Went out for dinner with my main squeeze last night...had been a very long while, and afterward we went to a nearby used bookstore. I found Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies, that my sweet friend, Bonnie, had strongly recommended. Granted, I've been cautious about Lamott (though I've read a couple of her books), mainly because I'm pretty tight in my attitude about some things, and profanity is one of them. Lamott is free with her tongue, but when you get where she's coming from, it's not so startling.
Okay, fast forward. I read up to page 80-something last night and felt like I could finally exhale. About my life. She's got a gift for writing from the heart, no holding back, and that was somehow so refreshing. And I laughed. My goodness, did I laugh. Actually laughed so hard that Gary put down his phone (he was reading Hamlet, and couldn't concentrate with me making the waterbed rock so much). And cried, but mostly nodded my head in total agreement. I felt blessed. It was like I'd taken the very best anti-depressant known to man (which would probably be good for me on an ordinary day), and it spoke to my spirit as well. Funny how God has chosen all sort of folks to be His followers. We're not all Republican, right-wing, homeschoolers now, are we? Yes, He definitely gets the last laugh, as is appropriate.
Reminded me that I could try less hard to live my life. I'm usually so angsty and wound up. Read an email this morning from a site I subscribe to (Marian Vischer), and it hits the nail on the head as well. I believe the Lord is speaking to me and providing several ways for me to find myself again. Very settling. I'm not supposed to be running around in a tizzy all the time, but am meant to be enjoying my life as well. Do you think? Joy, perhaps? Plus I feel relief when women talk about the messy parts. I got lots of that.
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For the rest of this hot, hot, hot day will go do Mom's shopping (did I mention that Gary's Suburban doesn't have air conditioning that works?), wash her car (which just sits), hose off carport, mop kitchen floor, clean bathrooms, vacuum, bang head against table, help her bathe, roll her hair (glad I have help for all of this).....then, the fun part is going with Gary to meet oldest daughter and sweet Indian boyfriend to look at a car for her possibly to buy. That's worth all the work I have to get through beforehand.
The rest of the weekend should be low-key. Buying flowers for the altar tomorrow to celebrate a birthday, and that's about it for my have-to's. Will finish the Lamott as well. All good.