Thursday, July 22, 2010

Snippets of the day to come

  • oldest son comes home from his road trip to Pennsylvania today
  • rest of crew will go my mom's for lunch/afternoon visit (save for oldest daughter who will be at work)
  • husband got furniture repair work in the shop this week (a wonderful blessing since on Monday we weren't aware of how the Lord would provide for us)
  • will be hot as the dickens outside today (at 6am, already 81 degrees)
  • needing to go back to bed for a tiny nap before the house wakes up (couldn't get to sleep easily last night---thinking of first item on this list)
  • longing for first cup of tea of the day (always enjoyed immensely ALONE!) might have to delay that nap
  • added disappearing NavBar at top of page here, only visible with a mouse over at the very tippy top of the page---usually have it removed---just seeing if I like it (might not stay!)
  • will consider a fresh coat of white paint on kitchen cabinets today (will have to banish dogs, esp. Pugs who might want to help---operative word being *consider*)
  • will perhaps take photos of living room with new paint in there
  • heat makes a person lethargic---not motivated at all
  • we'll see
(tutorial for making NavBar disappear at Shabby Blogs here!)