Sunday, June 19, 2011

On Father's Day

Wish I had a photo of my dad to show here, but all of the pictures of him are regular shots, and not ones on the computer.  I know I could scan one, but probably won't do that.  Suffice it to say that he's missed today.  He passed away from complications of lung cancer 18 years ago, this past May 4th.  I can always do the math for the year because our fourth son was born on September 11th that fall.

Used to, I'd make Daddy a coconut cream pie for Father's Day.  If he and my mom were at church when I brought it to their house, I'd just leave it on the kitchen table with a note.  If I was out of coconut, I'd make a plain cream pie---one of my favorites out of my grandmother's (his mom's) old recipe book.  Trying to drum up memories for him of his own mom's baking, I guess.

I was talking to Gary this morning about wishing I'd been wiser when I knew my own grandparents, and had picked my dad's brain and theirs for facts about their our families.  It's nice to know where you come from, especially when our own children ask about who they favor either in actions or looks.

Must stop now or will go all melancholy on you, and don't want to do that.  For my own sweet husband am now baking his favorite chocolate layer cake with his mom's recipe for frosting.  And the beat goes on. :)

(another photo by my woodboy)