Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday's thoughts

The second day of school went swimmingly.  Wasn't sure earlier how it'd go, being that youngest son who graduates in May/June is such a non-talker.  Well, unless he's worked up about something, or excited.  Very introverted, but a bit more involvement in conversations especially related to schoolwork is appreciated.  You'd think that after teaching him for all these years he'd get it.  Speak to me!  The girls (12 and 15 years old) are best friends, so very willing to be involved.  They have one another to bat things off of.  As it was today, we went over his Trigonometry and involved the girls as well, and I read from TS Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral, which they all seemed to enjoy.  Some other things in Poetry, and we called it an afternoon.  A slow glide into the school year.  

Took my herbal concoctions, since the day began as a bad Mental Health Day.  Had to round up my bottles, and it always helps, as did a nap mid-afternoon.  Actually, with the high alcohol content of my tinctures, you have to wonder if the herbs help, or that swift shot of brandy/vodka.  Kidding.

Or not.

Now working in my head on a list of the 10 most important books I've ever read that I was tagged with on FB by a girlfriend.  Stumped on the answer.  I read ALL THE TIME, and to limit myself to ten is a bit challenging.  She says to not over-think it.  Also hard.  I overthink as a hobby.

Will post the books here when I get it all figured out.