Got out for a bit with oldest daughter today. Lunch and a trip to a local Indie bookstore to pick out something for fourth son who graduated high school back in May. He wanted to postpone his celebratory dinner until everyone could be here, which is why it'll be on Monday night. And yes, it does seem as if we've delayed it long enough, my goodness. The restaurant will be closed, and hopefully oldest son who's been vacationing in Chicago will have gotten back home by then as well. Everyone needs the time off...just to quit DOING SO MUCH.
Now onto other things.
I wish you could see this dumb dog we've got, and I mean it kindly. He's the stray oldest daughter brought home from work before Thanksgiving last fall. We think he's at least part Catahoula, which accounts for his coat and part of his personality. The maddening thing is that he's just like the dog, Dug, in the kids' movie, UP. Not smart, but sorta sweet.
Now, must go. We're having breakfast for dinner. Need to help the least one measure out for biscuits.
(clickable photo from pinterest)