Just a quick note here....youngest son is waiting to get online. Daisy's surgery went fine and she's home again, doped up and dozing. Will write more later, but thanks SO much for the prayers and your concern. That means everything!
::now I'm back::
Daisy's still asleep in the chair, waking up for a couple of minutes and dropping her little head again. The kids are all in the living room, and the least one is sitting next to her.
We were shocked to see the stones the vet removed from her bladder. He showed us a small dish with lots and lots of them, some as large as the end of an adult thumb. Most were smaller---sort of like the size of an English pea, but still. Awful to think of her walking around with those in her belly. From what I read, it'll take awhile before her bladder behaves itself (she's incontinent and we're keeping a towel changed under her, but that seems par for the course) and she's not gotten up to walk yet, though she's sitting up from time to time. No hurries. I'm giving her water from an eye dropper, and she's willing. Will try to give her a bit of chicken later on. Her diet will have to change big time in order to prevent this from happening again. Thankfully pugs aren't predisposed to have them, but it is odd with Violet having the very same food (they're litter mates) and not ever having any trouble at all. Glad of that, but it's so strange.
Anyway, hoping she'll be able to sleep tonight and that her medicine doesn't make her feel too weird. I know the rest of us will rest well.