Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good book and good news

Totally enjoying the book shown here, The Cost of Living, by Mavis Gallant. Found it at the library yesterday on the new book shelves. DEElightful.

A nice book of short stories to tuck myself into after a busy-busy morning with my mom. Her eye surgery went swimmingly (I thank you very much for all of the prayers), and she came out all bubbly, admitting that she chatted to the surgeon (who we know from church) the whole time. Typical mom behavior. Just too bad she doesn't have a daughter who can keep up. :)

Tomorrow she has a follow-up doctor's visit and they'll take off the eye patch.

All is well. Just time to be quiet for a bit.

(note: loved the first short story, but not keen on the others....sigh)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trying to cope

Zing, zing, zing. That's my brain thinking about my mom's cataract surgery for tomorrow, and not wanting to get worked up. The thing is, my mother has neglected her health for years. But it's not like there have been problems, but maintenance hasn't been on the top of her list. Now she's getting maintained, if you want to call it that. I'm not used to having to look after her except in the most basic of ways. This makes me feel all trembly, even though it's not that big a deal. Well to the world at large it's small potatoes, but for me, it's a bit more.

Interesting how certain situations draw out different reactions. A person can be swimming along nicely, then suddenly life is a bit awkward to deal with.

Was hoping today would be a restful day at home, without me needing to go out. It is that, even with a grocery store run big deal there. But still, instead I find myself doing things in an erratic fashion, working more with nervous energy than pleasure.

Gotta get a grip, eh?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Dance class

Oldest daughter and I had our 3rd longer private dance lessons today (a total of 5 if you count the first two 20 minute lessons at the beginning). We went over the fox trot, linked above (which is turning out to be my strongest dance, which just cracks me up to even say!), cha-cha, rumba and waltz.

Daughter's teacher made a suggestion to her---when you step back (right foot) for the first waltz step, to take the largest step possible, and to make all steps long and strong. It's really a big box. Right foot back, bring left foot back and over to the left, right foot to the left, step forward with left foot, then right foot beside the left foot at the top of the box and then right foot to the right, following it with the left. Repeat. But if you think you're taking long enough steps, make them longer.

My back was sore! Taking such long steps makes for an excellent workout. And the neatest thing---my feet have been getting swollen with the heat. After dancing they were fine, and have stayed that way. Guess the circulation is improved with dancing around. A neat perk.

And I got a compliment from my teacher, saying that I was doing a very good job at *following*. Can't be a feminist and a ballroom dancer at the same time. It's all about following the man's lead. Something to think about.

OK, who did the dance steps I mentioned above with your right hand dancing on the tabletop? :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Inhale, exhale

Even in the heat, am cooking dinner in the oven---chicken pot pie and 2 dozen vanilla cupcakes. Comfort food. Life has been over-zingy for the past few days (and it's definitely showing on my face), but things are settling down a bit. I'm craving things that settle me, not that I have over-much energy to accomplish them. This heat. Man, it's hot.

After dinner's eaten and the kitchen's cleaned up will settle in with the kids to watch Miss Marple (The Blue Geranium) on t.v. No worries, just rest.

The week will be full of itself in no time anyway. My mom's first cataract surgery is on Wednesday morning, with a follow-up visit on Thursday. Must pack a bag of things to do so as to entertain myself while I wait at the doctor's for her. I'm thinking along the lines of yummy things to snack on, drink and read.

But that's *then*. For now, taking a bit of a rest.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


*had rain today ('bout time)*went to church with kids this evening*husband had to stay home and repair the tub faucet that began to leak unreasonably as we were leaving*ate nachos when we got home*glad i got the groceries bought this morning for a few days*dancing was fun last night, but i didn't get to do the tango (but was pretty fair at the fox trot, and swing, but don't like the swing much---yet still adore the tango most of all)*new dance shoes rock*am in love with the preserves in photo*find them to be very affordable ($3.49) especially considering how absolutely yummy they are*praying for a restful remaining weekend (life very stressful just now)*put joanna trollope's newest book on hold at library to pick up on monday when we go to our private dance lessons

that's all i got for ya..... :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Just slouching around

The majority of the kids are at my mom's for the afternoon. Quiet. I'm alone for a bit until fourth son comes back in from doing his afternoon house/pet sitting stint for one neighbor. He's made a pretty sum of money doing that.

I think I'm about to take a nap and read a bit in bed. This heat just gets me down. I have plans to make cupcakes later on, but the temperature outside affects what I'm able to do inside. (my Bonnie in NC, you're absolutely right!) I have all of these plans for the summer, including painting in the house and while my enthusiasm comes and goes, time will tell what actually gets accomplished. As it is, only the bare minimum of housecleaning is done, and that's about it. Sad, but true.

Must go now. Time to quit.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Piddling with the blog

Lookin' sorta Zen-like in here lately. All I lack is a photo of those river stones, then it'd be complete---and maybe some scratch and sniff incense. ;)

Zen look was short-lived. Just too plain for my taste, I guess.

Are we having fun yet?

We were all up too late last night, for varied reasons, so the house still sleeps here at 7:30am. That's wonderful for me, so now I can have some quiet time. Not that sleeping wasn't quiet, but you get my drift. The house is comfortable as well.

The heat is already lurking, though---we'll hit around 100+ again today, but not yet. I could feel it when I let out the dogs. I'll tell you, it seems like I live in a wind tunnel lately. Gary bought one of those box fans from the drugstore the other day, and it's so loud that when it's running and the other fans are going (yes, along with the central air conditioning), man, it makes me feel slightly crazy.

Whiner. ;)

Now, as to that idea of thinking of one fun thing to do each day...well, it's tougher than I first expected. My mindset is well-understood by my family as well, which was funny the other day. The least one said to me, "Hey Mom, are you excited about---I mean, are you looking forward to wearing your new dance shoes to class?" Note how she changed from excited to looking forward to. Smart girl. They know that I don't whoop and holler, but still, I had to laugh at her quick change from one comment to another. And to answer the question---yes, I am.

The thing is, about that fun stuff, what's going on is I'm tweaking my attitude. I'm going slower and taking better care of my heart (the emotional one, not so much the physical one). Not taking on more baggage than necessary, and as a result, don't feel so wound up.

So, the fun stuff will follow. For now, I'm trying to get in a mindset to make it happen.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One fun thing a day

Do you know, it's hard to really think of consciously doing something fun and entertaining everyday. I can think of things I enjoy---baking, handwork, puttering through the house, writing stories, reading, and working with my plants. But the thing is---except for the reading, they easily turn into chores.

For the record, I actually did something on Monday that was a change, though it wasn't a biggie. I went to a neighbor's house with our oldest daughter we're looking after (thanks Tina!), and we watched the whole 2 hours of The Bachelorette. A tabloid reader's delight. ;) It wasn't my thing, really, but it was fun to be away from the house for a bit. No little girls to chatter, and time for me to unwind and just be with our oldest girl. Good stuff.

For Tuesday I bought myself a pint of Moose Tracks ice cream and read in bed for over an hour after dinner. The rest of the family was busy doing stuff---second son baking oatmeal cookies because there wasn't any food in the house to stuff down their throats, least ones playing a computer game with their dad, and the others staying busy in their rooms. We were all chillin' but in different ways.

Books and shoes

There's something about certain books, or maybe it's the writers, I guess it has to be the writers!---they have a gift for making me feel like I can see life more clearly. I don't have a clue as to what their special gift is, but after putting particular books down, I find myself paying more attention and not getting easily irritated. I feel more generous with my feelings, and my mind is more settled. What's up with that? And I'm not talking about inspirational books either, but almost always fiction.

Got several books at the library today, one being Sue Miller's The Distinguished Guest. I think it has something to do with the sentences---ones that aren't trite and unimaginative. The characters in this book are varied and one in particular, I don't like at all. But for the few pages I've read, I'm enjoying myself. We'll see how it flies. I seem to have a talent for commenting on books and after picking them up again, finding myself ashamed for having recommended them. Just a disclaimer, and taking no responsibility. :)

Now to this and that:
Got my dancing shoes in the mail yesterday (loveliness), and they fit like a dream. For those of you unversed in dancing protocol, ballroom shoes are supposed to be fit 1/2 size smaller than your regular size. In fact, if your toes go to the very edge of the shoe (always open-toed), or slightly over the edge to the extent of overhanging, more the better. That way you can feel the floor, and manage your steps better. News to me.

As to shoes---take a gander at the shoe photo I have here. Found it on an Etsy email I got today, and it must be the big sister of my dancing shoes. LOVE these shoes. So Mary Poppins as well, but in a white or ivory (which this Etsy seller has as well), would be glorious for a wedding!

(photo from The Cluttered Cottage's Etsy shop)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Reasons to blog

Found it so interesting to read a new blog the other day (new to me, but not new-new), suggesting ways to get more traffic to a blog site. The advice ranged from having not too long or not too short posts, on to making posts interesting (a valid recommendation) and also avoidance from making the blog too personal. Huh? That sounds just like a man, and I say that with humor. The way I see it, men have this thing going to make everything fit into a business category. For some folks it's always about the numbers. Most women I know who blog, do it for the company---the sharing. And come to think about it, the article was written more in a mood of what *not* to do rather than what's a good idea. Curious.

We love sharing our days, recipes, artwork, crafting, photography, and just simple mothering. And sometimes we want to know that someone else understands and can sympathize on the hard days. It's the modern-day equivalent to talking over the hedge. Least that's the way I see it.

And, frankly, I get weary of hearing folks give advice on how to do stuff. Everyone's an expert, you know?

I do enjoy writing here, but if I have to over-think my reasons why, then I might as well just lock the door.

(painting by gary melchers called 'lady reading')

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Turning a page

I've always been one who needed the beginning of a month or week to do new things. It's been almost impossible to begin afresh in the middle of something. Will make an exception, now, though.

Have spent the most frustrating few days. There's too much on my mind, and I'm taking on the worries of the world, and it's time to quit. My new goal is to do at least one fun thing everyday. One thing. More will be better, but one will be sufficient. I've been making a habit of trudging through life, causing even enjoyable things to be a chore. The bane of motherhood...always looking to the next thing.

I'll list them here as I do them. Nothing earth-shattering, but hopefully, a new habit that'll be easier to accomplish as I follow through.

Today I read a book from cover to cover, all in the course of a few hours...just mindless entertainment, but I so enjoyed it!

(painting by gary melchers called 'lady sewing')

Berceuse from the Dolly Suite by Gabriel Faure

Listening to this because it's just so soothing when my emotions are a bit scrabbledy. (hitting repeat repeatedly...and feeling redundant)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Countdown to summer

Just read a sweet post a woman wrote about her new summer sandals, and I found myself squinting, and thinking hard. Summer sandals? Hasn't it been hot enough, long enough to allow for fall? Guess not. Must be I'm suffering from brain melt-down with the 90-100 degree weather we've already experienced. Enjoyed would be an inappropriate word for it.

Summer officially starts on Monday. And it's HOT. As my husband would say---it's time---but still, it's hot. Have already begun watering my outdoor potted plants twice a day, and have lost my enthusiasm for housework (which always hits me when it's blazing outside), but have not gotten any summer projects started. Now I see that there's plenty of time because it's not even summer yet!

Honestly, I think I'm a bit rung out with fretting over my mom's health and her growing dependence on needing more help (I've had blinders on and hadn't seen the signs of her aging, I guess), and being preoccupied with 2 of our sons who're considering careers in the military, and facing my own life with insufficient sleep. It's a recipe for fretting.

Think instead I'll concentrate on having a wonderful summer. A good idea. :) God's got the rest all figured out, and I just need to focus on today, and that includes dancing tonight!

(painting by frank benson)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Politeness counts

So, I was looking for a new stash of library books, quietly browsing row by row and a woman came right along beside me after being on the previous aisle. She was suddenly *right there*. Sort of like how you'll be shopping and looking at clothes on a particular table and all of a sudden you're surrounded by several folks all looking in the same direction as you are. You know what I mean. Annoying. And rather than move around me and look on the far side of me, she camped out by my left side, just waiting for me to move. The childish *I was here first* argument wouldn't have worked, though, because I could tell that she'd out-wait me. I walked away.

Then, on a totally different aisle, I was looking at more books and a man about my age (fifties, though he was definitely older) came along my side as well. Sheesh. Too close for comfort. And it wasn't that sort of close that implies that the person wants to start a jokey conversation about how we must be looking for the same book (I *have* had that chat before with a friendly person), but the kind that spoke of him wanting me to get out of his way. I backed away, he sidled past, but not before he stood to my immediate right to look at the same section of books. Patience? I don't think so. And did he ever say "excuse me?" Ha. Then he walked in front of me again to the left....stood there a few seconds and walked in front of me one final time to walk to the right. I was on the verge of asking if his mother had taught him manners, but held my tongue.

So, fast forward to dancing class with a footnote I believe I've shared with you before, but it bears repeating. We sit in chairs set around the room at the group dance on Friday nights, and the instructors or other male students walk up, ask us to dance and politely take our hands and lead us out to the dance floor, but sometimes we almost race out there. Then when the dance is finished, they tuck our hands into their bent arms (like you're being taken to your seat before a wedding) and walk us back to our chairs. And even with my private lesson on Monday afternoon, my sweet, young (Cuban--thick accent--struggling with English) teacher followed the same procedure. He thanked me for the lesson (shouldn't that be the other way around?) and walked me back to the table where we'd started.

More please.
Yeah, life is cyclical, and in so many ways. I'll be smooth and easy and then WHAP, I'm as cranky as they come. I'll fuss over this darned blog,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

On Thursday

There's something that goes on in a woman's head when she reaches a certain age. That could occur at any time, but for me, it's been my fifties. Figuring out who I am, and what I am p
It's hot today, but not so hot. Must be the humidity is being a bit more kind to us. Plus, I left the central air on last night, so the house was more inviting when we woke up. Have been turning it off overnight to save a bit of $$, since our older unit has had a tendency to freeze up if we run it when the temperature dips during the night. It's hot enough now.

Have lived in the southern US my entire life (in TN and briefly in New Bern, NC), but have never quite gotten used to the hot, hot days.

What a whiner.

But since yesterday was so busy, I'm glad to be puttering around today. Re-potted a chive plant I got at the grocery store last night for 99 cents, and am thinking about dividing the hens&chickens Molly gave me last week. We'll see about that one. Truth is, while I do have a dab hand at outdoor garden plants, the ones in pots oftentimes look at me in horror when I come at them with my gardening tools. My track record isn't always the best.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

At the end of Tuesday

Speaking of feet---mine have tended to be puffy at the end of the past few days, being that the temperature has been maxing out at over 100 degrees if you count the heat index. And of course I *am* counting that. Right now it's just after 10pm and is 88F. outside. UGH. It's getting a little dry around here as well. Rain all around, but none here.

I was smart, though, and did my mom's and our grocery shopping after dinner with a few of the kids. And must be I was on my feet too much today (not that I remember any of that---it's a blur, but heat will do that to a person). My head's a tad dizzy as well, so think I'll just take a shower in a few minutes and then get cozy in bed with my book. Don't have to leave the house at all tomorrow and that sets well with me.

Take care, all.

Yeah, dancing again

Y'all are going to get so tired of me talking about this dancing stuff. (don't care, don't care, don't care!!!) But the new update is that the shoe will be this one. The brown is on back-order, and I don't want to wait 4-6 weeks. Besides, the black is more *me* and apparently is in stock (and later found it was shipped tonight). I always wear black shoes and only ordered the brown ones because daughter's dance instructor said that black dance shoes make women's legs look short and stumpy.

I'll answer to Stumpy. ;)
Y'all are going to get so tired of me talking about this dancing stuff. (don't care, don't care, don't care!!!) But the new update is that the shoe will be this one. The brown is on back-order, and I don't want to wait 4-6 weeks. Besides, the black is more *me*. I always wear black shoes and only ordered the brown ones because daughter's dance instructor said that black makes women's legs look short and stumpy.

Just call me Stumpy. ;)

Monday, June 14, 2010

The shoes

The sweet husband told me to order dancing shoes this evening. They remind me of Mary Poppins.

Aren't they cool? Told the owner of the dance studio that since I always wear Birkenstocks, that to put on strappy dancing shoes would cause me to scream out loud. Love these.

Fancy footwork...sort of

So, today at dance class we went over the cha-cha, the foxtrot and the tango...more difficult this time. The highlight, though, and as a complete surprise to me, we did the part of the tango where the dancers snap to the right (the woman's right), heads going in the same direction with the arms stretched out front. A classic tango move. Now, I certainly don't have it down pat, but what a rush! :)

Such fun.

(photo by carlos furm*an)

My sentiments exactly

"Why is everything so dull?" I grumbled.

"I think the dull bits are often the best," Juniper said. Too much excitement is very distracting. You just need it now and then to give you something to feed off."--from Wise Child by Monica Furlong

Many thanks to Bonnie and Lesley for recommending this book. A keeper. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A busy Sunday

Just got home from picking up second son from church. We stayed in from our own services last night for oldest son's birthday dinner. That'd have been mean if we'd gone to church and for him to come home from work to an empty house, now, wouldn't it?

Will go visit a neighbor in about an hour. She's moving this week, and we've not seen one another much lately. Hermits, both of us. :) Then, afterwards will take third son to the hospital to visit yet another neighbor, this one 90 years old and a substitute grandfather for this particular boy. The neighbor fell last weekend and hurt his knee something awful, and now has an infection. We're not happy about this development, especially on top of him falling in the hospital and hurting his elbow. One thing after another, you know?

Then back home for red beans and rice, Mrs. Marple on Masterpiece Theatre, and some relaxing time. I think by then we'll have earned it, yes?

Would work in the garden today (when I'm not running around) if it wasn't so doggone hot. Heat index in the 100's. I don't *think* so!

(not sure why i'm rambling about this mundane stuff---more of a record of doings, I guess, than anything of vast importance)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Le Poulbot

There are many photos of this sweet French restaurant (Le Poulbot) online, but this is probably my favorite. Could it be any prettier? I think I could stare at it for hours. :) If you go to Goo*gle Maps, you can see the street it's located narrow, it's not more than a lane.

(the link is clickable where I've put the restaurant's name in parentheses)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Winding down

My life has been running on auto-pilot and the plan today is to get it back on track. Or at least make attempts at doing so. I've been making plans without turning to the Lord for guidance first and, as a result, feel a tad scattered. The house is expressing its displeasure as well. There are things to put away, dusting to tend to, and a mild general chaos to put to rights.

And I want to paint the bathroom again. This pink just ain't makin' me happy. Have been wondering why I've been so hesitant to finish decorating that tiny room after painting it last year. There it sits, wearing a pink coat but with nobody to dress it up. Truth is, it's just not pretty. There's plenty of pink and white in there (which is a combination I usually love), but it's not right. Loved it when we had the walls lavender, but now, it's all wrong. So, I asked my husband last night what color he thought we should paint it. He comes back with, "Well, we could just paint it white." Huh. I expected something more original from him. BOring! Shoot, I've not painted a wall in this house white since we moved in and painted the whole inside white in order to get it looking clean. But, then again, maybe he's onto something (scratching my head).

I remember FlyLady (if you don't know who this is, she's a decluttering babe extraordinaire) saying something to the effect one time that a woman's house directly reflects what's going on in her head...or something to that effect. So true.

Obviously my brain needs hosing out.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Admission of guilt

I hurry too often, lack the ability to savor my days, and I fret *way* overmuch. But I'm all the time suggesting that folks do exactly what I have struggles with. Go figure.

When a new week is hitting me in the face, I tend to get my head into a mode to finish all tasks as quickly as possible. Why? Don't have a clue, but it seems to be a habit of wanting the satisfaction of finishing everything that's set in front of me so I can then sit and think about it. But it seems to be an effort for me to actually have fun while I'm doing all of this stuff.

I got to wondering...what would my attitude toward life be if I just loosened up my drawers? If I stopped over-thinking and worrying about insignificant details? What if I just take every day as it comes, all shiny and new, and really make attempts to love it? Would it take some practice for me to loosen up and play? Can this dancing stuff I've gotten myself into be used to springboard me into a jollier mindset? Truth is, it's already made me more aware of myself---and in a good way. The nail polish is on (for days at a time---and bubblegum pink this time!), and I sit up straighter, walk with more confidence and am more willing to look folks cheerfully in the eye when I'm out. Guess I feel proud and more happy in my skin.

Still, it's an effort. Well, nothing that's a change happens quickly, but I'm on the right path, it seems. Must keep plowing ahead, and standing tall. Funny, it was just about a month ago when I went to the first dancing class. Now this wouldn't work for everyone, but thinking that we all need something to sink our teeth into---just never figured mine would be ballroom dancing. ;)

A free day

Since the kids will spend the greater part of the day at my mom's, my sweet husband instructed me to go get some Chinese take out and just relax at home. To be honest, I am a bit sore from dancing yesterday being that so many dance-steps are done on tippy-toe. And, yes, it's a very good workout.

So, will read books, putter around the house and talk to myself. I'm way overdue for that activity---the talking part. Need to settle some things in my head. Just a tad frazzled and in need of some *grounding*.

Again, deeeeeeeeeeeeep breaths. :)

(photo from country living magazine)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

For the rest of the week

Went to help Molly with a face painting gig she had at Target House (where St. Jude Hospital children/families stay) late this afternoon. It's always a joy to be with her, and even though I'm a real novice with the kids' face painting, she was so sweet to me (but that's Molly for you). Cool to reconnect with a friend of over (cough, cough) years, and so wonderful for both of us, I think. Only hard part of doing this with her is managing to stay stoic while talking to/painting the children who are dealing with cancer. Such little soldiers. Truly, I don't have a clue as to how blessed I am.

As for the rest of the week---our first proper long dance class tomorrow afternoon for oldest daughter and me, the kids go to my mom's on Thursday (yay! they've not been in over a month), more dancing on Friday, and oldest son's 25th birthday is on Saturday. That's enough sensation for me for one week. I'm pretty much low-key all the way---don't throw too many events my way or I'll scream, but let me enjoy an occasional outing and I'm satisfied. This week is sort of over full, don't you think?

Now, after I've gotten all clean and cozy will read a bit in bed. Picked up some books I'd reserved at the library and might get into Elizabeth Goudge's Island Magic. Have read excerpts of it in The Elizabeth Goudge Reader I've been picking through, and found it to be so sweet. Looking forward to it. Picked up a new Laurie R. King book on the 7-day rack as well, called The God of the Hive. One of my dearest friends got me started on her Sherlock Holmes books (hi Tina!), so we'll see how this one goes.

Time to quit.

Monday, June 7, 2010

One minute at a time

Seems I live with shoulders and upper arms that ache. Have made mention before of getting weary of holding up the world while it spins. Huh. I don't seem to listen, do I?

Too many things to think about. Two sons who need work this summer (they've become old hands at filling out applications), and oldest son who's not happy with his job, but is holding out because if he hangs on, he's almost guaranteed of advancement. Just hard to hold on when the hours are so exhausting. Oldest daughter with things on her mind. But the other kids seem to be fine without struggles hitting them from the outside world. Oh, to be a child.

Thankfully my husband has had plenty of work lately, though I never take it for granted. Just don't talk much about it. Least not recently. Was overcome with thankfulness the other day, being able to putter in the front garden and admire the flowers. Glad of funds to pay the bills and buy groceries, and so grateful to not have that worry beating me over the head.

When I was resting over the weekend (read: thinking about the kids) I found myself tensing up and not even knowing it. Must've made a habit of it without realizing it. Oh, and just found out my mom has cataracts. Nuts.

Must go stretch out on the bed now and think yoga-type thoughts. Deep breaths and all, you know.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

On a Sunday afternoon

Some shots around the house and outside. Wanted to show the growth of the flowers out front along the walkway (the daisies are out with the butterfly bush and the Mexican primroses are gone now), and our second son's's only about 10x6' (we've no extra room at all!) but is so wonderful-looking. He's done a grand job. Anyway, here's what the place looked like today. :) The cupcake rug is at the kitchen doorway. Cuteness, yes?

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Let me just say---this ballroom dancing stuff is magical. Where else do you see a roomful of folks swirling around and being encouraged to be ladylike or gentlemanly? I mean, really? The women, for the most part, wear heels, and the instructors and some of the male students, wear ties. The men ask you to dance, and then they tuck your arm into theirs and walk you back after the dance is finished. And they say *thank you*!

It's just so wonderful. I come home feeling very girlie-like. I want to stand up straighter, and take better care of myself. Hence the hot pink nail polish I bought. :) And rarely do I wear nail polish...with way too many dishes to wash, doing nails just doesn't ordinarily rank high on the list of personal taking care.

Our first long one-on-one class is on Wednesday afternoon. Forty minutes of swirling and swinging (they do throw in a touch of modern-style). I am partial to a nice slow waltz, though.

Hope everyone has a splendid weekend. Deep breaths!

(painting is 'dance me to the end of love' by jack vettriano)

Friday, June 4, 2010

My Friday

Back from running around. Had to leave two of the boys at my mom's for them to cut her yard, and I'm grateful to be able to say that she looks *much* better today. Her cold is about gone, and she doesn't look tired---said she got a good sleep last night, and that's put paid to her sickness, I guess.

Glad to be home myself. Grocery store this morning again for weekend stuff, and I'm about to rest in bed for awhile. Found the July issue of 'Romantic Homes' magazine and it looks good and cottagey inside. Bought me some hot pink nail polish for kicks as well. So, in a few minutes will get all settled with my book (see sidebar), the magazine and the polish.

Dancing tonight! Didn't get to go last week, so will bone up on my lessons this afternoon (waltz, rumba, cha-cha, foxtrot and the swing). This still just cracks me up. My husband gets a kick out of saying that his wife takes ballroom dancing lessons as well. You really are never too old. :)

(painting by franck antoine bail called 'a maid watering flowers')

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A joyful Thursday

Don't have to leave home AT ALL today, until tonight when Gary and I go out to eat and then afterward maybe hit a bookstore. It's been forever since we've gone out together, so I'm really looking forward to it. :) In the meantime, am planning on washing curtains, cleaning the kitchen counters and the rest of the kitchen with my Mrs. Meyer's lavender spray, hanging a new shower curtain liner (such mundane-ness), dusting the bookshelves, and vacuuming everything.

Have been so out-of-touch with the house lately, with chores taking me away for bits of time here and there, and now I have today set aside as purely for homemaking. Plus being that the dogs sort of slept in, I'm feeling way more energetic today. An extra hour of sleep makes a huge difference!

(painting by victor gabriel gilbert called 'lady in a garden')

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday in a nutshell

  • Grocery shopping for my mom this morning (who's still a bit sick...and it's taking too darn long)
  • Buying marigolds and portulaca at the nursery for both the vegetable and flower beds
  • Making cupcakes with the little girls so as to lessen my concern for having shop for my mom
It's all about balance.