Thursday, October 1, 2009

Chillin' on Thursday

Feeling rested just now. I tend to be so sleep-deprived, that within about 30 min. of my lying down in the afternoon, I fall sleep. Hard. Then after 20 min. or so, I'm wide awake again. Guess anything can become a habit, and this one is definitely good.

And while I could probably search through my days wondering why I often feel little zest for life---is it diet, or maybe a emotional issue?----simply put, I'm just tired.

And naps are a wonder.

Planning on a quiet evening at home. Soup's in the crock pot, and am about to tidy up the house. The windows are up, the air is cool, and I'm totally crazy about my husband and kids. Not that these thoughts are related, but contentment at home covers a lot of territory, doesn't it? Oh, and tomorrow we're taking a school holiday. Not going anywhere, but just doing as we want. I figured at the beginning of the school year (this Fall), that we'd do a month of schoolwork, and then take one free day. Gives us something to look forward to, and keeps the guilt at bay.

Now, off I go!