...Daisy the pug is scheduled for her bladderstone-ectomy on Tuesday. We leave her there in the a.m. and can pick her up late afternoon, I think. They don't keep animals overnight at our vet for this surgery. Thankful for that. Making me c-r-a-z-y to think about, nonetheless. Taking the kids to the library that day so as to keep our minds occupied. Plus will think of a simple dinner that night so as to free up our minds to hold Daisy for extended stretches of time.
...now three of our appliances are limping along. Besides our washer timer being off and having to be hand-advanced, which I've already mentioned along with our dryer latch being busted and not stopping the drum when it's on and you open it, the oven went nutty on Friday night and the oven door won't close all the way. And that happened after dinner, as oldest daughter and sweet Indian boyfriend were on their way home, with the plans of baking brownies when they got here---really loved the idea of sweet Indian boyfriend seeing how disabled our kitchen had become, all the while trying to make a good impression. Sheesh. Anyway, as I speak, we have a ladderback chair pushed up against it, and the puppy's big bag of dog food is in the chair. Tacky is the word that comes to mind, but as my Mom always says----"things seem to come in three's"---so I'll drink to that. Or maybe I should just drink. Anyway, glad I've found a goodly priced site online to order the parts from, and at least they all broke at the same time and I can order all at once. Or perhaps that's a twisted way of trying to look on the bright side!??!
...but can someone please stop this ferris wheel I seem to be stuck on? A break. Just need a tiny little break. But wait. Can't be a ferris wheel because they're supposed to be FUN, and this ain't fun anymore. Just ain't no fun.
...that is all. I'm cranky about all of it and offer no apologies. PU. If I had my druthers, I'd have a personality that's non-melancholy. But as it is...those aren't the cards I was dealt. But still. A tiny, and I mean tiny glimmer of humor shows its face from time-to-time. Not sure if it's glimmered today yet, but am hopeful. And hope is a good thing, right?