Wednesday morn.
- errands today, including grocery shopping for my mom, which has become a regular routine
- feeling much more *myself* after upping my iron intake---have been having anemia-type symptoms, and more perky this morning
- praying that the cool front expected this weekend brings rain
- grateful for the work in gary's shop, and the ability to pay bills
- windows up for the a.m., but anticipating heat this afternoon in the upper 90s
- going to stop at the dollar store on my way home (after running around) to buy headbands for the least one----the one she wears all the time has *sprung*!
- leftover spaghetti for dinner
- reading dorothy whipple's they knew mr. knight, but am getting bogged down in the middle of the book
- not much else to say---pretty mundane around these parts, but i like it that way
- take care, sweet ones :)