Saturday, June 19, 2010

Turning a page

I've always been one who needed the beginning of a month or week to do new things. It's been almost impossible to begin afresh in the middle of something. Will make an exception, now, though.

Have spent the most frustrating few days. There's too much on my mind, and I'm taking on the worries of the world, and it's time to quit. My new goal is to do at least one fun thing everyday. One thing. More will be better, but one will be sufficient. I've been making a habit of trudging through life, causing even enjoyable things to be a chore. The bane of motherhood...always looking to the next thing.

I'll list them here as I do them. Nothing earth-shattering, but hopefully, a new habit that'll be easier to accomplish as I follow through.

Today I read a book from cover to cover, all in the course of a few hours...just mindless entertainment, but I so enjoyed it!

(painting by gary melchers called 'lady sewing')