to Chad, who had this link.)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feeling slow

Am dealing with a cold---seems I'm the last to get it---and that in itself is pretty amazing. I rarely get sick (the mother's usual situation, to not catch what's going around), so it's odd to be all stuffed up and feeling in a muzzy haze.

I'm trying to just go with the flow. The house is getting a bit worn-looking with me neglecting it, but that's OK. It's almost restful to feel this way. My head's all stuffed up, I'm sneezing and dealing with a runny nose and my brain is on hold. Not a bad place to be. Keeps me from deep thinking, being that I can't seem to focus on one thing for very long.

I figure that sometimes illness is a way for us to recharge our batteries. It can be a blessing in disguise, sort of like shock treatment. If not for occasionally feeling under the weather, I'd work way too hard around here. This gives me a break and a real excuse to relax.

Off to sit and stare. That's about all I'm good for. ;)


Blogger appears to be a bit ill. Seems my posts have gone missing. Odd, isn't it?
(tapping foot for a minute or two)

OK, there they are. Seems after I published this note, they came back. Just keeping this post up in case someone besides Diane and I have this issue.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Internet hugs

For anyone who knows me, they know it's easy to make me cry. It's not that I'm a sap, but I am probably way too sensitive, not that that's a bad thing.

Here's the deal now. The truth is that this has to be the very best birthday I've ever had in my entire life. Bar none. My head's spinning with the richness. I'm totally overwhelmed. And, yes, I do have tears in my eyes.

And here's another thing, and I hope this makes sense. There's a small handful of women who I've grown very close to online---most of them already in their fifties. The response I've received from them regarding this 50th birthday has been so incredible. I feel like I've been welcomed into the sisterhood. Really. There's a quality of kinship that's so amazing.

Women can be so cool. :)

(As an aside, am listening repeatedly to RED's song Ordinary World ~we have the MP3 download of the CD~ and absolutely love it. The chorus is choice.)

Ta da!

Turns out here on my 50th birthday, that this is my 100th post at this site. Seemed sort of significant to me. :)

Already my family has been sweet to me. Gary let me sleep in and he took care of the dog feeding, etc. this morning. And as he did on Valentine's, he's sending me text messages of hiding places for presents he's left around the house. Nothing extravagant, but my goodness, what a guy, eh? Romantic doesn't begin to cover it. I think he must've gone to charm school in his earlier days. He's got that trait down pat.

And I thank you for the well-wishes I've already gotten, both here and on Facebook. You are sweeties. :)

Monday, February 16, 2009

On my birthday eve

Kids almost well from the last round of sickness. We've been hit two or three times, this Winter, with mild viruses. And I've not seen a rash of flu about either. I know folks have had it, but seems that this isn't the year for a huge outbreak....or maybe other stuff has overshadowed that issue in the papers?

But in other news, the birthday countdown is on! My outlook on turning fifty tomorrow is better than it was, say, even a couple of weeks ago. I've belly-ached so, and my husband finally said, "Hey, if you think being in your fifties looks old, what does that say about me?" He's about 4 years older than I am, so obviously I've been a bit insensitive, haven't I? The thing is, he wears 53 very well. Me? Well, I'm not so sure how that'll be.

I'm thinking, though, that maybe this will be a decade of real good living. Maybe more honesty in how I deal with things, and a lighter attitude. My twenties were spent in finishing college, marrying and then having 2 babies. The thirties, which were my hardest ten year period involved 5 more babies and much exhaustion. My forties included one more baby and mental confusion. Guess everything caught up with more tiredness. I'm planning on relaxing more and making attempts at not being so doggone serious all the time. Playing maybe?!??! Here's to trying!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


A day of no pressures....least that's what I'm hoping for. At the same time, am waiting to hear from my neighbor whose kids I watched recently. She called the other day, making noises about me helping out the next few weeks, and I have to admit to not having such a good attitude about it. When I was last there, I brought home the sickness her kids had---and four of ours have been ill, this past week, as a result of it.

She's more needy now, being that the terminally ill grandmother is on hospice care. My problem is limiting my time at their house, wanting to help, but having to be available here at home first. This neighbor doesn't seem to realize that there has to be a balance. It leaves me a bit confused. She gives me the impression that she thinks I can drop everything, at anytime, in order to be available for her. Huh.

I told her on Thursday, when we last talked, that I'd have to pray and think on what she was wanting. She's asking for more of an every-other-day sort of deal, and that's not something I'm able to do just now. The problem is that her family is extremely dysfunctional, and there's really not a long list of people she can turn to. Tough to know what to do. She did call yesterday, while I was on the phone, but didn't leave a message. I have a pledge to myself to not return calls unless there's a voicemail message following. That cuts down my phone clutter. But will hear soon, I know.

In the meantime, will try to chill today. There's no shame in my attitude just now. The plate's full and am having my own issues with juggling the dailies. We'll see how this plays out. Much prayer seems to be in order, you know?

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Day everyone! Hope it's been a sweet one, so far.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Frustrating neighbors

And am dealing with mixed feelings myself about a situation. I've mentioned the neighbor who's asked me to help her with her kids while the grandmother is ill with cancer. Yesterday she asked if I'd be willing to watch her children every other day, 6 hours/day for the duration. I sort of stuttered on the phone, telling her I'd have to think and pray about that one. This request was way more than I'd bargained for. So far, I've watched her kids irregularly, but even twice last week was very tiresome. Her kids were sick, I was stuck keeping them at her house, and was torn with what needed doing here. When they found out that the grandmother was terminally ill, I told this neighbor that I'd be glad to help. But every other day for 6 hours? Get real.

What gets me is that it seems she has an odd view of what I do all day here. Am I twiddling my thumbs? Do I appear to have loads of free time? Am I going to regret ever saying I'd help her---but so help me, my intention wasn't to be that available. I've run into an attitude in young mothers, though, that might put it into better perspective. The thing is---some younger moms think that the older mothers have their routines down pat and have life settled good and orderly. That interruptions are almost welcome. Well, I'm here to tell them that nothing could be further from the truth. For some odd reason, I have less free time now, with the kids being older, than I had when they were tumbling around under my feet. Go figure out that one. I'm thinking that, for me, it's more of a mental exhaustion---the worries are greater, and with them driving and being out and about, the concerns cover more territory. That's what I think.

My husband got downright angry when I told him what this neighbor wanted. Oh, and I forgot to add that she's willing to pay me $50/week. He really didn't appreciate that, being that money isn't the object, but respect for my time certainly is. I just don't know about some folks. They specialize in taking, but seem to not understand what they're really wanting from others. It's a self-centeredness that gets my goat everytime.

Well, this will work out. I've been told by my husband that I'm not to agree to anything. This thing could get way out of control. He said, "What does she think you do all day? And, besides, you homeschool. Has she not thought of that?" I love it when he plays the protector like that.

Don't mean to sound so horsey, but it's a bit puzzling. There has to be balance. I'm more than willing to lend a helping hand, but have to put my family first. The tough part is realizing that the neighbor doesn't have a family support system like I'm used to. They're very dysfunctional, and it spills over in how they do even the everyday things. But I won't go into that. This whole situation, and being involved in their home life has shown me just how sheltered and naive I can be. Folks are different, that's for sure.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A good day. Got the kids to agree to do schoolwork on their own, and oldest daughter (who was off work today) and I went to the library, to lunch at Taco Bell, then for a quick grocery store run. I was so pleased at the books I got, esp. since the last library trip was a total failure. So disappointing when you get a pile of books, only to be frustrated with the whole lot of them when you get home.

I got all of the books they had by Jhumpa Lahiri (there were 3), and began reading Unaccustomed Earth in bed this afternoon. Such bliss. The window was up, a stiff breeze was blowing the curtain and I was all snuggled up with the least one. What a way to go. As far as the book goes---I'm totally loving it. Time will tell if it holds up to my particular tastes. I'm a lover of short stories, so her writing suits me just fine. One of my weaknesses is short stories. Oh, and I got a short story book by Peter Taylor too---he's a writer from Tennessee, but I tend to avoid Southern fiction, getting a bit irritated when Southerners are depicted as being a bit mad. We'll see about him. I realize it's hot down here in the Summer, but we're not all crazy because of it!

Looking forward to cozying up later on and reading. Not much I like better.

Update: Some of the stories in the book mentioned above are good, but some are more earthy, if you get my drift. I passed over those....guess I'm just particular about books being more polite than is the norm in this day and age. Call me old-fashioned. It'd fit. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Re: CPSC changes

The HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) posted a piece regarding the Child Product Safety Rules and changes made to it, when it came into effect today. See here. This is good news, and allows for home businesses to stay in business.


Just a bit of a Valentine-ish setting for a few days. Besides, with our temperatures being in the upper 60's and verging on 70's, it seems silly (to me) to be looking at a snowy house photo! We've had the windows open during the day, and our bedroom one open at night. Delish.

I know we'll have more cold, but while I can, this is a nice change. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Seems so foolish to be showing snowy conditions on the blog here, while we're going to be enjoying 70 degree temperatures today. Supposedly the weather might get rocky later on tonight, and into tomorrow....winds of 40 mph and rain.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Needing to play

I think I'm a bit overdone. Last week was a humdinger of busyness, and I don't want this week to follow in its footsteps. Will have to learn to rethink things and say no when it's necessary. Thinking that my body and mental health require a teensy bit of tending to, and if I don't do it, it won't get done, you know?

So, on the note of doing for myself---bought some fun stuff to work on with an altered book. This will be a first for me---and seeing that I suffer from serious book lust and for me to take a book apart DELIBERATELY and paint and glue all over it----well, it's taken me some time to get past my worship angle so that I can actually enjoy the process. There are a few old books we have here that'll never get read and were handed down to me by a friend of my mom's. Rather than one in particular being ignored for the rest of its life, I'm going to tear into it tomorrow and see what happens. This will be a gift for my husband and I'm looking forward to the process.

Creative work is a great help for stress, and I rarely get down and dirty with artsy things anymore. This mothering takes more time than seems realistic, but since our kids are dandy, guess it's been worth it. Still, I need time to do fun stuff for my own well-being.

I think I need a few days of fewer responsibilities and more doodling. We'll see how that goes, and if this altered book shapes up, might post photos. But, then again, maybe not!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Week's end

Spent a second day this week (the other one was Monday) helping out a neighbor by watching her two little ones while she had important things to do. (there's a terminally ill grandmother, who's about to go on hospice care, and I'm helping them by watching the kids while they trade off watching the g'mother) I'm whupped! I'm not sure if the 7 month old baby made such a difference, or just spending so much time in someone else's house. It was the same on Monday. Long day.

Our kids were such troopers, though. I can see our house from theirs and it was good to be able to 'sort of' keep an eye on our children while I was gone.

I was there today from 9:30am until nearly 4pm, and I'll tell you, it was so wonderful to walk back home and see our kids. Funny how much I appreciate them when I'm forced to be separated for awhile. Then, after taking a small late lunch break, I went to the grocery with two of the boys....and spent the rest of the evening on looking forward to bed, that's for sure. All I'm missing is a juicy book to hide myself in. It's been awhile since I've totally enjoyed a read. Will have to figure out that one---can't go long without a good book.

Oh, and not as an afterthought, but I did want to say that the tobyMac concert last night was choice. We all enjoyed it so much. I'd post some photos, but the lighting was so intense, that my camera caught more glare than people. I'm still a bit wowed that we got to see them. One of our boys was so excited, he said he was looking forward to this concert more than anything else he'd ever done. Glad it measured up. ;) Totally cool, that's for sure.

Looking forward to a quiet weekend. Church tomorrow night, and enjoyment of the 60 degree days we're supposed to be treated with for the next few days. I don't want to 'have to' do anything. Sounds good, yes?!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

All I know...

  • Today is our 26th wedding anniversary (yay us!)
  • Gary gave me a pair of pink flamingos for the front yard---and I named them Fred and Ethel
  • Tonight I go with 3 of the older kids to the tobyMac concert
  • Must get directions on how to get there
  • There are sloppy joes for dinner
  • And I have to take a nap, 'cause I got up way too early!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Today's fuss

I've had the day to myself, leaving the kids at my mom's for lunch and the afternoon. I was noticing how polite the drivers around me seemed to be---letting folks in the flow of traffic, being patient---it was nice to see.

Then I had to stop at the library drive-thru to leave off our pile. I was there maybe a total of about a minute flat. Maybe. Doesn't take much time to grab a few books and toss them down the shoot. When I was about done, a young woman pulled up behind me and I had about 2 more shoves to do ('course she didn't know that) and as I was about to put the last one in the slot (she'd been there, maybe 10 seconds), she got out of her car, walked between my truck and the building, put her own books in the return slot in a not-too-nice manner, which was right beside my window and you could tell she was hacked off. I mean, you can either be nice or not. It really is a choice.

I didn't act too mature myself, saying "s-o-r-r-y" in a sarcastic voice. Not proud of it, but it got my goat her behaving so aggressively. I mean, we're talking about the book return. It never takes folks long, that's why they use it, but my goodness---does everything have to be done so fast? And, really, 'excuse me' isn't hard to say, but folks seem to want the other guy to know when they're hacked off. I admit I did too in the circumstances. Do we have to be in a hurry all the time? Is waiting forbidden? And how can you know when you're following the rule in being fast enough? Truth is, we can't seem to hurry enough, because there's always somebody out there who won't be satisfied. How important are we anyhow?

I do realize that I don't know this woman's story, but the thing is, it makes an impression. I'm sure I made a poor one myself in barking at her, but it is a sad state of affairs when speed seems to be the rule of the world. Politeness does count, and it's getting harder and harder to show it. We're quick to judge and even quicker to shove folks out of the way. Me first isn't the way it's supposed to be, I don't think.

My stinky human side reared its head in response, and I can't excuse my behavior saying it's justified by her reaction, but still....we've got some work to do on this speed issue. Being thoughtful is still important, even in a world that's wound up so tightly. Things need to change. (I was going to say that it needed to change fast, but figured that that was a bit inappropriate considering the subject matter!)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Helped a neighbor today, looking after their 5 year old and baby, while their mom went to help at the house of the grandmother who's now going into hospice care. Seems sort of deja vu-like, after helping out with another neighbor in a similar way, just 2 years ago. Seems I'm destined to be the perennial caregiver to the caregivers. I make sure the ones helping the dying are looking after themselves. Not sure that's a real job description, but it's odd to be talking to someone about hospice care and the like again.

Figured after my neighbor, Lisa who had ALS, died that my role as a helper in that way was over. Or at least that it'd be awhile before it happened before.

I was reminded of how we're the Lord's hands here on earth. Funny, but this is the neighbor who stretches my patience. Seems there's a lesson in this for me. Doesn't really matter what I feel, but I have to adjust my temperament, and be willing.

Thankfully, the kids were great. I felt needed and totally understand these 40-something/50-something grandmothers who get tired after a day of looking after their grandkids. Babies are exhausting, and with our youngest being 6 years old, I'd forgotten. I don't have to tote her all about! Makes all the difference. :)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Good song---try it out. The dark-haired guy is Sean Watkins from Nickel Creek, and the blond is Jon Foreman from Switchfoot. Love this tune. They're in a new band called Fiction Family.

Go here to download the song for free!

One more thing. I've been browsing at Nickel Creek's site and the song called 'Jealous of the Moon' is wonderful. Put on your earphones, jack up the sound and enjoy.

*Countdown to---four more days until the tobyMac concert. :) We have to go to Mississippi to see it, but that's OK with us.

Fiction family

February first

February, one of my favorite-est months. Now we get to not only celebrate Valentine's Day, but my birthday (albeit the fiftieth---ouch), and our anniversary too....26th. And today I began the parade of gifts to my husband. Last year, I gave him one present per day for February, and got a kick out of seeing his startled face everyday when he'd have one more small present to open. I figured with it being 25 years we were celebrating last year, that many little presents were appropriate. But still, he kept being confused. It was so funny.

Today he got an all-day sucker. See, we're not extravagant. Maybe just silly.