Things to pray about today:
My aunt (who's 86, I believe) who, at this very moment, is undergoing surgery for a perforation in her intestine. They're using some sort of mesh to repair what's a very old injury.
My husband's work---that the promised deposit we heard about around Veteran's Day will come through even today...designer says he'll check about it. And for a meeting he has with another client today. For work, work, work to come into the shop.
For a quiet spirit in my own heart. That I won't borrow trouble in regards as to how the world is run. Seems I remember reading one day that God is in control. Must remember that. :)
For strength to take on whatever challenges come at me today. For patience while teaching school and the ability to fit in what needs doing. And the willingness to forgive myself if I come up short, and I will.
And to keep at the top of my list to simply enjoy God's creation today. How many days do I keep my head in the laundry basket, not hardly even peeking outside the house. Must remedy that habit. And on that note, need to locate missing Christmas wreath in attic. One has been is hidden in a pile. Time to iron the ribbons and hang them!
My aunt (who's 86, I believe) who, at this very moment, is undergoing surgery for a perforation in her intestine. They're using some sort of mesh to repair what's a very old injury.
My husband's work---that the promised deposit we heard about around Veteran's Day will come through even today...designer says he'll check about it. And for a meeting he has with another client today. For work, work, work to come into the shop.
For a quiet spirit in my own heart. That I won't borrow trouble in regards as to how the world is run. Seems I remember reading one day that God is in control. Must remember that. :)
For strength to take on whatever challenges come at me today. For patience while teaching school and the ability to fit in what needs doing. And the willingness to forgive myself if I come up short, and I will.
And to keep at the top of my list to simply enjoy God's creation today. How many days do I keep my head in the laundry basket, not hardly even peeking outside the house. Must remedy that habit. And on that note, need to locate missing Christmas wreath in attic. One has been is hidden in a pile. Time to iron the ribbons and hang them!