Listening to music ( them). Tired from a seemingly long week, and grateful for the weekend. I was thinking earlier that it seems that there's so much to get through from Sunday to Sunday. It's like much more than 6 days pass between Lord's Days. But we have things to be thankful for since last week.
Speaking of Sunday, I bought 3 dozen roses for the young man's birthday tomorrow. The altar will have red, brilliant yellow and a yellow/red rose as well. A dozen of each. The mixed color is yellow on the outside of the flower, and red in the center. So pretty.
And as to blessings...oldest daughter bought the car we went to look at last night. Wonderful situation all around. The Lord has really watched over/guided her, and it appears that the sweet Mexican gentleman she bought it from is a believer. Such a love. The whole issue of her truck being stolen, her getting an extended rental, which wasn't even in her policy (it was a gift), and finally finding this gem. And she only had to pay $150 of her own money to purchase it outright, her payment from the insurance company (Geico) was so generous. Cool all around. And even though it took several weeks of looking, it was worth the wait. Now she's got to learn to drive a stick---which is my personal favorite. It'll be fun to teach her, and I'll get to borrow it. :)
Finally, with the world in major flux, I just don't have it in me to wrestle anymore. Health issues with one son's waywardness left me drained. Now I'm fine, but feel sort of delicate. And had fallen into some anemia again, so boosted up my iron, and am resting more. In days past, women took care of themselves when a situation would arise. They would indulge in more self-care than we accept at present. An old-fashioned mindset, but one that's valid. One that we should reconsider nowadays.
Now will go. Second son will be here soon to eat on his way home to his apartment. He's preaching at the inner-city church, and is taking on more responsibility, which we're concerned for. He's of a servant spirit, but has difficulty saying 'no' when it's appropriate. As a result, he's usually exhausted. Prayers for my Jacob appreciated.
Take care all. Have a sweet Sabbath.