It's not often you find a book about someone who's been there and back, and is willing to own up to their mistakes. But honestly, who hasn't messed up? I think it's the public shaming that's so rare, and something we tend to be unfamiliar with. Most of us commit sin in a more quiet and private way. Rod Jetton's life came to a glorious head with fast-paced popularity, but his fall was just as swift and not-so-glorious.
Rod got in touch with me a few weeks ago about a new book he's written called Success Can Kill You---he is incredibly open about his rise and fall in the political scene, his indiscretions, failed marriage and woven through all of it is God's grace.
I have to admit to not knowing who Rod was before his email. I'm not up on politics in Missouri where he was in office, but he was the House Speaker and gained that prestige within four years to being elected to the state legislature. He was also marked as a possible candidate for the Governor's office at a future date. That in itself is heady information. He did an awful lot of good for the Republican Party while he was in office, but that's not all of what the book is about---the point of his writing it in the first place, is to minister to others who get caught up in the glamour and ego-building lifestyle of being success-oriented, no matter what occupation. Of wanting what we want at the cost of everything, whether it be our marriages, morals, or faith. He suffered through each of these and more.
With the help of God Almighty, his parents and close friends, Rod was able to turn his life around. I'm not saying it was easy, since it came at a huge cost, but he is recovering.
I'd recommend this book to anyone who's so driven that they've forgotten their roots. We can become so enamoured with fame and success that we forget God's hand on us. That's Rod's point. To warn of the dangers of becoming so entrenched in work, especially if the job becomes our main focus, that we neglect our families and our faith. There's a price to pay, and hopefully with the ministry of Rod's book, many men and women can heed his warning. Sadly though, we think it'll never happen to us.
Now, as an added perk, Rod sent me an extra copy to give away on the blog. If you're interested, please email me at and on June first, I'll notify the winner after tossing your names in a basket. You'll want to read it, believe me. :)
More information can be found about Rod at The Recovering Politician, and at his own website here.
(i received this book free to review for my honest opinion)