The book continues the tale of Thomas Hunter (also known as Thomas the Hunter) and his visits via the Books of History to the present-day and to another reality--one much more primitive, but maybe more believable than how the modern world appears. One thing I really like is the way Dekker incorporates the work of salvation into this series. The drowning in the red pool signifies a person giving themselves over to God, and I appreciate the clear Christian message---sin, rebellion, redemption, it’s all there.
For lovers of fantasy, this book won’t disappoint, but I will add that it was easier for me to understand since I’d read a couple of the previous Circle books. Not that everyone would have the same experience, but knowing some particulars was helpful. The name for this series, Circle, is totally apt as well, since a person could read one after another and on once again, and always get more out the story. Round and round she goes…..
I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program and more information can be found at their website.