Monday, June 7, 2010

One minute at a time

Seems I live with shoulders and upper arms that ache. Have made mention before of getting weary of holding up the world while it spins. Huh. I don't seem to listen, do I?

Too many things to think about. Two sons who need work this summer (they've become old hands at filling out applications), and oldest son who's not happy with his job, but is holding out because if he hangs on, he's almost guaranteed of advancement. Just hard to hold on when the hours are so exhausting. Oldest daughter with things on her mind. But the other kids seem to be fine without struggles hitting them from the outside world. Oh, to be a child.

Thankfully my husband has had plenty of work lately, though I never take it for granted. Just don't talk much about it. Least not recently. Was overcome with thankfulness the other day, being able to putter in the front garden and admire the flowers. Glad of funds to pay the bills and buy groceries, and so grateful to not have that worry beating me over the head.

When I was resting over the weekend (read: thinking about the kids) I found myself tensing up and not even knowing it. Must've made a habit of it without realizing it. Oh, and just found out my mom has cataracts. Nuts.

Must go stretch out on the bed now and think yoga-type thoughts. Deep breaths and all, you know.