Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feeling smooth today

I realize that it's the continual interruptions that make life hard for me around here.  Not unusual for a mother of many...or a mother of only one.  My brain reacts like a car with a stick-shift and a new driver who's not got the hang of it.  A jumpy ride at best.

Will sit here at my laptop with thoughts in my head that need to be typed out.  Youngest son comes to me to ask which new Lego figure I'd pick out if I was picking.  Least one offers me a sip of her iced tea through a straw, and then shows me the plastic container of acorns she so happily collected this morning.  Another child has a question about schoolwork, and the washer needs refilling, followed by my cell phone ringing.  And it's only been about 10 minutes since I first sat down. 

My situation isn't new to any mother on the planet, but it's important that I don't get frustrated in the process.  Thankfully I'm getting much more sleep lately.  Have gotten in the routine this week of going back to bed for an hour or so after getting up with the dogs at daybreak.  I'm more settled and feel nicer.  I've been way sleep-deprived.  And while my husband admits that I'm not a ray of sunshine all the time, then he says that he's not either.  Good man.

And a good day ahead.  Third son is buying dinner, so he gets to pick the menu.  Will take second son to work and then pop into the grocery.  Fourth son is making something yummy with cocoa later on, so who can complain.  I know I won't! :)