Friday, July 30, 2010

Time to chill

This week in a nutshell:

*driving second son to his new job each afternoon (hallelujah!)
*taking my mom to her surgery and follow-ups (a second office visit today for a problem they had yesterday)
*significantly less time for rest for my nap-time
*the end result being a migraine yesterday morning (mine and not anybody else's)

I joke and tell my husband that I'm a tender flower. Sort of my response when life gets to be a bit overbearing and my body rebels. He said I needed to practice my yoga again, and I'm thinking that he's right. The thing is, these migraines come at me outta nowhere. Well, it's not like I'd schedule them in anyway, but it is odd how they spring up all of a sudden.

We were driving to my mom's appointment, yesterday morning, and my left eye began to zone out---that loss of peripheral vision is startling when you're in the car and expected to arrive safely somewhere. Then I got those pretty zig-zag lines in my head----and after that it's just a *wait for it---wait for it* sort of situation. Thankfully the headache was minor, but today my brain feels bruised. Figure after my mom's appointment this morning, I'll just pick-up something for dinner (withOUT shopping for the whole weekend, which was the initial plan), and then rest awhile.

Seems I can't do it all, as I'd like, and my insides are quick to keep me informed. A restful weekend seems in order, I guess. Hmmm?