Sunday, October 11, 2009

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon

Know what I REALLY want to do this week? Clean the house and call it school. I think my peace of mind will absolutely soar if I can get this house in order. My mind will follow. Read the following bit in the Roxanne Henke book called On a Someday I just finished. Well-worth the whole book to find that little gem. Here goes:

"About that first verse I read," he went on. "It talks about renewing our spirits. This is something God does for us, and that we need to be mindful to do for ourselves. Remember, even Jesus took time away from his ministry to refresh and renew. When the everydayness of life gets to be too much, instead of letting it get you down, don't forget it's okay---even necessary---to take some time to recharge." (the pastor in the story referring to 2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

My brain tends to go to guilt-mode, and I think of what doesn't get done in other parts of my life if I change things up. One thing that gets me about the American Way is our tendency to wear things out. We work too much (in my estimation) and play too little. We're so hung up on keeping up that we forget to enjoy ourselves, and sadly enough, I've fallen into that trap as well. If I'm not careful, there will come a day when it'll be too late to goof-off. My age in itself will settle that opportunity.

And notice that I refer to housecleaning as play-time. Honestly, I do love a clean home, but with the folks/dogs constantly wandering through our rooms, tidy isn't always an option. But peace of mind. You can't put a price on that, can you?

Renewing of our spirits....I like the sound of that.