Sunday, February 8, 2009

Needing to play

I think I'm a bit overdone. Last week was a humdinger of busyness, and I don't want this week to follow in its footsteps. Will have to learn to rethink things and say no when it's necessary. Thinking that my body and mental health require a teensy bit of tending to, and if I don't do it, it won't get done, you know?

So, on the note of doing for myself---bought some fun stuff to work on with an altered book. This will be a first for me---and seeing that I suffer from serious book lust and for me to take a book apart DELIBERATELY and paint and glue all over it----well, it's taken me some time to get past my worship angle so that I can actually enjoy the process. There are a few old books we have here that'll never get read and were handed down to me by a friend of my mom's. Rather than one in particular being ignored for the rest of its life, I'm going to tear into it tomorrow and see what happens. This will be a gift for my husband and I'm looking forward to the process.

Creative work is a great help for stress, and I rarely get down and dirty with artsy things anymore. This mothering takes more time than seems realistic, but since our kids are dandy, guess it's been worth it. Still, I need time to do fun stuff for my own well-being.

I think I need a few days of fewer responsibilities and more doodling. We'll see how that goes, and if this altered book shapes up, might post photos. But, then again, maybe not!