Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A cool morning before another hot day

Tea and pomegranate yogurt for breakfast. And just put some red grapes into the freezer after a quick rinse, for nibbles later on. With my worrisome mind lately, have gotten off the watch-what-you-eat bandwagon. Have found that I feel much better when I limit the flour and white sugar I inhale. And with a houseful of kids who enjoy to bake and eat what they cook, it's truly an uphill battle. :)

But speaking of food---my husband has taken a hankering for homemade spaghetti for dinner, so that's the plan, with leftovers for tomorrow night. I'll be out and about on Wednesday, so that'll work out nicely. As for today, there's tidying up from company and a need to be grounded. Might get the fall wreaths out of the attic to putter with, and move the sprinkler about in the front yard. Still can't remember when we've had a decent rain. We've taken to turning on the hose at a light trickle and leaving it underneath various bushes and trees. Oh, how I long for a day of drizzly, cool rain. That sounds just wonderful.

Maybe soon...