Monday, June 21, 2010

Reasons to blog

Found it so interesting to read a new blog the other day (new to me, but not new-new), suggesting ways to get more traffic to a blog site. The advice ranged from having not too long or not too short posts, on to making posts interesting (a valid recommendation) and also avoidance from making the blog too personal. Huh? That sounds just like a man, and I say that with humor. The way I see it, men have this thing going to make everything fit into a business category. For some folks it's always about the numbers. Most women I know who blog, do it for the company---the sharing. And come to think about it, the article was written more in a mood of what *not* to do rather than what's a good idea. Curious.

We love sharing our days, recipes, artwork, crafting, photography, and just simple mothering. And sometimes we want to know that someone else understands and can sympathize on the hard days. It's the modern-day equivalent to talking over the hedge. Least that's the way I see it.

And, frankly, I get weary of hearing folks give advice on how to do stuff. Everyone's an expert, you know?

I do enjoy writing here, but if I have to over-think my reasons why, then I might as well just lock the door.

(painting by gary melchers called 'lady reading')