Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Odds and ends

Feeling a tad more overwhelmed than normal, which is saying something.

Gary's been under the weather....think it's dehydration....working outside and not drinking enough. Whupped him bad, even stayed in bed yesterday, which never happens.

Mom gets re-evaluted for her therapy this week, and I was told she's probably on target for another 8 weeks of it. She wants to be done with the bother, but unless she really steps up to the plate, onward they'll come. It really is up to her.

And in a troublesome piece of news, a college-aged son in a dear family we know (large family of ten kids), went out looking for trouble, found it, and the baby is due in December. Very disturbing, especially considering his Christian upbringing. Sadly, I understand, since this could've been the scenario we faced last year. Keeps you humble, that's for sure.

On a totally unrelated topic, read Ann Lamott's newest book 'Stitches' and it's wonderful. She often calls God by the feminine, so.....not buying that, but the book really is magic, at least for me.

Just started raining, so will go now so I can look out. Love rain in the afternoon.  Thunder too. Lovely.