Saturday, September 4, 2010

Our weekend

Already looking forward to our cook-out on Monday evening. All of my chickens will be off work on that day, so we're going to have some family time. It's been AGES since everyone's eaten a meal together. I even told third son (who tends to get asked places) that he's to say "no" if our neighbors invite them to eat at their family's house across town. He grinned, yet agreed, which is what he was programmed to say. :)

And getting into a relaxed mood for the remainder of the weekend. Groceries are bought, house relatively tidy, and books to read to fill the time. Just chillin' and getting refreshed in anticipation of starting our homeschool year on Tuesday. Oh, and as a reminder to self---the hummingbirds are passing through town, so need to get our feeder all filled and hung on the porch.

All is well.