Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Home improvements

All I'll say is that caulking is a job that should only be undertaken if the person doing it has on nice, snug rubber gloves and a whole roll of paper towels to handle the messy part. Did I begin the job with the gloves? No. Did I have even a partial roll of paper towels? You're kidding, right? I did have a jar of mineral spirits, though, that woodworker husband had left for me awhile back, but I don't remember why. After I was done, I had to wipe off the caulk container to see how to clean-up, and read about the mineral spirits---all the while the caulking was adhering my fingers to the tube. Talk about sticky. I'm not too awfully bright, am I?

That being said, our double sink in the kitchen is one of my simple joys. It's original to our sixty-year-old house, is enamel and heavy as all get out. It seems to have sunk into the counter a bit (original blue-flecked linoleum counter top too), and from time to time, I have to re-caulk since water leaks under the sink into the cabinet below. Yuck.

So, I played home improvement girl and got the dirty work done while I've had the house to myself (kids at my mom's today). It was almost laughable to watch the kids, one after another, pick up the caulking gun (unloaded) and screw and unscrew the thing yesterday. Enough to make a person throw things! And then today you had me cocking my head from side to side, attempting to put the tube into the gun. I realize it's much easier than I made out, but the older I get, the longer it takes me to figure out things, even an ordinary caulking gun.

As for the rest of my day, got easy dinner fixings at the store after leaving the kids at mom's. Pizza tonight and will tackle something new tomorrow---Beef and Barley soup. Read a book where one of the characters made that and it sounded so wonderful and homey. I have some leftover roast trimmings and will simmer them and work from there. Barley's not the most economical grain (why is that?), but all in all, it should be pretty cost efficient by the time I'm done with it. Must be popular, though, because there were only two packages of it at the store.

Well, enough from me. Time to read for a bit. The afternoon is winding down.