Oldest daughter and I had our 3rd longer private dance lessons today (a total of 5 if you count the first two 20 minute lessons at the beginning). We went over the fox trot, linked above (which is turning out to be my strongest dance, which just cracks me up to even say!), cha-cha, rumba and waltz.
Daughter's teacher made a suggestion to her---when you step back (right foot) for the first waltz step, to take the largest step possible, and to make all steps long and strong. It's really a big box. Right foot back, bring left foot back and over to the left, right foot to the left, step forward with left foot, then right foot beside the left foot at the top of the box and then right foot to the right, following it with the left. Repeat. But if you think you're taking long enough steps, make them longer.
My back was sore! Taking such long steps makes for an excellent workout. And the neatest thing---my feet have been getting swollen with the heat. After dancing they were fine, and have stayed that way. Guess the circulation is improved with dancing around. A neat perk.
And I got a compliment from my teacher, saying that I was doing a very good job at *following*. Can't be a feminist and a ballroom dancer at the same time. It's all about following the man's lead. Something to think about.
OK, who did the dance steps I mentioned above with your right hand dancing on the tabletop? :)