A totally dishy thunderstorm just blew through, bringing with it some acceptable hail and much cooler temperatures. I'm not even fussing about having to bring in the clothes I'd been hanging out on the lines all morning. :) Right now I'm in our bedroom with the window up---it's still raining a bit, but is in the 70's now. Bliss. And to think that the weather guys thought the heat index would be 112F. today. Don't quite think that will happen.
Listen, I have a prayer request that's sort of odd, but might be within the experience level of maybe one of you, or a friend. Our 21 year old son sent in his taxes via e-filing, the IR*S turned down his e-file, and was told that he'd already filed (not true). Turns out he's been hit with identify theft and had to send them in through the regular mail. This is what he was told to do on the phone when he contacted them. There's been a further mix-up and he's been sent a letter that he owes big bucks. Was even told that it was his second notice (not true, either) to pay. Well, from going over his taxes (which were done correctly), we know this to be incorrect. Rather he's due a refund, that's for sure. He's going to possibly go though an IR*S mediator to get this settled, has already talked to the FT*C, and my prayer is that he's able to keep his wits about him in the meantime. It's very distracting. Apparently the person who stole his identity has their paperwork now mixed in with our son's. Seems our address is now the official one for both the thief and us. And now it's all draining in our son's lap. Clarity on the IR*S's behalf would be a nice thing to experience, you know?
Must putter around now. Am enjoying my quiet today. Have to put our boy's tax issue in the Lord's Hands and not fuss with it. The truth is---most things don't require rushing about, and his problem definitely belongs in that category. Deep breaths.
Take care, sweet ones.