Monday, June 29, 2009

Slowing down

Cutting down responsibilities and foolishness online. Taking a break from Facebook, which is fun, but a huge drain on my time if I let it. Making a very conscious effort in taking it easy. Only blogging and reading email, which is plenty. Have blocked myself from news sites, and that's was probably the smartest thing I could've done. (Leechblock for use with Firefox is a wonderful invention.)

Was hanging out clothes, this evening, and MADE myself go slowly at it. And am trying to not let daily chores blow up into major nonsense. I mean, the clothes will get sorted and folded, and it's not necessary for me to lose my cool in the process. I expect the kids to care as much as I do, but they're young, and probably have a better viewpoint than their work monger mother. :)

Tomorrow was planning on staying home, puttering and reading. We went to the library today, so got a good stash. Then today our Internet modem went nuts and figured it'd have to be replaced tomorrow...was all set to have to get out (and not wanting to). Then, surprise-surprise, it began working again. Will wait another day or two before running that errand. With the last storm we learned we could live without the computers. Perspective, you know?

Off to take a shower and read. Sounds like a plan.