Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First day of school

Resting now.  It was a good day---getting the school books organized, filling out some last-minute paperwork, and thankfully the kids are sort of excited about it. That's a huge help.  If I had kids that dragged their feet and made teaching them a misery, then this tale would have a very different ending.

And there's something settling about having the schooling to be a centerpiece of our days (with Latin being the center of the schooling itself, as I said yesterday).  After summer-time has passed, we need more structure and it seems lots of homeschooling moms say the same thing.  Reminds me of the scene with Julia Child (Merle Streep) talking about wanting "something to DO!"  My sentiments exactly.  No more 'chickens with their heads cut off' in our house, least for awhile.  Now, keeping the housework caught up with now that school is in session is another story......

(looking up school sites online w/ violet helping out)