Saturday, July 31, 2010

The weekend

There are days when the pace slows down, and I find myself in a quieter mindset. So today goes. Seems I'm breathing deeper and doing my tasks in a more mindful way. Hope that makes sense. My habit is to whiz through chores or what-have-you, and not pay much attention.

What makes me really happy, though, is to do each mundane little routine in a slow, pensive manner. It makes me feel rested.

So, while the headache continues to remind me of itself, I'm taking it slow. And you know something? It's all good.

(photo i've shared before, and found on tumblr)
Thinking fall-ish thoughts today.  I might even light a harvest candle so as to pretend it's cooler than it actually is. 

It's darn hot once again, but inside it's nice and comfortable.  Going to make a pot of potato/leek soup for dinner and fourth son will make yeast rolls.  Middle daughter has promised her daddy to bake him some cinnamon rolls for Sunday breakfast. 

Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday's end

Rested this afternoon, and it was due to me since I sort of overdid it this morning at the grocery store. Didn't get much stuff, but the heat index was around 106F. and with the humidity from the *wonderful* rain last night---felt very spa-like outside. Man, it was hot.

The least one has been sort of rattled this week as well. She's only eight, and is used to me being nearby 99% of the time. With me running around for my mom, and taking second son about with job-related things, I've been out of pocket WAY too much. Told her tonight that this weekend I'll be here the whole time. She simpered and acted precious in return. ;)

Besides, with that migraine nonsense of yesterday, I need to continue the chill mode. Slept yesterday afternoon and and today as well, and that's a pretty clear sign that my body is worn. As a matter of fact, I stretched out in bed about 3 times today, and even if I was there only briefly, I dozed off.

I must be more beat than I'd first imagined. Must pay closer attention, I'm thinking. Hear what I'm talking about, and don't the same thing happen to you. Okay?

(noticed that my website '' is down---not sure what's up, but must be a server issue---just saying that i'm aware of it)

Time to chill

This week in a nutshell:

*driving second son to his new job each afternoon (hallelujah!)
*taking my mom to her surgery and follow-ups (a second office visit today for a problem they had yesterday)
*significantly less time for rest for my nap-time
*the end result being a migraine yesterday morning (mine and not anybody else's)

I joke and tell my husband that I'm a tender flower. Sort of my response when life gets to be a bit overbearing and my body rebels. He said I needed to practice my yoga again, and I'm thinking that he's right. The thing is, these migraines come at me outta nowhere. Well, it's not like I'd schedule them in anyway, but it is odd how they spring up all of a sudden.

We were driving to my mom's appointment, yesterday morning, and my left eye began to zone out---that loss of peripheral vision is startling when you're in the car and expected to arrive safely somewhere. Then I got those pretty zig-zag lines in my head----and after that it's just a *wait for it---wait for it* sort of situation. Thankfully the headache was minor, but today my brain feels bruised. Figure after my mom's appointment this morning, I'll just pick-up something for dinner (withOUT shopping for the whole weekend, which was the initial plan), and then rest awhile.

Seems I can't do it all, as I'd like, and my insides are quick to keep me informed. A restful weekend seems in order, I guess. Hmmm?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A busy day.  Took Mom to the doctor's to get her  eye patch off, but I had a migraine attack coming on while we were driving there. 

I think I need to chill for a few days. 

For those of you who have migraines, you know how vision is affected along with those sparkly zig-zags, then the headache.  Shoot, I have 'em down pat now.  This has been happening for over 20 years, so I can anticipate what to do.  Thankfully it doesn't fret me anymore, but to have the vision trouble while driving is a bit frustrating.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday's end

My mom had her second cataract surgery today, and it went swimmingly. Fourth son went with me to take her and wait for the surgery to be done, middle daughter spent the afternoon with her, and third son is spending the night at her house. She's all taken care of.

Anyway, will take her to get the eye patch removed tomorrow morning and then will come home to rest. I had only 4 hours of sleep last night, though a 1-1/2 hour nap before dinner tonight was certainly peachy. :)

Have a need for some serious puttering. Dinner's already bought for tomorrow (potatoes/cabbage/polish sausage), and all I have to do for the rest of the day is wash clothes, tidy up, and maybe do a bit of painting in the kitchen. And middle daughter wants to try her hand at making meringues. But we'll just have to see what actually gets done, won't we? Being home will be the ultimate reward.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Finding quiet

"When you come to your senses, you see that you simply must stop---get way from the daily grind and the people around you, to deviate from the tried and true and take an outer journey."~from Joan Anderson's A Weekend to Change Your Life

Many thanks to Lesley for mentioning this author's books in a recent post. With my head in overdrive lately, this sort of writing has touched a spot I needed to address.

I spent yesterday at my neighbor's empty house, took my food, and drank so much water you'd wonder what I was trying to flush out. Was just craving glasses of ice water---thinking it signified me attempting to empty myself out. Came home at around 10pm to a happy house. Oldest daughter said that everyone was a bit out of sorts with me gone, but mostly my husband. :) It's nice to be missed, and to feel necessary. But *some*times, it's only right to pay attention to our own hearts and not everyone else's. Still don't have it all figured out, but realize that I can escape, even if only for an hour or so, to somewhere if necessary. Just need to make it a priority.

(disclaimer...this book is a self-help title, not having a christian basis, but really has some wonderful suggestions in it)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

More painting and dancing

Got home from dance class last night and found that two of the boys had painted the kitchen ceiling and hallway. Wonderful! Must've hopped to it after oldest daughter and I had left. Guess today we'll finish the trim in the hall and wash the walls in the kitchen in preparation to putting everything back into place. Our clothes dryer leaves such lint behind itself, that it's hard to keep the fuzz at bay. Having four dogs in and out of the house doesn't help either. And being that our oldest dog, Olive the yellow Lab., isn't in the best of health with her shedding so much, the floor stays in a continual need of sweeping (whine, whine, whine).

Have on my mind to take a series of Cuban Salsa group classes that my (yes, Cuban) dance instructor will hold in August. The price is very reasonable ($10-15/class) and versus the price of regular dance classes, is very appealing to think about. So, will maybe do that since my regular private lessons (which are about to come to an end) are changing in plan and will go up in price quite a bit. Ouch! Glad there's an alternative, and as oldest daughter says....gotta keep dancing!

So hoping that my time alone tomorrow will be restful. Am definitely going to go to our friend's house we're housesitting to read and be quiet. Figure I'll wander there before lunchtime and stay until dark. I'll talk to myself and try to find that quiet spot inside. I just need to let go of some mental baggage. Nothing huge, but I need refreshment.

Will chat at you later...enjoy your weekend. :)

(image from polyvore)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Week's end

Oldest son got home last night from his travels, so now all is well with my world. :)

The rest of the day will be filled with a grocery store run for eats for the weekend, taking the least one to McDonald's for lunch (she made it known that she wanted me to take her and when I said that we'd have to wait until I had enough extra money to take her, she mentioned it to her dad, who gave her $4 out of his wallet, and then yesterday she hit on my mom and was given the paper money out of her billfold). Clever girl.

Then there's dancing tonight (not a class, but a weekly dance party), and hopefully, a quiet weekend. My rattling brain needs more rest. Might spend Sunday at my neighbor's house we're looking after. The new renters will be here in a few weeks, and this might be my last chance for some *real* silence. Thought I might gather up some books, notebooks and pens, something thing fun to eat and just have some extended time there on Sunday afternoon/evening. I have to sleep in my own bed, but for the day, it might be just the ticket.

Now off to delegate the boys. Since two of them are at loose ends, trying to find work but having little luck, I gave them the choices of cleaning out the fridge/freezer, washing and painting the kitchen ceiling, or painting the hall. Looks like it'll be working out to my benefit. :) I told them I'd give them until next Tuesday to get it all done. Then they can wash my Suburban. We don't have wood to chop, but boys need work, so I'll keep 'em busy until something more lucrative shows up.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My inner muddlings

This will be a post I work on in fits and starts, I'm thinking. Got to have some time alone with Gary, last night, and it helped my head. We popped into Starbuck's (got an iced chai latte---yummy), and we were able to sit for awhile and talk. Told him how scattered I've felt for such a long time, and how it seemed to have started when our oldest launched himself out in the working world--(this happened several years back, so you can see how long I've been feeling out of kilter). Anyway, that oldest son quickly made enough money to buy his own car (used and bought out-right), and was soon working 40+ hour work weeks. That's all for the good. But now, times have changed in the world, and it's not so easy for a young man to find work---even the most basic of jobs aren't as prevalent. We have 2 sons younger than him who are having difficulty finding work. They had a lawn business until this past fall, and told clients they'd be working elsewhere this spring, so that they'd have to find other folks to do their yards. Fast forward to now, and the boys don't have jobs. Gulp. Life's funny that way.

Gary says I need to release control over what goes on with the kids, at least the older ones. Some of it is God's timing with them, coupled with a hard financial climate *out there*.

Living room *after*

Previous shot of living room, before painting, is here. We re-arranged furniture as well. And in case anyone's interested, the paint is Behr with the lighter shade being called French Chateau, and the darker color, which is only on one wall, is called Meditation. Very restful colors. These photos are of opposite walls (see the pugs on the back of the sofa and Fancy Nancy on the piano!). And, yes, the room is very crowded, but honestly, I like it that way!

Snippets of the day to come

  • oldest son comes home from his road trip to Pennsylvania today
  • rest of crew will go my mom's for lunch/afternoon visit (save for oldest daughter who will be at work)
  • husband got furniture repair work in the shop this week (a wonderful blessing since on Monday we weren't aware of how the Lord would provide for us)
  • will be hot as the dickens outside today (at 6am, already 81 degrees)
  • needing to go back to bed for a tiny nap before the house wakes up (couldn't get to sleep easily last night---thinking of first item on this list)
  • longing for first cup of tea of the day (always enjoyed immensely ALONE!) might have to delay that nap
  • added disappearing NavBar at top of page here, only visible with a mouse over at the very tippy top of the page---usually have it removed---just seeing if I like it (might not stay!)
  • will consider a fresh coat of white paint on kitchen cabinets today (will have to banish dogs, esp. Pugs who might want to help---operative word being *consider*)
  • will perhaps take photos of living room with new paint in there
  • heat makes a person lethargic---not motivated at all
  • we'll see
(tutorial for making NavBar disappear at Shabby Blogs here!)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thinking about stuff

Daisy the Pug is sitting on/at my feet, which is where she is most of the time---or either on my lap. This little dog is a darling. Not since my shaggy dog as a child, Nugget, has there been a dog in my life who's been totally mine. And while her sister, Violet, is a sweetie as well---it's just not the same. Having a dog seek you out in the house, wait outside the bathroom door while you're in there, watch you cook, and be so dependent on your presence is wonderful. But the thing is, the dog has to pick you!

Was reading Veronique Vienne's book The Art of Imperfection yesterday and found it so encouraging. The photographs are wonderful, but the things she writes in this book really speak to my heart. I feel overwhelmed all the time, and the past few months have been especially full, yet when a writer can get to the nitty-gritty and cause me to slow down and take a second look at my life, then I always sit back and relax.

This book does that very thing.

Must focus on a smaller scale. I take on more than necessary, look too far into the future, and seem to have a need to be aware of what's up ahead. Know what? I rarely do know what's coming at me. Sometimes wish I could crack open my head and spill out some of the contents. I don't know when I got off of the path, but need to work on some simplicity, I'm thinking. Note that the subtitle of the book is Simple Ways to Make Peace with Yourself. That's what I'm talkin' about.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Same Kind of Different as Me

Okay, in all honesty, I was hesitant to like Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. And the fact that I've lived my whole life in the South probably colored my first impression. Truth is, it's a wonderful story. The two main characters couldn't be more different, but their strange friendship and how it grew in God's time is truly touching.

I think the reader should be prepared to be shocked and deeply affected by the stories of both Mr. Hall and Mr. Moore. Like me, you might become a bit more open to the mindset of the homeless, and maybe less judgmental. By the same token, rich folks have issues as well.

(this book was provided free for me to review by booksneeze)

Love is a Flame compiled by James Stuart Bell

Love is a Flame, a book of personal experiences compiled by James Stuart Bell, is a sweet book. The stories are from real people (whose biographies appear at the end of the book), who have had marital struggles and have come out winners. Most are low-key, which I appreciate, since I was leery of reading one more book full of heartbreak and divorce. Not that these stories are lacking in drama, but for the most part, are bits of the lives of folks whose marriages have run through rocky times and have been renewed. Bell's words at the end of each chapter are touching as well, and they cap off the pieces perfectly.

My only negative comment is with the marketing of this book in regards to the book's cover. At first glance, the reader will think that this book is written by Gary Chapman, who's well-known in his right. But to have the author of the foreward get top billing is a bit misleading.

(this book was provided free for review from bethany house publishers)

A slowing down day

The plan is to stay at home for most of the day, tidy up some things, made beef stew for dinner (I bought a pretty roast yesterday afternoon), and rest my mind. With oldest son still gone in Pennsylvania, I'm finding myself a bit rattled. Third son made the comment about oldest son's age, drawing a connection between son being 25 and fully capable of making this road trip. I reminded third son, however, that no matter how capable oldest son is, it's all new to me! We laughed. It's common knowledge around these parts about how Mother Hen-like I can be. Just let me know my chickens are alright, and I can manage my day. :)

Glad we heard good traveling news last night. My exhale could be heard for miles.

Anyway, I need to return some library books, but that's the extent of my journeys today. Found a couple of authors (new to me) whose books are available at a branch near us. Will get those and have a quiet afternoon. In a pensive mood as well in regards to my husband's workshop, which is experiencing a slow-down. Bids are out, but the waiting is a challenge. Well, maybe challenge is a harsh word. An exercise in faith is more apt.

We've been in this spot before, and it won't be the last time, but never has the Lord deserted us (the voice of Glinda, the good witch in The Wizard of Oz is ringing in my ears, "Remember, remember!"). 'Course she wasn't referring to faith issues, but you get my drift.

(second son says my quote is from a betty boop cinderella story...obviously the memory is going! anybody know for sure?)

Monday, July 19, 2010

A busy day

So, I told Molly I'd blog about our morning. I get tired just thinking about it! She and I had a face-painting gig at St. Jude's Children's Hospital (Molly owns a birthday party/clowning/face-painting/animal balloons business). The party was centered around Christmas in July for the kids, with them drawing Christmas pictures and for one/some to be chosen as a new design for the holiday Cleo Wrap papers. So cool. :)

We were dressed up as an elf (Molly) and Mrs. Claus (me). And that should be as exciting as the story gets.

The face-painting at St. Jude's went swimmingly. The kids are adorable, their parents are amazing and that whole place makes me proud to live here. I could go on with more positive adjectives. But I won't.

But really, after the stress of being there (it really is hard to be around sick kids, even though they're recovering in different stages of cancer treatment), we headed home still dressed in our get ups. Got to a stop light and Molly made a remark about a car being awfully close to the rear of her car. The next second found us being hit---gently, yes, but still hit. A definite thump. Then the van that hit her kept going, drove around us and turned at the light. Molly followed them, honked her horn and even drove up into the guy's driveway!

Not to worry. It was an older man, and it was thought that he might have had a mini-stroke. He and his wife were caught off guard by the whole incident, but were very nice. The interesting part, though, came when Molly (dressed as an elf) had to talk to the police about the accident.

I know she's wondering how believable she appeared. Let's just say that she's a very sincere elf! :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

About homemakers

I tend to not visit homemaking sites---the ones that show women how to do mundane tasks and seem more focused on the person putting on the display than the information that they're sharing. In fact, they make me angry.

There have been countless women I've spoken to online who get frustrated at how this woman or that woman seems to have her life all in order (at least to the unseen online community) and is bent on showing the rest of us how it's done.

Everybody's on a soapbox. And the Internet makes that so simple.

Give me a woman who can't get the laundry finished on any given day, and who has dust bunnies upon dust bunnies under her furniture. Who has little or no time for crafts, but uses her time to put dinner on the table and snuggle her kids. The woman who has aspirations of being a writer, painter or fabulous cook, but who in fact, is exhausted at the end of the day and only has the energy to run the vacuum.

That's the woman I want to know. She's the one I'll ask over for tea. And she's the one I won't be embarrassed to invite into my home.

Now getting off of my soapbox!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Saturday afternoon

Have kept up taking a photo/month of one side of the house, to show the progress of the flowers. Now, obviously, the Black-Eyed Susans have taken over---no question. :) On this overcast day, just puttering around. Now I think I'll take a rest with a book.

Will post inside painting project photos later on.
Have kept up taking a photo/month of one side of the house, to show the progress of the flowers. Now, obviously, the Black-Eyed Susans have taken over---no question. :) On this overcast day, just puttering around. Now I think I'll take a rest with a book.

Washing clothes and nowhere to go. That's the way I like my Saturdays. With painting all week, and dancing last night I need some time that's not accounted for.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The clean-up

Painting's done in living room. So today I'll do the decorating part of the clean-up. Have hung up some things in different places, and with the cabinets moved around, the room looks fresh. And the change of having the walls greytones over beige ones is wonderful. When the afternoon sun comes in (and it hits that side of the house pretty harshly come 4-6pm) it's a bit softer now. Loving the way that looks.

Also, I want to keep busy so I'll not worry over our oldest son who's heading up north on his road trip. He called me last night from Ohio, and while he sounded a bit tired, he was excited as well. I'll concentrate on tidying up and puttering. There's not anywhere I have to go, so will just stay here and help celebrate with our birthday boy (yeah, he's 21, but still qualifies as a boy to me!).

With my mood this morning, I'm needing quiet occupations. That happens from time to time. Just the need to ground myself again. Tearing up rooms to make them new is rattling, so today maybe I can return the dining room and living room to normal---or something better. :)

Time for tea and toast.

(painting is 'the housemaid' by william mcgregor paxton)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Making progress

Pooped! But without the kids' help, it'd be even worse. We got two more walls painted in the living room (including a fresh coat of glossy white for the trim)---a white with a touch of gray in it this time where it used to be khaki, which will be on three walls. On the sponge-painted wall (seen here before), we put up a gray (with a touch of blue and green in it---looks different depending on the light). And we put the red bookcase in another spot, as well as the two dish cabinets my husband had made. Just to have a different view is refreshing.

Will put up photos later on in the week when it's finished and tidied up.

Next plan, which could be tonight is to birthday shop for second son who turns 21 on Thursday. If the Navy or Coast Guard turns out to be his plan, then he might not be here next birthday. But we don't have to fret about that yet. This week, with oldest son leaving on his vacation tomorrow in addition to the birthday is full enough.

Take care. :)

My kind of bliss

So, after many, many weeks of dry weather---now we're getting the rain we've needed so badly. Downpours. Storm sewers filling nearly to the top (I love driving by those and looking over at the rushing water). I can almost hear the trees singing outside, getting their fill of a much-needed drink. Doesn't matter how much a person uses the garden hose---the only water that really counts is from the sky.

Very metaphorical, don't you think?

Sunday, July 11, 2010


*Thinking to the week ahead. A private dance class tomorrow (tango and swing), with hopefully a stop at the library on the way home. Also, oldest son taking a vacation, alone this time, which will be a first for him. More painting, with the finishing up of the living room. And in addition, my uncle is having his own cataract surgery. Finally, praying for one of our close neighbors who's just found out that she's got cancer in her tonsils (which had been removed years ago, and had grown back). She's doing radiation now, with chemo. a possibility. Lots to pray about.

*The least one got a look at the header image I just put up, saying, "That's your world, Mama." And that's exactly right. :) Least in my dreams it is! If you do a search for Shaftsbury, England, you'll find photos of these cottages, many of them available for the public (this one being a computer wallpaper). Could it be any prettier?

*Going to go now. Middle daughter made a one-egg cake (which is what you bake when there's only one egg in the house), with an intriguing green drizzle on the top. Yummy and lemony. Must go now and eat my slice. She's the daughter who gets a bee in her bonnet to bake, and let nobody stand in her way. Besides, with her being creative, the things she bakes are always a treat.

*Hamburgers and fries for dinner. It's hot outside, but we've got to eat! Besides, just this minute it looks like rain. Hoping it comes across the Mississippi River to us.

*Enjoy the rest of your day.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday morning

Dance class was a real treat last night. Was taught some steps of the Salsa and Merengue---lotsa hip motion in the latter-mentioned dance. :) Mostly we did Swing. One of oldest daughter's friends there asked if we could have a Swing night, and Swing we did! My first cousin went and it was all new to her. She did fine!

Today plan on working on the trim in the living room. I'm so anxious to put paint on the walls in there. Right now, they're a khaki color on three walls and the fourth wall is sort of mottled, since I'd painted stripes in there years ago, and later on, oldest daughter had sponge-painted on top of that. For the first time in ages, that wall will be one color. Can't wait to see how it looks.

Hoping and praying for a sweet weekend. My husband has been finishing up an armoire for a client, and is thankfully taking a couple of days off. It's time for him to rest a bit. He puts his all into the furniture he makes, and always has a *day after Christmas* let down afterward.

Y'all enjoy your weekend. :)

(photos from yesterday's ceiling painting party)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dining room

The dining room afterward. Touched up trim paint, re-hung top curtains, and moved the lawyer's bookshelves to another spot in the room. Left the flash off to show how shadowy the room is this afternoon. With the heat index around 106F, it seems wise to pull the shades down. Least that's the habit 'round these parts.

A tidying day

Will attempt to do *one room at a time* as my husband alluded to last night. The tendency is to slap on paint in various spots so that I can see how it looks. But if I do that too much, I'll spread myself too thin and will try to finish too many things at once.

So. Today will straighten the dining room bookshelves and re-hang the pictures. Maybe tidy up and repaint some scuff marks on the woodwork. Slap some paint on the one small part of the ceiling we had to put caulking on. Wash the hardwood floor and get rid of the spiders who have taken up permanent residence.

I just feel so refreshed when even one room is clean to the bone. Doesn't happen very often in our house, but when it does, it's a treat.

(painting is carl holsoe's young girl reading)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


This morning, son two, son three and oldest daughter painted the dining room ceiling with a couple of coats of ceiling white paint. Lovely. We've been in this sixty-year old house for 20 years and have never done the ceilings. They'd turned a dingy beige that just wasn't working for me anymore.

Afterward, oldest daughter washed all of the white woodwork, and the window sills in there. Dishy. And I mended places on the ceilings in the dining room and living room where the paper which was originally on the ceilings had torn (we'd had a leak from the air conditioning unit in the attic which had caused the ceiling messes). Didn't do a super-tidy job of it with the spackle, but better than flecking bits. It's either mend it, or gently tear all of the paper off of the ceiling. No thank you!

Will leave the dining room walls the cranberry they are now, but will buy a can of paint to refresh it. I'd toyed with painting the d/r a light pink, but the expression on my husband's face when I brought it up put paid to that plan. He almost grinned when I said I'd leave it as it is now. A small price to pay for a happy husband. :)

The plan is to have the boys paint the living room ceiling on Friday. The kids will spend some time at my mom's tomorrow (I'll be ALONE!), so I'll putter around here, tidying up our messes. Ah. I can feel the quiet even now.

Blogger hiccups

Seems Blogger is having comments/publishing issues. I'm not able to easily approve all of the comments that come pouring in (a little blogging humor). Some publish, and some give me an annoying error message. Just sharing in case you're having the same issue. Also, the number of comments actually approved doesn't necessarily match what shows as being cleared.

Blogger is aware, and folks have fussed about it for quite awhile. But not a really big deal in the scheme of things, though, is it?

Update to post: So, little stinker that I am, just deleted the code that shows how many folks have commented. Guess I *am* that picky, eh?!! ;)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For Wednesday

Have an overstocked mind, and am needful of a day that settles me down. Wednesday is painting day (thanks tina!) and the ceilings come first. Time to throw out and clear away. Dust. Fill bags and straighten bookshelves. There are spiders everywhere, inside and out, and it's time for them to relocate as well.

We've got dinner in for tomorrow (shepherd's pie and gravy with coleslaw) after a small grocery store trip today. I'll drink tea and get grubby while we caulk and work in the dining room.

When the mind is rattled, I seem to feel better when I rest my thoughts and just work my hands. It's time.

(listening to ludovico einaudi's divenire)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Cupcake love

...and a sample of the cupcakes middle daughter made this afternoon (complete with sprinkles sent in the mail from her pen-pal...thanks Hannah!)

Looks like we're just baking and eating 'round these parts. :)

Dessert last night

Found the recipe here. Very wonderful yumminess with homemade vanilla ice cream at the side.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A quiet afternoon

Pastry chilling for a couple of strawberry galettes to roll out later on. Pork cooked overnight in the crockpot, setting in the fridge and waiting for me to slather with bbq sauce and put in the oven after I rest. Dogs napping in various cool spots. Husband stretched out on the sofa. And the children in their own places, keeping out of the heat.

Thought this painting looked so relaxing, figured it needed sharing.

(painting called interior with garden by carl holsoe)

Friday, July 2, 2010


Experiencing growing pains in one of our children, and we're all pulling close together. Nothing to talk about here---just private family things, but still, it puts me in mind of quiet past-times. Blocking out the noise from the world at large and finding solace in simple occupations.

Felt good for working in the house today, and puttering around. I got some things done in preparation for the holiday weekend, even though it'll likely be only us here. Still I'm more settled at home when my nest is neat. I'd sort of let it go lately. Asked my mom to come over for dinner on the Fourth, but she's yet to let us know. We always have a good time when it's just us, anyway.

Tomorrow I'll take several of the kids to a local art gallery for a show of Helen Turner's paintings (the gallery is free if you get there before noon on Saturdays). Then we'll browse the gardens, which are wonderful, and will wander there a bit. The temperatures today were lighter and not so humid. Hoping for more of the same on Saturday.

Hope you all have a sweet weekend.

Now it's time for bed.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thursday morning

After taking my mom to her doctor's appointment today, I have absolutely nothing planned. So, while I sit here with my English Breakfast tea and a pug at my feet, will look forward to the afters. Even got to thinking last night that I need to use my Brown Betty teapot more. So many times I'll have a great cup of tea and get flustered that there's not a second one to enjoy. My teapot sits in the china cabinet and looks forlorn. Time to change that. I think that with seeing so many elderly folks at the clinic yesterday, I got to thinking about how quickly time passes. Like most folks, I have dishes and pretties that stay put away except for holidays. Yeah, stuff regularly gets broken, but honestly, would rather use it once and get chipped or dropped than to never take it out at all. Really. We just don't practice that enough.

So, will make minestrone for dinner, and read my book. Tidy up the house and vacuum the floors. But most of all, rest. It's sweet, but the little girls missed me so much yesterday, that they just wanted to keep an eye on me. The least one wanted to cuddle, and the middle one made me a cup of chamomile to relax me. They're good girls. And I love being home. :)

(photo not mine)