Thursday, June 30, 2011

Moving again...

Time to change venues again. I have my reasons, ones I'll not go into here, but it has to do with privacy. Will be tickled if those of you who see this will follow me here. It's not an address I've had before, but is close to one I had previously.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

'The Constantine Codex' by Paul L. Maier

'The Constantine Codex' is the newest book of Paul L. Maier's in his Skeleton series, this being number three.  And while I want to give a good review for this book, I just can't work up to it.  After just a few pages, the dialogue proved to be so trite and cutesy that I wanted to gag.  With all due respect to Dr. Maier's historical research and knowledge, I'd recommend a ghost writer to help him out with the intricacies of writing fiction.

The idea of the story is appealing---missing pages of the book of Mark and a Second Book of Acts have been found.  Those would be remarkable discoveries, but the way Dr. Maier fleshes out the story is annoying.  And with him having over five million copies of his books in print, I really hesitate to be critical.

Dr. Maier's knowledge of Biblical history is amazing.  Reading this book was like an intense history lesson, but again, his inability to have his characters carry on sensible conversations was truly irritating.  Sticking to non-fiction might be a good idea.

(this book was provided free for me to review from glass road public relations)

Mid-week's thoughts

Source: via melissa on Pinterest

Have felt like Miss Cranky Pants lately, so hoping this little banner would inspire me to relax and just enjoy the day. At month's end I get all antsy, wondering how the bill-paying will pan out, fretting and trying to play God. I'm tellin' ya...I'm not doing too well at that job!

Trying to get inspired to putter around the house and feeling lazy instead. Not a profitable way to live, that's for sure. Nothing gets done and then I end up feeling droopy by the end of the day. I need VISUALS. Might cozy down with some old decorating magazines for inspiration. Then maybe redecorate a bit. :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Looking and quoting

...and a great (unrelated) quote I saw on a church sign this afternoon.
"Is your back up against the wall? And am I not God?"

Tea Cakes and other baking news

The little girls and I plan on making my grandmother's Tea Cakes recipe this afternoon, if nothing interrupts.  When we'd visit my dad's parents, when I was growing up, my grandmother would sometimes make these cookies.  I found the recipe in her old cookbook ('Meta Given's Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking'), and tweaked it a bit years ago so that it seemed just like her cookies.  She was fond of writing in the cookbook, but had no notes next to this one.  The recipe is for a sugar cookie dough, but Granny always called them Tea Cakes, which sounds cuter anyway.

Here goes:

2-1/4 c. all-purpose flour
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt
1/2 c. butter (we'll be using butter-flavored Crisco)
1 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
1/4 t. vanilla (likely we'll add a tad more)
1/4 cup milk

Sift dry ingredients.  Cream butter and sugar, add egg and beat until smooth.  Add vanilla and then alternate dry ingredients with milk.  Chill dough for a bit then roll out 1/4" thick on floured surface.  Sprinkle with granulated sugar and cut with cookie cutter.  Round ones are classic. :)  Place on greased cookie sheet (we rarely grease our cookie sheets for cookies), and bake at 375F. for 8-10 minutes.  Makes about 2-1/2 dozen.  We'll probably double the recipe.  I mean, really, feeding 10 people 2-1/2 dozen cookies?  Think again!

I'm also making some sourdough starter this week.  We bake so often, I wanted the challenge of grabbing some wild yeast in the air to feed my water/flour mixture.  I fed it for the first time today, and so far, so good.  Sunday night was day one and I just mixed 2 cups plain flour with 1/2 cup or so of spring water.  Starting today, I fed it and will do so again before bed.  At each feeding I'll take out 1/3 c. starter (discarding the excess) and add 1/3 c. flour and 1/3 c. water.  We'll see. :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Peach cobbler

My mom's recipe:

For a 9" square pan.  Melt one stick of margarine in the pan in the oven (325F.)...or almost one stick.  After it's melted spoon over one regular-sized can of drained peaches.  Pour over the margarine and fruit a mixture made of 1 cup plain flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder,
1/8 teaspoon salt and around one cup of milk---less milk if you want the dough to be more stiff.  It ought to pour over the margarine and not be too sticky.  And note:  this doesn't require a mixer, but only a bowl and spoon. 

Bake at 325F. for around 25 minutes or so.  Notice that my measurements aren't exact, because it's just not necessary to be too picky.  I tripled this recipe tonight and put it in our largest aluminum baking pan which measures at around 13" long.  It baked forEVER! :)  For tripling the recipe I used 2 sticks of margarine and not 3 like you would if you measured exactly.  And I used just over 2 cups of sugar for tripling as well.  Adjust as you like.  It's a very friendly recipe!

Served in nifty old bowls with vanilla ice cream makes wonderful comfort food.  And no, there's no photo.  We ate it.  The cobbler, you know.


I can hear the least one humming now and I always say that when she's either singing to herself or humming---all's well in her little world.  So sweet.  The other afternoon, she was in the backyard with one of the dogs puttering in her tiny bit of garden, and I was in our bedroom with the window open a crack so that I could hear her.  She was singing softly to herself the whole time.  I could do to pattern myself after her.  She takes the present moment and totally squeezes every bit of pleasure out of it that she can.  But most kids are pretty good at that, well, until adulthood slaps them in the face.

Grocery shopping today.  It's always nice to get the shelves filled again.  Thankfully Gary has work scheduled, but part of that will be later on in the week.  Trying to take each day as it comes, and sometimes that's so HARD.  I think ahead to the coming days, and panic with thinking of this and that.  Nothing earth-shattering, but plain living.  It can get overwhelming at times, though.

Wish I had a cup of tea beside me.  Already had my morning cup and keep reaching to the side for what's not there.  Must remedy that. :)

Truly, there's nothing pressing against my life just now (except for my sweet Daisy the pug who's asleep on my bare feet), and I need to look at God's solutions and not my issues.  The sermon was on exactly that, and I would be wise to focus on Him and not me.  Again, deep breaths.....

(photo of one of the scoops that my woodboy made)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

On a hot Saturday afternoon

Simmering spaghetti sauce in my new Dutch oven with a recipe from my dearest Tina.   Now in bed, trying to chill out after running errands with Gary, who has more energy than anyone I know, including the kids.  As I've said before---he can always do one. more. thing.  I'm thinking that that's not healthy, but at this stage of the game, he ain't gonna change.  Me?  I can just sit here, but I've said that before as well.  Guess we're a good two-some, being opposites but wouldn't mind him channeling his inner Zen every so often. :)  Think again.

After resting, will put together some yeast dough for bread.  I've already dipped a bit of plain old sandwich bread in the sauce.  It's on the way to yum-ness, but I'll let it cook away.  The Dutch oven is so neat how it keeps things from scorching with the porcelain finish.  And it's a lovely blue, so doubly wonderful.

Was sort of entertaining going to church this evening, but with one son working tonight, he wants to go in the morning.  Guess I'll try to enjoy just being home now.  With nothing bearing down on me for the rest of the day, I can smooth out.  Inform Gary that he can do the same, 'kay?!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursday evening

Listening to a Justin Bieber CD on my computer (so shoot me---it's the fault of our little girls), and just enjoying the night.  Gary updated some things on the Etsy site (which makes me so proud of him), and all is well.

Not much else to say.  Reading Erica Bauermeister's newest book called, 'Joy for Beginners', and enjoying it.  She wrote 'The School of Essential Ingredients' awhile back and I liked that one as well.  She writes a treat in a descriptive sort of way.  Makes you want to do homey little tasks after reading a few lines.

Really, you ought to listen to some Bieber sometime.  Just gets those endorphins working.  Not unlike the dance classes (sniffle) did for me last summer.  I still miss that, but darn it, the expense wasn't do-able after awhile.

Anyway.  Will chill the rest of the night.  Nothing to do but rest.

Artist Christopher Stott

You've got to go see these paintings. Totally amazing. Remember, they're paintings, and not photographs. At first glance, you'll think camera.

Must now shut my mouth since it's been hanging open the last few minutes...whoa.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Love these...

'Spring for Susannah' by Catherine Richmond

Well, this is a first.  'Spring for Susannah' by Catherine Richmond is, to me, a perfect example of Christian Prairie Fiction meets Harlequin Romances.

I think that Mrs. Richmond crossed the line with some of her dialogue and situations regarding sex and marriage with this story.  To give some background, Susannah Underhill is a mail order bride who moves from Detroit to meet her new and unknown husband in the Dakota territories.  So far, so good.  Soon the reader finds out how insecure Susannah is with her husband...and yes, that's probably not unusual considering he's a total stranger.  There's no 'getting-to-know-you' episode, but they're thrown together alone in his sod house and have to learn to get along.  There's nobody else around for miles.  Probably not an unusual set of circumstances in the 1800's if you find yourself a mail order bride.

The husband is very comfortable in his own skin, so to speak, and is anxious to consummate the marriage.  Of course he is.  He's been alone way too long, and conveniently has found himself a wife.  He's like a big, likable puppy dog, but I feel that the author is very blunt and excessive with her handling of this issue.  I just don't think that sex needs to be handled so casually and indelicately.  Call me old-fashioned, but I'll stand by my first impression.

"Susannah wrinkled her nose, tickled by the curly hair on her husband's chest.  She slid down a couple inches to his belly, where his hair lay flat, mink brown against his ivory skin.  Her body stretched across his, as liquid and lazy as the Sheyenne River."


I think that women have become so used to reading about intimate issues in women's fiction, that to have it so blatantly represented by a Christian publisher gives us the big green light to read things that are best left to the imagination.  And to put more icing on the cake, our daughter, who is unmarried and in her early twenties read the book (well, most of it) before I got my hands on it and was offended as well.  I dunno.  Used to, you could count on a Christian publisher being a bit more discreet and tasteful with their writers.  What happened?

(this book was provided free for me to review from litfusegroup)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dibs and dabs

Different things on my mind just now.  I'll go through them, if I may. :)
  • second son is cooking dinner now---he's the main grilling cook at a local restaurant, and here it is his only day off and what is he doing?  grilling naam and pork tenderloin---a much more delightful dinner than i could ever dream up!
  • i did make risotto on sunday night, which was delish, but so HOT to constantly stir in an already warm kitchen.  tasted wonderful, though
  • and middle daughter baked chocolate cupcakes this morning---if we do the inside cooking early, the house isn't quite so wretched later on in the day
  • feeling up to par, and don't have any reason for it---guess my internal chemicals are feeling fine
  • gary gave me his iphone---he got a new (free) phone from our cell phone provider over the weekend, and he made sure i had his old phone---it's not a new iphone, but good enough for me---have always had a flip phone, so this is a step up 
  • dreading 2 book reviews that i have scheduled to go up before the month is out---not always easy to rate a book, esp. when the majority of the reviews already up are positive---i don't set out to be different, but sometimes it seems that way
  • a mild day outside---the rain missed us, but left us with a nice, cloudy day
  • watched a good movie on netflix over the weekend (free with a deal oldest daughter signed up for)---'stone of destiny'---esp. good considering i'm of scottish descent on my dad's side
  • must go tidy now---my main squeeze will be here directly and the house needs to look like somebody's in charge

Doing chores

Last night, the least one was wandering around the house taking photos, mainly of the pugs and her Barbies.  She caught me doing the last of the dishes and when I heard the camera click, I turned around and told her that she needed to forget about taking pictures of me, especially doing the dishes.  She came right back and said that it made her feel cozy.

Who's to argue with that? :)

'Reflecting Him' by Carla McDougal

Carla McDougal shares her enthusiasm for the Lord in her ten-week Bible study titled 'Reflecting Him'.  She really does appear to have a very vivacious personality and it shows.  :)

For the most part, I can see this study being helpful for younger women who are just beginning to grow a family---more so than for older Christian women.  Mrs. McDougal tells personal stories to draw in the reader and they would appeal to the younger mothers who feel that they have little time to fit in a spiritual life.  She makes the study appealing and not a guilt-filled burden, and that's very attractive when so many Bible studies seem to layer on the attitude that we can't get it right. 

More information can be found at Reflective Life Ministries.

(this book was provided free to review from kathy carlton willis communications)

Monday, June 20, 2011

More Journal & Tea goodness

My woodboy has been making sawdust again, and has come up with magnifying glasses this time. Please take a look. I'm partial to the one with the twisted handle...makes me think of a dog chewie. :)  The link to our Etsy shop is on the sidebar.

Just plain prettiness

Thanks, Naomi, for the Pinterest link! :)

Oh, and discovered a new food blog to yearn's called 'Always with Butter' and the photos are a treat. Go here!

So appropriate for this summer's heat :)

From Amy at The Vintage Workshop.  Feel free to click on the image and save to use.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

So funny...

Source: via melissa on Pinterest

And being that I'm married to a guy who livens a room just by entering it---well, this is spot on. :)

On Father's Day

Wish I had a photo of my dad to show here, but all of the pictures of him are regular shots, and not ones on the computer.  I know I could scan one, but probably won't do that.  Suffice it to say that he's missed today.  He passed away from complications of lung cancer 18 years ago, this past May 4th.  I can always do the math for the year because our fourth son was born on September 11th that fall.

Used to, I'd make Daddy a coconut cream pie for Father's Day.  If he and my mom were at church when I brought it to their house, I'd just leave it on the kitchen table with a note.  If I was out of coconut, I'd make a plain cream pie---one of my favorites out of my grandmother's (his mom's) old recipe book.  Trying to drum up memories for him of his own mom's baking, I guess.

I was talking to Gary this morning about wishing I'd been wiser when I knew my own grandparents, and had picked my dad's brain and theirs for facts about their our families.  It's nice to know where you come from, especially when our own children ask about who they favor either in actions or looks.

Must stop now or will go all melancholy on you, and don't want to do that.  For my own sweet husband am now baking his favorite chocolate layer cake with his mom's recipe for frosting.  And the beat goes on. :)

(another photo by my woodboy)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dinnertime on Saturday

Yesterday didn't pan out as I planned because the electricity went out just after I posted.  An electrical pole broke in half and part of our neighborhood was without power until around 7pm.  Thankfully Friday was reasonable outside, in terms of weather.  Oldest son said it only got to 85F. before figuring in the heat index.  With a nice breeze, the house was fine.  Well, until about 5pm when the sun began to bake the roof. 

On the plus side, with the house not being electrified, that subtle hum was absent.  I do love silence. 

All said, we lived. :)

And today has been nice.  Oldest daughter and I got to spend some time together, but the heat today put paid to being out too awfully long.  Gracious me, the South is a scorcher this summer and we've just begun.  But anyway, not to fuss too much---I had a rest this afternoon and you know how sometimes a tiny nap is 'just enough' and you come away feeling all smooth and refreshed?  That just happened.  And if the little girls will avoid asking too many questions or being overly needy, then maybe this mood will last.  We'll see about that, won't we?

Now off to eat navy bean soup and some cornbread, fresh from the oven.  Yum!

(photo not mine)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday, after the rain

Nothin' shakin' here, baby.

But we had a good work day at home yesterday.  Washed things that were doggie, and got the wooden kitchen floor oiled after it was scrubbed, which was a very good thing.  Both the living room/dining room and kitchen got a relatively good tidying and that always makes my heart sing.  I'd been a housekeeping drudge lately, and needed to see things clean in order to feel good inside, you know?

Last weekend seemed so hectic, hoping that this one is more smooth.  I seem to have been surrounded by scads of talkers lately and some quiet would be refreshing.  Oldest daughter and I are going to the art gallery tomorrow morning (free before noon), and that'll be nice.  She and I haven't spent much time together with her work schedule being a bit more full, so I'm looking forward to having her to myself for awhile.  And planning on helping a neighbor move her furniture back in place since she just got new flooring.  That actually might be fun.  Will grocery shop today to free up that chore from the weekend's list of things to do.

Life is so regular and mundane just now.  Not complaining at all.  It's been full of drama for us for awhile and being able to putter around the house without stressing is restful.  And before you ask---our neighbor with mental issues has been quieter as well.  He did take off his dead bolt and door knob from his front door (not what most folks would do, now, is it?) and fastens it somehow with a chain, and is still acting irrational, but he's not quite as odd as he was a couple of weeks ago.  Plus he's gone quite a lot.  Gary suspects that he's self-medicating, if you get my drift.  Hmmm.  But we're not on pins and needles as we were, and for that I'm thankful.

Going to go make out my grocery list now, and hopefully get that done earlier than later.

Take care. :)

(photo by my woodboy)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bits and pieces of my day

  • re-reading a good book I enjoyed a couple of years ago---'the physick book of deliverance dane' by katherine howe
  • it reminds me a bit of dorothy gilman's 'thale's folly' and mary stewart's 'thornyhold'---have enjoyed both of those
  • but you're probably leery of me making recommendations after last night's movie turned out to be a flop!
  • and just to let you know---second son got a bit of relief in terms of his ir*s problem---he talked to a woman on the phone late yesterday who's aware of the first individual sending in forms with our son's information---has things in the works for it to be straightened out---and i thank you dearly for the advice and the prayers :)  it ain't over, but it's better
  • about to eat potato soup for dinner
  • got a new piece of lemon balm from a neighbor who's into herbal things like i am
  • my plant in the garden didn't come back this spring---guess it was tired
  • daisy the pug is sitting on my feet
  • oldest daughter is going to make chocolate chip cookies tonight
  • yay!

Now, about that movie...

Well, just so you don't rush right out and rent 'Another Year' let me tell you that Gary said that it was the worst movie he's EVER seen.  He sighed through the whole thing, and I wasn't very far behind him.  The story had promise---the house where the main couple lived in was so sweet-looking and their relationship was rich, but their friends were so needy and the character of Mary was overwhelmingly awful.

Good acting since folks say that if you dislike a character then they're good at what they do----well, if that's the case, then these actors were hugely gifted.

Save your money.  Wish I'd mentioned it after seeing it rather than before.  But then again, I'd not have mentioned it at all at that rate.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another pretty day

The bedroom window is still up from yesterday afternoon's rainstorm.  We even turned off the air conditioning overnight.  Lovely.  I'm drinking a cup of Lady Grey and just having a quiet minute or two.  The washer is already full and ready to turn on, but will wait so as not to wake up the kids yet.  The younger boys' bedroom is next to the kitchen (where the washer and dryer are) and I don't want to disturb them.

Planning on renting 'Another Year' today.  Saw the previews a few months ago and have really looked forward to it being available, so today's the day. The reviews are mixed with some folks fussing about it being a movie where nothing happens.  Happily, that's the sort of movie/book I like.  I don't much care for suspense right now, and will go out of my way to avoid it.  A quiet, solid movie sounds fine to me.

Another puttery day planned for today.  Worked in the front garden yesterday after the rain and got lots of things cleaned out that have grown during the hot spell.  Thinned the forsythias a tiny bit and cut out many, many oak tree seedlings.  They tend to take over if we're not careful.  Might move some plants when I get dressed.  Part of the flower beds have been neglected, so we're going to move out those roses and perennials to the other side of the yard and let this part go to grass, we think.  I'm not keen on doing much at a time, and the heat will slow us down, but it's a plan nonetheless.

Will go now and finish my tea and read a bit.  Enjoy your day. :)

(photo of the oversized teacup oldest daughter gave me for mother's day)

Monday, June 13, 2011

A rainy Monday afternoon

A totally dishy thunderstorm just blew through, bringing with it some acceptable hail and much cooler temperatures.  I'm not even fussing about having to bring in the clothes I'd been hanging out on the lines all morning. :)  Right now I'm in our bedroom with the window up---it's still raining a bit, but is in the 70's now.  Bliss.  And to think that the weather guys thought the heat index would be 112F. today.  Don't quite think that will happen.

Listen, I have a prayer request that's sort of odd, but might be within the experience level of maybe one of you, or a friend.  Our 21 year old son sent in his taxes via e-filing, the IR*S turned down his e-file, and was told that he'd already filed (not true).  Turns out he's been hit with identify theft and had to send them in through the regular mail.  This is what he was told to do on the phone when he contacted them.  There's been a further mix-up and he's been sent a letter that he owes big bucks.  Was even told that it was his second notice (not true, either) to pay.  Well, from going over his taxes (which were done correctly), we know this to be incorrect.  Rather he's due a refund, that's for sure.  He's going to possibly go though an IR*S mediator to get this settled, has already talked to the FT*C, and my prayer is that he's able to keep his wits about him in the meantime.  It's very distracting.  Apparently the person who stole his identity has their paperwork now mixed in with our son's.  Seems our address is now the official one for both the thief and us.  And now it's all draining in our son's lap.  Clarity on the IR*S's behalf would be a nice thing to experience, you know?

Must putter around now.  Am enjoying my quiet today.  Have to put our boy's tax issue in the Lord's Hands and not fuss with it.  The truth is---most things don't require rushing about, and his problem definitely belongs in that category.  Deep breaths.

Take care, sweet ones.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday afternoon quiet

I've said this before, but really, there are times when I feel more myself than others.  It's like things are smooth in my head, and I don't feel addled.  Like I'm getting enough alone time and interruptions aren't so annoying.  I'm getting there.  Still get easily agitated, but maybe that's partly the fault of the heat outside.  Least that's what I believe.

Really, I think that with the past 6 months being heavy with taking care of my mom---well, the pressures have been greater.  Now she can drive herself around, bathe herself, and the biggie---she can do her own hair, including rolling it.  With her (now healed) broken arm having limited her movement so much, it's taken some time before simple tasks have been undertaken.

Now I can take a breath. 

But it's hard to get out of the routine of jumping at every little thing.  I've grown used to interruptions to the extent that I find it hard to settle.  My nerves are a bit---shall we say, delicate?  And at home I've grown so used to hearing, "Mom, can you?" or "Mom, can we?" to the extent that I often find it difficult to say no.

So, for the next couple of days I'll try to depend on the other folks here to jump when someone calls out.  I'm off errand duty, and will hopefully spend the rest of the week, after that, puttering around.  My spirits need healing and am hoping a bit of strict home-time followed by a mild week will put me to rights.  Or at least set me on my way.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Delicious rain

We're finally getting rain after what seems like a lengthy dry spell.  Or maybe it's not been so long since it's rained.  The last long drink we had was when the storms hit Alabama and Missouri.  Has that been a month?  Maybe 2 weeks?  Since we got such flooding here with the Mississippi, I think the feeling was that we didn't need rain.  But since our house isn't in the flood plain, we've gotten awfully dry.

The gutters are full at the street and we have thunder and all the trimmings.

I just love it. :)

But there was some mighty wind just prior to the rain coming.  Gary and I were on the front porch and heard a loud crack when a huge gust of wind blew.  Went to see our neighbors across the street and one of them was outside eyeballing one of their tree's limbs that'd overhanging the house. They're afraid it'll fall on the house, and it seems possible.   In the course of the conversation he said that they had the white raccoon living in their attic.  The same one that ate through our roof.  Not funny, but sort of interesting.  And their landlord isn't too keen on doing anything about it.  Huh.  Double trouble, yes?

Ready to chill now.  I've felt scattered and am having a time putting my finger on why.  Maybe this break in the weather will help.  Rain always does.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

'The Waiting Game' by Eileen Button

'The Waiting Game' by Eileen Button is a wonderful book.  In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I began reading it as soon as the postman brought it at around 11am (last Saturday), and finished it 12 hours later.  And it's not that it's a quick read, but that it is so enjoyable.  Mrs. Button is down-to-earth and very appealing.  The chapters are auto-biographical and are set in chronological order.  She talks honestly about hardship, God's grace, and her frustrations with being a pastor's wife---all the while being a touch rebellious.

For anyone who needs a dose of reality, this is the book to pick up.  In fact, if I was swimming in money, I'd buy a box of copies to give out.  I just hope Mrs. Button writes more.  She's a treasure.

(i received this book free to review from booksneeze/thomas nelson publishers)

Still pluggin' along...

It's another hot one.  Pugs have recovered from their over-heating the other day and are eating regularly again.  Just can't leave them outside for more than about 5 minutes at a time.  When we got them as 5-1/2 week old babies (three and a half years ago), the woman who gave them to us (from a puppy mill) stressed over and over about how they weren't outside dogs.  Too true.  But the odd thing is---we've not been leaving them outside.  Just have to be careful.  They are the ultimate lap dogs, however. :)

About to re-arrange the living room.  Figured that since I need to get behind stuff to vacuum (in an enthusiastic fashion), we might as well do it up big.  LOVE changing things around, since it sort of refreshes my brain.  Would like to do the same in the garden---weed, etc., but with this heat, the bermuda grass that's invaded parts of the flower beds will just have to have its way.  That darn ground ivy has gone nuts as well.  So sad that weedy-looking things are more prolific than the really pretty things. I realize it has its uses as an herb, but I didn't invite it to TAKE OVER!

Must go now.  Will likely whip up a batch of those dishy no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies to reward us after/during the cleaning process.  Sounds like a good at-home-sort-of-day.

(quote image found at pinterest)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Finally....some cake!

Tuesdays have turned out to be my favorite day of the week.  The shock of Monday mornings has passed by then, usually we have more food in the house again (after eating it all up over the weekend), and the work mentality hasn't hit yet.  And I'm a homemaker---what's up with that?

And even though it'll be another outrageously hot day (98F. with heat index of 101F.), I hear that the humidity isn't supposed to be as wretched as it might be (or as I often say, 'might could be'), I'm baking a cake this morning.  Vanilla with chocolate frosting.  Homemade cake except for a can of fudge frosting that called my name at the store yesterday.  I tend to be a scratch cook, but with one inexpensive product sure to make my life easier, canned frosting it is---at least for today.  If I can keep the kids mitts out of it before the cake is baked.  Those cans of frosting tend to need to be tasted repeatedly before they're actually used.

And later on will do the dusting and vacuuming that's been avoided for days and days.  And pugs are year-long shedders.  You get the picture.  And I don't have to get out except to go to the drugstore for something later on.  I love low-impact days---ones that don't force me out of the house overmuch.  This is that day. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Here we go again...

  • our neighbor is back at his house---we heard his car alarm honk this morning, just before 3am, and gary looked out the kitchen window---came back to bed and gave a big sigh
  • jeff had been away from the house since thursday night, so we'd had a nice respite from his odd behavior
  • break's over, i guess
  • left for the grocery store mid-afternoon and he was busily spraying round-up weed killer all around his yard--he has a thing for spraying stuff outside
  • i spoke to him as i got in my truck and he said hi in a normal way, but his eyes look spooky---there's no expression in them, and with him having crisp, light blue eyes---well, the result is a bit unusual
  • mental illness is wicked, just wicked
  • i feel on tenterhooks
  • but thankful for food in the house, and will make a cake tomorrow morning before the heat really sets in--trying to re-focus my focus, you know
  • gary has a bit of work in the shop, and for that we're grateful
  • life is a bit tight-feeling, but do-able
  • the heat index is only 104F. right now---actually feels cooler than yesterday (smirk)
  • going to try to attend to just what's in front of me, and that means i have to vacuum and dust like mad tomorrow (probably a poor choice of words considering, though, don't you think?!!)
  • take care and do something fun---stay cool for me :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'd scream if it wasn't so darn hot!

iced tea Pictures, Images and PhotosThere have been books I've read in the past that describe endless hot days and how the characters are looking for a break in the weather.  The rainstorm hangs in the distance (well, not here, but I can wish).  Yep, I can certainly identify with that.  And it's making the dogs ill.  The pugs can't be outside more than a few minutes, and their stomachs are unsettled even if their visits to go the bathroom are very brief.  It's very upsetting. 

We need some relief---like lots of folks.  Southerners are often made fun of for acting nutty (read Southern authors and you'll get my drift).  I say it's the heat and humidity that get to us.  Fries the brain. 

The heat index is supposed to reach 111F. today.  Is that even fair?  And it's only early June.  Usually this nonsense is an August sort of insanity.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

On Saturday morning

The most brilliant thing I've done here lately was to go the grocery store yesterday, saving me from the crowd today.  So smart.  And the meals I got are the easy kind---the sort you don't have to turn on the oven for.  Sure am still craving cake, though. :)  Maybe if I talk about it enough, one of the kids will go buy one.  The grocery store we go to has a yummy refrigerated case full of their cakes---an Italian Cream Cake would go over nicely.  Must drop hints.

Our neighbor has been gone from his house since Thursday night, which has been a wonderful break for us, tension-wise, but we are curious and concerned about where he might be.  Hoping he's in treatment, but won't get too optimistic until we really know.

Told the kids we'd likely stay in from church this weekend.  The place we go is across town, and my Suburban gets older by the minute, and with the air conditioning cranked up high it gets sad.  It labors to go up hills (a weary transmission) and with the temperature supposed to be 99F. before the heat index, well, I figure it'd be wise to spare the truck any more stress than necessary.  Plus, with the drama next door, it's nice to lay low and be quiet.

Rest is good.

(photo from a wonderful-looking cake!)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday afternoon

Husband has lost the verve for sleeping anymore.  He's fretting, I tell you.  Work, the neighbor, customers who continually seem to think that we live on love and not money, work (did I already mention that?), the world at large---you name it and he's taking it on.

Plus the woman who owns the antique shop where he has his shop is changing things around (this would fit under the work worry category).  We're not sure of her immediate plans, and maybe she's still trying to figure it out as well, but her indecision is making him a bit nervous.  She already let our oldest daughter go, who'd been working for her for 5 years, so that daughter could get another job before she set her plans in motion.  Said daughter is now happily working at swanky monogramming shop for swanky customers.  Daughter does posh pretty well---at least she fits in, being such a sweet girl and not given to snootiness. :)

Change is harder the older we get, it seems.  You think everything will stay, pretty much, the same and then you get gobsmacked and knocked off your rocker at the same time.  Reminds me of being a kid and visiting my grandparents.  The aunts (pronounced ain't in the South here when you add a name to it---case in point---Ain't Viola---a real aunt of mine who I loved dearly) and uncles would be there and I figured it'd always be the same.  They'd live forever and we'd never grow up.  Huh.  They've all gone to Heaven and we did grow up.

Anyway, h-o-p-e-f-u-l-l-y normalcy is the name of the game today and this weekend.  Cool dinners and perhaps a mild set of circumstances concerning next-door neighbor (pretty please?).  And grocery shopping this afternoon to save me from having to do it tomorrow.  It's still darn hot and no relief in sight.  I'll water the yard a bit when the sun lightens up after dinner, and get the flowers all damp and comfortable.  The Blacked-Eyed Susans are coming up, but not ready to bloom yet, and the Evening Primroses are up, but not quite as numerous as last year, probably because the Susans are taking over.  The Mexican Primroses are finishing out and the Dianthus is happily blooming---they seem to adore the heat.  The Butterfly bushes look good, but their leaves are yellowing---must water them in more, I guess.

Enough blathering.  Time to make the grocery list.  I'm thinking 7-layer dip for dinner.  And wishing for cake.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Into Friday morning

Up until recently our house has been a safe place.  But with our neighbor behaving so erratically, that's changed.  I feel on alert, wary and a bit scared.  Home just isn't the same.  We find that we look over our shoulders and maybe pay more attention to what he does than is healthy on our part.  But really, when a person who's been so steady-seeming and normal for years does a turn around, it does cause a person to waggle their head back and forth.

He's been back and forth to his house.  His mother appears every so often, but only seems to bring food.  He needs an intervention, or something will probably happen to force it.

I understand depression (which smacks me upside the head at times), but mental illness of this sort is beyond me.  He's crying out for help and nobody who's equipped to do something is doing anything.

Must do cozy things on Friday to allow me to relax.  Would bake, but with the temperatures in the upper nineties, that'd be ridiculous!  Will wash bedsheets, putter around and figure out what to have for dinner.  Am reading such a good book by Karen Hill called, 'On Folly Beach'.  Plain dishy.  And a highlight to the day will be a visit to a neighbor who's a recent cancer survivor.  Her throat still gives her fits and she has something called lichen planus that's bothersome.  Offered to make her some colloidal silver and she's very game for natural supplements.  I love that.  She said she'd give me a jade plant---maybe we can trade.  And maybe I won't kill it.  Give me garden plants and they'll thrive.  Houseplants are an iffy proposition.  Succulents seem to be safe, though.  They don't weep when I bring them home.

Take care and eat some cake if you get the chance.  Remember me---someone who does love a frosted cake. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

'The Lost Art of Insincerity' by Angela Hunt

I've been a fan of Angela Hunt for years, ever since she wrote the Heavenly Daze series with Lori Copeland.  She's a sweet writer, and seems to hit on the heart of what she's writing about.  The same with 'The Fine Art of Insincerity'.  The story centers around 3 sisters who go to St. Simon's Island to clear out their now-deceased grandmother's house.  A seller has been found and they have one long Memorial Day weekend to take what they want/need and have the rest disposed of.

What's interesting is how Mrs. Hunt portrays her characters (with different fonts for each chapter relating to each sister---it works great in distinguishing them from one another), so you see these women from their own viewpoint and from that of the other sisters.  It's not always complimentary, and interestingly enough, they each tend to see themselves in a more appealing light than the other sisters do.  Well, one sister isn't stuck on herself, but I won't spoil the story.

With many marriages between them (though one has been married just one time), this mirrors the many marriages of this one grandmother, and each sister has issues with what commitment to a husband really means.  The weekend is tragic in several ways, not in a long-lasting way, but in the situations that present themselves.  I highly recommend this as a restful summertime sort of book.  And the ending is perfect with a spiritual bent that I really liked.

(this book was provided free for me to review from glass road public relations)

Wednesday morning

For the past two mornings, I've taken my cup of tea back to bed to enjoy in the dark.  Gary sleeps beside me and with the fan blowing the air around, it's probably the best part of the day.  I don't like to press that point too much, though, because if that's the best part, then the rest of the day is downhill.  That would be sad.

Looking to tidy up the house, vacuum up doggie dust bunnies, and make a curtain for the door in the living room---the sunlight coming in through the window in that door at dinnertime is so harsh at this time of year, and a barrier of some sort is necessary.  Right now we have a curtain there that's just too thin.  We have room-darkening shades in most of the windows, and have to draw them early.  I don't want a shade on the door, so will sew later on.  Least that's what I'm telling folks.

Our neighbor appears to be gone today, and for that I'm grateful.  By saying that, I hope it means that he's somewhere better than his house, which has turned into a fortress of sorts.  His mom was at his house yesterday, took him out for dinner and late last night he left.  Not sure what that means, but he hinted at going to a psychiatrist today, so we're hopeful.  Especially hoping that his family will be able to get him some much needed help.  He's been turning off the power to his house being fearful of *them* and I know it's gotten hot as blazes inside.  I want the old Jeff back, but it may take awhile before that happens.

In the meantime, will do what I'm here for, and that's doing my stint as a wife and mother.  And, oh, might write a bit as well.

(photo from tumblr)