Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday night

Was reading T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets last night and while I'm a bit rusty on poetry lately, having only read Ted Kooser for any long while, it still gets to me.  I'll be reading along, and Eliot's use of words smacks me upside the head, causing me to cry.  I'm such a mess.

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And I've hurt my left knee, further aggravated by driving oldest daughter's stick shift, which had a new clutch recently installed on it.  Tight.  So my kneecap is wobbling a bit, and I'll have to do exercises to strengthen the muscles up.  Iced now, and therapy after it stops hurting.  Slows me down, though, which I need.  Forced stillness, that is, unless I need to hobble somewhere.

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In addition, just spent some time in tears for one of my oldest friends.  We've known one another since ninth grade.  Had just written her online tonight asking prayer for our Joseph, and she shared that her 'just graduated from high school' youngest daughter had moved in last night with her unsaved boyfriend and his mother.  What is wrong with people?  Young people in particular.  Just breaks my heart.  And I've been sharing with a sweet friend at church whose son is seriously dating an unbeliever.  Can't tear himself away from her.  Conflicted.  My friend and her husband are adamant about believers not being paired with those who don't know the Lord.  Recipe for disaster, either now or later.  There's a fight to win.  And not later.  Time to get rowdy with those demons who've got their claws in our children.

Listening to Mercy Me's newest CD.  It helps.