Sunday, July 11, 2010


*Thinking to the week ahead. A private dance class tomorrow (tango and swing), with hopefully a stop at the library on the way home. Also, oldest son taking a vacation, alone this time, which will be a first for him. More painting, with the finishing up of the living room. And in addition, my uncle is having his own cataract surgery. Finally, praying for one of our close neighbors who's just found out that she's got cancer in her tonsils (which had been removed years ago, and had grown back). She's doing radiation now, with chemo. a possibility. Lots to pray about.

*The least one got a look at the header image I just put up, saying, "That's your world, Mama." And that's exactly right. :) Least in my dreams it is! If you do a search for Shaftsbury, England, you'll find photos of these cottages, many of them available for the public (this one being a computer wallpaper). Could it be any prettier?

*Going to go now. Middle daughter made a one-egg cake (which is what you bake when there's only one egg in the house), with an intriguing green drizzle on the top. Yummy and lemony. Must go now and eat my slice. She's the daughter who gets a bee in her bonnet to bake, and let nobody stand in her way. Besides, with her being creative, the things she bakes are always a treat.

*Hamburgers and fries for dinner. It's hot outside, but we've got to eat! Besides, just this minute it looks like rain. Hoping it comes across the Mississippi River to us.

*Enjoy the rest of your day.