Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

In a minute I'll begin finishing up the tidying up from the holidays. I was away from home overmuch yesterday, first having lunch with an old friend who was in town visiting relatives, and then, last night, my niece was at my mom's with her son, and we'd never met him. He's two and adorable. One of my older brothers has 2 grandchildren and they're both so cute. Always a treat to see them.

Anyway, back to the cleaning. I love the way the house feels all skinny when the decorations are down. Moving the sofa, rearranging the side tables, and dusting everything thoroughly always makes me feel more perky.

And it's nice to begin a new year with a fresh look in the house. Sure, things need painting and the bathroom floor sags just a tad, but it's home. Can't beat that.

Dinner is leftover spaghetti from last night, and we'll make some yeast rolls to go with that. Our New Year's Eve celebration isn't really any big shucks. We just do the regular routine. I enjoy turning that mental page on a new year, though. This year of 2008 has been stressful and wearing. I won't think too far into 2009, but will take each day as it comes.

Off to do my thing. Enjoy your day. And try my advice for now: God will make a way when there seems to be no way. My motto today. :)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Pug love

That's one of our Pugs, Violet, up on the header. Our oldest daughter took the shot, and it made me so happy, I had to use it, if only briefly. Depends on my mood, I guess. In the meantime---enjoy!

Her face does sort of match the title of the blog, though, don't you think? She does look contemplative. As for the joyful expression, that's up for grabs!

Week's end

Supposedly the temperature right now, at almost 7:30am, is 68 degrees. We've got a good wind going and the sky is thick with swift-moving clouds. Perfect. I love winter in the South. 'Course with a cold front coming our way late this afternoon, my delight might waver a bit. Tornadoes are not my friend, and when we have dramatic changes, the sirens blow and we pay closer attention.

For now, I'll enjoy the overcast morning and having a couple of windows up. Even slept with our bedroom window open. In December. Love it!

Off to have breakfast in this quiet house and snuggle Pugs. My intention is to enjoy the day, not worry, and let God take care of business. Faith-stretching, I call it.

Friday, December 26, 2008

After the holidays

While my husband is ready to buy wood and get to work on these projects (finally, after a dry spell) I really want to have a couple more days of holiday-ness. I'm not ready to face the pressures of real life, but want to chill. Not easy in this busy household.

Monday will get here soon enough, but the fact is---a house supported by a husband's self-employment forces you into a spot to work when you can, and as much as you can. Not always fun. Sometimes more challenging than I'd prefer.

And I'm noticing that the Lord and I run on opposing timetables. He sees things totally differently, and it seems I'm a bit slow on the uptake with that, aren't I? While I have things all settled in my head and have organized the living daylights out of situations, I'm seeing that God's viewpoint on how I should run my days is so varied from mine. I used to figure that if I prayed about something, then what followed must be correct. I limit myself by what I can actually see.

I'm rambling.

But I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm making moves to slow down my thinking. To live more in a way that's eternally-minded. I go from task to task, relieved when one is finished and I can be free to go to the next one. Doesn't leave much room for fun, but gets the job done. I had an eye-opening situation come at me yesterday, and it caused me to stop and realize how blessed I am, and how I often take that for granted. I go for life at a swift pace (easy to do when you're caring for a family of 10) and seldom pause except by demand. My one weakness is reading, and unfortunately that tends to be more of an escape than a joy at times.

Something to think about, but then again, I really don't want to over-think it. That would end up making my attempts at slowing down part of my get it done mindset. Don't want to do that.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day thoughts

There's something about the end of Christmas Day that settles me. Maybe it's the excitement winding down, or the anticipation of the New Year ahead. I'm not sure, but I like this feeling every year. I want to clean (well, after recovering from all the holiday hub-bub) and throw out and reorganize. I have high hopes, but not so high that I'll instantly disappoint myself. And while I could begin fresh and new just any old day, there's something hopeful about doing it in a few days, on the first day of the first month of a new year.

Notice this journal here began December 1st. I can't seem to start anew with something in the middle of the month or midweek. I have to have definite beginnings, so January 1st works fine with me.

And taking into consideration that I'm not an idealist, I tend to be pretty fair with myself. There will be few expectations that are too difficult to attain. Well, I hope not. I turn fifty in February, and that's enough to tackle in one year, don't you think? Plus, the ages that a few of the kids will reach in 2009 will be 20, 18, 16 and 13. Awesome years in themselves. Phew! This coming year will be full of milestones.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

I'm tired. But to our delight we've enjoyed some wonderful weather today. Temperatures in the low seventies (yep, you heard right!) and sunshine. I was wondering how the day would turn out at around 5am when the wind picked up and the rain dumped buckets on us. The backyard was a swamp until a couple of the kids cleared out the gully we have to have near the front fence. It backs up with the oak leaves from our tree in the backyard, and with the fence being wooden----things just press against it.

As for the rest of the day---present wrapping to do, stocking stuffing, and Christmas Eve service at church. Looking forward to that. Quiet and peaceful. A good dose of that sounds just the ticket.

As an additional note, my husband received a second work deposit on a job. And, in a Tiny Tim sort of way we had a further blessing. Yesterday I was concerned that the turkey we'd been given as a gift (probably about an 6-8 pounder) wouldn't stretch far enough for Christmas dinner. Prayed about it and figured things would work out. What a sense of humor the Lord has. No sooner had the prayer left my thoughts then one of the boys got a call from another neighbor. She wanted him to come up. He came back home with a smoked turkey. Cooked and ready.

Just a word of encouragement for those of you who wait. It can be so hard, but is such a huge relief when the Lord acts so that we can see it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Blog address

Just to say. I'll be keeping the blog here and will close the one (Tea with Milk) where I'd posted for the last year or so. I said I'd make a decision before the end of the year, and what do you know, I have. Will eventually change around my Mother's Hour website, but am in no hurry. A slower pace. No frets. A very good thing.

For any of you who sweetly link to me, you can now make the change permanently (or at least for a year) to here.

Thanks for caring!

Christmas Eve-Eve

First off, a praise to the Lord for customers who do what they say they'll do. And while money isn't supposed to be where our heart is, the absence of it does make life harder. I'm thankful for a deposit which sets our minds at ease a bit. Thought that those of you who've prayed (and I know some of you really have) needed to hear that.

Today I take the least one out to lunch at McDonald's and then she gets to shop for a gift for *her person*. Not sure who that is, but it'll be fun to see what she sees as the perfect gift. It'll be from the drugstore or dollar store, so she'll really enjoy that.

The weather's warming up to around 50 today, with rain forecast. The map shows us now getting freezing rain, but it's dry as a bone out there. You just can't trust what those silly weather maps say, can you? I brought in the clothes off of the line at around 11pm, had forgotten them up 'til then, and had to pry them off of the lines. Am so glad we're having a bit of a warm-up.

Off to settle on the couch with Pugs. All the dogs were up too early---6am---but now that they're all fed, are ready for a snuggle. Whatever they want....whatever they want. This said by the head sucker around here. :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas week thoughts

Got to go to church last night, which was a very good thing...had missed last weekend. Walked into the service feeling down in the dumps, but left feeling much more hopeful and optimistic. I have to continually boost my morale, and preach to myself about faith. I do such a lousy job with that, and it's a constant effort to hold my head up sometimes.

I sound like a droopy drawers, but don't mean to. I just want to be honest. I think folks have such high standards of sharing sometimes, and I think it's necessary to be blatantly honest instead. We pretend all's well, when the opposite is true. Grin and bear it. Well, nuts to that. We're having financial hard times and there's no shame in that. Wish the Lord would come in and remedy all of it, and He might, but in the meantime, I have to behave as if I believe He is what He says He is.

He speaks and things happen. I have to quit worrying about what I can actually see, and trust Him to take care of things. And you know? Just saying it causes me to sit up a little straighter.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Uh, I'm gonna gloat here and mention that it's 70 degrees outside and sunny. Living in the South has real advantages, let me tell you. I've been so hungry for the sunshine, not sure I could've stood another dark, dreary day. I love rain, but enough is enough!

A gentle reminder

Recommendation to self: Stay away from sensation-seeking news sites. Avoid any talk about end times or economic downturns. Seek instead to find peace in the midst of the nonsense. Remember these verses when the world tries to shove their brand of pessimism down your throat.

"The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, and their inheritance will endure forever. In times of disaster they will not wither, in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.....I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread. They are always generous and lend freely; their children will be blessed. Turn from evil and do good; then you will always live securely. For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake His faithful ones."~Psalm 38:18-19,25-28

Going to enjoy the day. Oldest daughter bought us both tickets to see A Christmas Carole (in play form) tonight and I know that'll be fun. We did the same thing last year (though I bought my own ticket then), and it was so relaxing. I need that---desperately. And later on, after we finish up the schoolwork, the little ones and I intend on making a test batch of sugar cookies (Angel cookie recipe from Aunt Dimity's mystery books) to see if they'll work out for gift-giving. We call them Prancer cookies since they end up looking like the sugar cookies the little girl gives the reindeer in the movie Prancer.

Time to go now. Must get myself in gear. The weather is a bit odd for December, but I'll take it. Been overcast for days and days---could use some sunshine, but with the temperature in the 60s and being that it's blustery, you could almost convince yourself that Spring is on the way. It's supposed to dip into the 20s this weekend, though. The high Sunday or Monday is supposed to be right around freezing. My goodness. Well, am off now. Take care everyone.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Our oldest daughter told me a neat story this morning. Her best friend's family had their van quit working last week, and with 10 kids, it's been a necessary vehicle. They'd repaired it in a fashion to get home from somewhere, and were without a safe way of getting around after getting it parked. They asked a near neighbor if they could borrow her van, and the neighbor told them that that was fine. After awhile, the neighbor called them back up and said that they could have the van, for keeps.

A testimony of God's provision and mercy. I just love stories like this. With the world seeming to be going wonky, it's good to be reminded that God is the same all the time. He never changes, and I find that very encouraging. He's still taking care of the basic, everyday needs that we have, and that's good to hear when it happens to other folks.

I'm ready. :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Sometimes it's fun (or strange!) to put a face with the words. This is me with the least one, just a couple of weeks ago.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Warm and cozy

Just cold and overcast this morning. No snow, ice or anything. I woke up before the dogs---they're responsible for my brain to automatically turn on at around 6am now and the house seemed so quiet. No cars or planes to be heard and I thought maybe it was snowy and folks were staying inside. Nah. Just cold, and not even that was extreme. Thirty degrees is fine with me. Cold, yes, but not amazing.

Going to stay in, however, and be cozy. We now have molasses in the house so it's gingerbread cookie-making day. Will pray while I bake, a continuous sort of occupation. When bills are due and a person is waiting on God's provision, that individual might as well get comfortable. Figure I'll spread holiday cheer in our own house; besides the kids are getting a bit wild and crazy with anticipation, and that's fun to watch.

Time now for tea and toast. Nice to be up before most of the house. The noise of the little ones will start soon enough.

Monday, December 15, 2008

On a Monday

Battening down the hatches here. We'd not covered up the faucets outside, so Gary just did that. The weather guys are suggesting that the windchill might be about 7 degrees tonight, so we're all fixed up now. Plus we're maybe going to get some sleet and freezing rain tonight and into tomorrow. The super-cold wintery weather doesn't usually get to us until after Christmas, so to have it so cold and icy-ish now is a bit odd.

As of now it's cloudy and cold. Not wet. A waiting mode. Glad I got groceries in today---not because of impending weather, but because we were out of stuff. I noticed that lots of folks were there, not the way of an ordinary Monday afternoon. It was plain crowded! Made me think of the lines at the store just before Thanksgiving.

So, since I'm not able to help God do things (eyeroll, not in disrespect, but because I'm hopelessly self-programmed to do God's work too)---just waiting to see what He does, guess I'll just stay cozy and do what I do know to do. I can clean, teach school, and take care of kids. That's the job description and I guess I'll abide by it.

Calendar goodie

Just to say...Gary's published a calendar he designed (took photos and picked out scripture to go with it) and had up at Lulu. Pretty neat that you can see the pages as they really appear.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fresh new week

Looking forward to what the Lord does this week. We're at that interesting spot where unless He does a good work in/for us, it won't get done. We're not desperate, but feeling just a bit of a stretch, let's say.

I'm excited. Not sure if it's the faith working in me, the rush I got from finishing this template (the photo is of our oldest snowlady), or the numerous cups of tea I drank this evening. Probably all three. Whatever the cause of my peaceful heart just now, I'll take it.

And as of this very minute, the house is full of homey activity and all's well. Husband is designing a calendar on his computer, one son is making oatmeal cookies, oldest daughter is making herself laugh on Facebook and the other older ones are listening to music. I'm about to read to the least girls so must go now. It's these quiet times when I get my refueling for the week. No frets, and all really is well.

Btw, found my little fish at Art of Wyanne (where she has them on her sidebar),a cool journal belonging to a creative woman who was profiled in the lastest Artful Blogging. Her drawings are truly wonderful...and the real fish link can be found here.

Friday, December 12, 2008

One thing at a time

Awhile back I stopped being a multi-tasker. The thing is, there are so many Christian women's books out there that support doing more than one thing at a time, and discourage young mothers from doing any chore unless they're doing one more thing too. Apparently the thinking is that combining chores will get them done quicker. My experience is that I begin to resent the shared effort and the quality of my work becomes poorer. And then I get frustrated at jobs halfway done.

I say that multi-tasking is part of the problem. We've become so used to piling on the activities, none of which is that critical, and we've forgotten how to be sensitive to one another. Most of us have been on the phone with somebody and have been able to tell with the distracted tone of the other person's voice that they're on the computer at the same time. Isn't that maddening?

Multi-tasking? You can't convince me that it's a good idea. I might drink a cup of tea as I read a book, but that's about as far as I'll go anymore. It's just not worth it.

Friday's thoughts

Have made some adjustments in my head lately, and it seems to be a good thing. For one, I've put the homeschooling in less of a number one position, and since I easily feel guilty (about just about everything), that's a definite plus.

I'm enjoying puttering in the house, keeping caught up in the clothes washing, and gradually putting up Christmas things. By now, I'm usually all worked up, fretting, mailing things I've hurriedly gotten together, writing in Christmas cards, with presents hidden (and not too well) in our closet. This year, I'm way behind the rest of the world, and only have bought one gift---a huge CareBear for the least one when it was on sale at Target.

And you know, I'm at peace with my lack of activity. I tend to be a procrastinator, and it holds true even now. I might look back at this Christmas as being incredibly joyful. I hope so. And maybe if I avoid the stores when it's majorly busy, I'll be better off.

We still await deposits (big job got canceled, but that's just fine) and I guess just knowing that things are percolating, keeps part of me from going mad. Can't do anything about it, God's in control, and it's sunny today. What more could I ask?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Into the morning

Listening to Enya's newest CD And Winter Came. One son just ordered the MP3 via Amazon. What a deal.

Soothing to have the washer chugging away, the dryer doing its number on the small pieces that won't fit on the line, and doing various math problems with the kids as they bring them to me. Able to do housework in fits and starts and not work myself into a fret.

I'm liking today. A lot.

Mind adjustment

Cold, overcast with gusty winds today. Today's sheet-washing day. Glad I have the boys to hang out the clothes. That's their payment for the joy of living here. It's not raining (finally), so should dry quickly.

I'm preoccupied today. Wanting to feel Christmasy, but have gotten into the habit of being blue. Must mend that thinking. I have so much to be grateful for, but get so busy with the duties of mothering, I forget the joys. So sad.

I'll switch to thankful mode instead. Today I'm thankful...

....that the whole bottle of Drano seemed to clean out the kitchen drains. Our washer empties into the pipes that run under the sink, so if the sink gets clogged, the washer overfills the sinks. (long story and one we inherited when we bought the house)

...that there's dinner in the house for a couple of days.

...that my husband is cheerful and optimistic here lately (and downright dishy with that beard he's letting grow out a bit).

...with all children being well.

...we have money set aside to shop for the kids.

...for simply today, today is awfully good. My head knows that. Must inform my heart.

Now, as my husband is in the habit of saying as he leaves for work, "Enjoy your day!" (I've told you that before, but it bears repeating!)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Home improvements

All I'll say is that caulking is a job that should only be undertaken if the person doing it has on nice, snug rubber gloves and a whole roll of paper towels to handle the messy part. Did I begin the job with the gloves? No. Did I have even a partial roll of paper towels? You're kidding, right? I did have a jar of mineral spirits, though, that woodworker husband had left for me awhile back, but I don't remember why. After I was done, I had to wipe off the caulk container to see how to clean-up, and read about the mineral spirits---all the while the caulking was adhering my fingers to the tube. Talk about sticky. I'm not too awfully bright, am I?

That being said, our double sink in the kitchen is one of my simple joys. It's original to our sixty-year-old house, is enamel and heavy as all get out. It seems to have sunk into the counter a bit (original blue-flecked linoleum counter top too), and from time to time, I have to re-caulk since water leaks under the sink into the cabinet below. Yuck.

So, I played home improvement girl and got the dirty work done while I've had the house to myself (kids at my mom's today). It was almost laughable to watch the kids, one after another, pick up the caulking gun (unloaded) and screw and unscrew the thing yesterday. Enough to make a person throw things! And then today you had me cocking my head from side to side, attempting to put the tube into the gun. I realize it's much easier than I made out, but the older I get, the longer it takes me to figure out things, even an ordinary caulking gun.

As for the rest of my day, got easy dinner fixings at the store after leaving the kids at mom's. Pizza tonight and will tackle something new tomorrow---Beef and Barley soup. Read a book where one of the characters made that and it sounded so wonderful and homey. I have some leftover roast trimmings and will simmer them and work from there. Barley's not the most economical grain (why is that?), but all in all, it should be pretty cost efficient by the time I'm done with it. Must be popular, though, because there were only two packages of it at the store.

Well, enough from me. Time to read for a bit. The afternoon is winding down.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

About faith

I've struggled so hard with the lack of work, or rather the small bit of work that's been in my husband's shop lately. Bills are late being paid, but on we struggle. Yes, food is always in the house---the Lord sees to that, but the work...........that's another matter.

And we continue to wait for a particular deposit to come in, and it's been a month since we were given the go-ahead. Thankfully a smaller job was approved yesterday, with the deposit for that promised in a day or so, but still, it's not enough. I want to be thankful, and hate it when I find myself grousing about not being satisfied.

I was praying this morning, after waking up too early with the dogs. Was frustrated with having to shove them out the door since it was pouring rain, and just felt blue. There was time before anyone else woke up, and I wandered through the living room, turning off outside lights and looking out at the rain. Anyway, I was apologizing to the Lord for my lousy lack of faith, and wanting something to bring me out of my gloom. In an instant, that still voice said to me, "When did you stop believing in Me?"

A shock to hear that. But, you know, it was totally accurate. I get so used to bossing God around, knowing better than He does what we need. Man. Do I need to be put in my place. Directly after I felt ashamed, I prayed for His will in all of this nonsense. And took my hands off of that job which is being so delayed in responding.

Another phone call came this afternoon with a great possibility of being accepted. Something totally out of the blue. Now, we have two potential build jobs in the works. Forget the overdue deposit.

I need to start believing. All. The. Time.


Snow effect widget here!

This and that

Well, the tree is up, and we're slowly but surely putting out decorations. I'll tell you, these three youngest of mine (12, 10 and 6) sure keep us on top of things. They continue to get so excited about LIFE. I get a renewed sense of joy just watching them be kids....the least one twirls through the house all the time, the middle girl laughs so heartily, anyone would join in----and our youngest son, the 12 year old, is such a young twelve. He's just sweet...maybe too serious, but sweet none-the-less.

Will try to take a lesson from them in regards to enjoying the day today. We're listening to a wonderful, constant rain and the temperatures will be in the 60s today, and that's my favorite sort of weather. Rainy, but not cold. Perfectly cozy.

There's schoolwork to get done (don't want to do it, but must!), chocolate chip cookies to make, enchiladas to put together for dinner, lots of clothes to wash with the perfect excuse of rain for using the dryer, and peace of mind to wrestle with. I just want to be happy. Simply that.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Parades and marching bands

Got up with Pugs at 6:30am, only to realize that the pilot light had gone out on the heater sometime during the night. After letting out/feeding all the dogs, I got huddled on the sofa with the Pugs, and sort of went to sleep awhile. Husband went in the attic when he got up and re-lit the pilot. Relief.

I'm wanting to feel good and warm, because later on, oldest daughter and I are going to watch a Christmas parade in an area nearby---sort of small-town-ish. I adore marching bands, that's my favorite part with parades--not sure where that comes from, and get such a rush from hearing them perform in person. We live near the university, and in the Fall and Winter, can hear the band perform outside when the wind is right. Jot that down as a little-known fact about me. ;)

Which brings to mind the Fleetwood Mac song Tusk from way back when. Gary was online while we were talking about the parade last night, and pulled up a YouTube with them playing with the UCLA marching band. He said I used to love this song...didn't remember at first, but he's right. The only problem is that the band is hardly audible. They look cool, though.

Friday, December 5, 2008


We've been listening to Alistair Begg (see link in sidebar) in the evenings after dinner...the whole family, sort of like mini church. Just lasts about 20 minutes or so, but what a twenty minutes. Wow. I'm blown away most nights. He just overwhelms me with his honesty and decency. Now, that might sound like a odd compliment, but it's the truth. ('course the Scottish accent doesn't hurt!) He doesn't butter up what he teaches, but tells it like it is. I find that very comforting. The word Holy comes to mind...and I'm not talking about Begg in this description, but He shows the Lord to be Holy. Such respect.

Afterwards tonight we prayed about stuff--neighbors and work. Still in wait-mode for work-related issues. But the neat thing is that after getting into prayer...really getting into it, the worries just sort of fall to the side. Praising God is the chief goal, you know, and when I realize that He carries all of my problems, then it's all OK. Like I've said before---if God Almighty says He's got it under control, no matter the issue, then my goodness, I can certainly rest in that. Even if I don't understand, and I've left my problems at the foot of the Cross, then it has to be absolutely wonderful.

Feeling Christmasy

'Every grown-up at the Herb of Grace and at Damerosehay was determined that this should be the children's Christmas--such a Christmas as they had not known before in their unsettled lives. They themselves looked forward to it with a certain amount of dread...The state of the world and their own fatigue combined to make them feel that a condition of mind humble and prayerful, meals requiring the minimum of preparation, and recreation consisting of nothing more strenuous than dozing in an arm-chair with a detective story, were their idea of a suitable Christmas in the circumstances...But that would not do for the children, and they girded themselves with heroism for the fray. And, as it turned out, not in vain, for when the time came it was for all of them---the grown-ups as well as the children--a day of sheer delight,one of those magical times that are not forgotten while life lasts, when it seems as though nothing can go wrong; as though human imperfection were aided and sustained by something outside itself, and just for once allowed to bring to perfection everything that it attempted.'~from Pilgrim's Inn by Elizabeth Goudge

The need to play

I'm reminded of my need to stop and smell the flowers this week. Sometimes I get so busy doing the dailies that I forget to just stand still. While I applaud myself at the end of the day with all I've accomplished, I also have begun to realize anew at the things that could have been done differently. That doesn't mean I'm smacking myself upside the head, but seeing that my attention could be diverted a tad.

There's a phrase I've heard, and have seen as a decorative button (on Facebook) that says simply, "Take time" and has a picture of a tea set. Here it is, I have two little girls as my youngest children, but rarely do I stop long enough for us to enjoy that sort of thing. Sure, I'll boil the kettle for them to have a tea party, but I don't always stop long enough to savor it with them. I'm always feeling so guilty about the homeschooling---and trying to keep up with teaching 5 kids, and are the clothes finally dry on the lines, and is the house tidy, and when can I buy some new jeans for this child or the other, and I forget to enjoy the simple things.

That balance is hard to find. How to fit it all in, and feel settled in my own heart at the same time? And to allow myself room to change the schedule when needs arise. That demon guilt is a constant companion, and that needs to stop. These kids are growing up so quickly, and truly enjoying them needs to be a priority. And honestly...I'm feeling guilty for what? Having physical limitations and only a 24 hour day? My goodness. If I was given a longer day, I'd just fill it with more non-important nonsense.

Play more. I need to make this my motto. And if the kids are consistently reminding me of my need to have fun, then it must be serious, eh? a reminder of the foolishness I need to take part in....ten-year-old daughter is on the sofa playing with the Pugs right now. She just started laughing so hard. Turns out, while daughter was yawning, Violet got close and licked the roof of her (daughter's) mouth. Yuck, but funny at the same time....daughter is presently rinsing her mouth at the kitchen sink!

(photo by me)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday thinking

Well, one son finally found the other missing Christmas wreath in the attic. Being that we live on a corner, there have to be two out there. I tend to decorate slowly, mainly because I'm wanting to drag it out--not hurrying, because December tends to spin in and out quickly anyway. So, for now, we have the wreaths outside and I got out our St. Nicholas (brown fur coat, about 10" tall, and dressed with all the trimmings) and have him sitting on the piano. I bought him at Michael's years ago, and he's our first real harbinger of the season. Gradually, over the next week, I'll put lights outside and the tree will go up. Wish I had the sense to put up the outside lights before it got so cold. I say every year that I'll be smart and hang them before the real chill comes. Maybe next year, eh?

Am working on a festive frame of mind. I want to settle in to Christmas with the right attitude, and it helps to avoid crowds and the push to spend and get all whopper-jawed, you know? Still keeping my attention on the Rethinking Christmas website, and also at Advent Conspiracy. Seems lots of folks are focusing on spending the holidays in a more quiet, and reverent manner. Nothing wrong with that. Just makes me want to take a deep breath---a cozy and unstressful Christmas. What a great idea.

(picture from SXC)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday's thoughts

Things to pray about today:
My aunt (who's 86, I believe) who, at this very moment, is undergoing surgery for a perforation in her intestine. They're using some sort of mesh to repair what's a very old injury.

My husband's work---that the promised deposit we heard about around Veteran's Day will come through even today...designer says he'll check about it. And for a meeting he has with another client today. For work, work, work to come into the shop.

For a quiet spirit in my own heart. That I won't borrow trouble in regards as to how the world is run. Seems I remember reading one day that God is in control. Must remember that. :)

For strength to take on whatever challenges come at me today. For patience while teaching school and the ability to fit in what needs doing. And the willingness to forgive myself if I come up short, and I will.

And to keep at the top of my list to simply enjoy God's creation today. How many days do I keep my head in the laundry basket, not hardly even peeking outside the house. Must remedy that habit. And on that note, need to locate missing Christmas wreath in attic. One has been is hidden in a pile. Time to iron the ribbons and hang them!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Washing clothes

Got all of the clothes, and I mean ALL of them washed that were in the dirty clothes basket. We're talking about seven loads that got washed today, plus the ones that got done yesterday, in the six load amount. I was at the verge of asking everyone to wear their pants and all for a couple of extra days, so's I could catch up.

The thing is, when it's cold out, the clothes take so long to dry outside (if at all) and running the dryer drives up the electric bill so much.

As of this minute, there are still things hanging out on the lines, gathering frost on their uppermost parts. I know the clothespins are frosty, and the towels and all will be stiff in the morning. No matter. I can't bear to run the dryer non-stop, and the 4 clotheslines we have out back work really well.

It's one-day-at-a-time thinking. Just doing as much as I'm able. I read a quote the other day--wish I'd jotted it down. Something about how God doesn't bless things He's not ordained as needing to be done. If that's true, it sure does put a different spin on life, doesn't it? Even housework.

Great quote

Love this quote in the book I just finished:
'All God inspired prayers are answered in the fullness of time.'~from Robert Whitlow's book Life Support

I stayed up WAY too late reading---it was about 2am before I was able to wind down after turning out my reading light at 1:30am. Then got up just after 6am to let out the Pugs. Time will tell as to how the morning plays out. So far, so good! Am not ready to drop yet.

Monday, December 1, 2008

A new beginning

'There is no work more tedious than shelling black walnuts, and the two of them did it every autumn of the world. My mother said they tasted like furniture, and I'm not sure anyone disagreed. But she always had them, so she always used them.'~from Gilead by Marilynne Robinson

Know what I want to accomplish with this journal? I want it to be a restful spot to write and not one that gets me all worked up. I've allowed online journaling to give me an outlet to vent more often than not, and sometimes I've regretted in being so outspoken. I get tired of myself and my angst. This past year has been so stressful---partly because of the election, but other things have been wearing too. Just want to start fresh. That just sounds so good to me.