It's funny, or not so funny, but I tend to run with a buzz in my head most of the time. Tends to be, I think, because I've got too much on my mind----always thinking ahead to the next task. I dislike that about me, but it's been this way for years. I was talking to Joseph (nat'l guard son) on the phone last night, and said it was hard to take it down a notch and really get to a place where I feel relaxed. It doesn't happen instantly, or as soon as I want it to. Sometimes even a whole day will pass before I get to where I feel totally smooth. That can't be healthy.
Oldest daughter was sharing the same thing, how she'll be reading in her bed after dinner and will realize how tight her shoulders feel. And she's just reading---no pressures, just resting. Well, supposedly. Guess her body doesn't catch up to what her brain is doing. At least not all at once.
We're all too wound up. Maybe it's the way life is, but I find that a lame excuse. To be in a constant state of waiting for the other shoe to drop is probably harmful to our hearts and minds. Holding our breath.
I want to change that. To learn the knack of finding that quiet place without having it take so much time. Suggestions appreciated. :)