Tuesday, June 16, 2009

On my Tuesday

Talked to oldest daughter on the phone this morning during her break-time at work and said I didn't feel like I'd accomplished anything so far. Asked her to listen to my list of finished to-do's to see if I was holding up my end of the bargain. Funny, huh? She laughs. And listens. And then audibly sighs in the phone. Obviously, I never learn.

By noon or so, I'd:
  • been up since just before 6am---Pugs!
  • had quiet/prayer time, including reading from Ruth (husband is having us listen to Alistair Begg after dinner in the evenings---good stuff and he's teaching from Ruth---husband has a pretty tidy collection of Begg podcasts).
  • eaten cereal and had some raspberry green tea.
  • washed 4-5 loads of clothes, with the boys hanging out most of 'em.
  • moved music from my computer to 3 of the kids' MP3 players.
  • ordered flea stuff online for dogs.
  • gone to Walgreens for toilet paper and a soda--took one child so he could get out of the house for a minute.
  • had visited with my mom when she stopped by to grab one son to help her grocery shop.
  • had spent time with the kids chatting in the living room.
  • and re-potted my hanging basket petunia which had taken a nose-dive after I took it down so it'd not get blown by the wind last night.....after, get it? Should have left it hanging up!
  • ....anyway, that's what my morning held.

And still, I felt like I'd just been twiddling my thumbs. What's up with that? Maybe a stay-at-home mom's dilemma, eh?

Just wanted to share. Fortunately most of the kids will be at my mom's for part of tomorrow. We'll have to see how legalistic I can be then!

*Btw, reading a really good Christian fiction book called The Sisterhood of the Queen Mamas by Annie Jones. Not totally light, but encouraging as well. Love a read like that.