Monday, February 23, 2015

Yes Virginia, it IS Adrenal Fatigue

Well, after extensive reading, lots of varied symptoms and more fatigue than I can shake a stick at, I've come to the educated conclusion that, yes indeed, I'm suffering from Adrenal Fatigue (Kim, you hit the nail on the head.).  A young woman at church was diagnosed with the same thing back in the fall, and her doctor told her to quit her job (she's a school teacher) and go home to her parents out of town for awhile.  She did.  Not sure what her situation is now, but she's not been in church for ages and ages.

 I've read more than is healthy (which was necessary to narrow down things), taken my pulse-- just sit here watching my heartbeat in my wrist---thump-----thump-----thump, scratched my head and worried up a storm.  All sorts of things came to mind.  Here's what's consistent:  Low pulse, but it goes up after eating a good meal.  Proteins make me feel much better.  Mild headaches, low temperature (but I tend to go that way anyhow), and a heavy exhaustion that hits me in the afternoon.  It, pretty much, leaves after dinner.  Evenings are best for me.

It all began on Friday after the Wednesday when I talked on the phone with oldest son and his girlfriend, followed by coffee with just-married son.  Too much information.  That Friday night I got hit with a migraine that (with medication quick-like) never hit hard.  I did have the problem of the tiredness afterwards for days, however.

The fatigue never left. And the kicker was the stuff with fourth son about 3 weeks ago.  The stuff hit the fan then.  Over the top.  Adrenaline overload.  All gone.

Now I'm supplementing with CoQ10 since my heart seems a bit compromised.  Also Ashwaghanda and Hawthorne Berry in two separate tinctures I made.  Cayenne and garlic, also for my heart.  B12, Magnesium at night with my Calcium and D.  Iron during the day, along with a multi-vitamin. And walking on the treadmill, but can only handle five minutes at a time.  See, told you I was tired.

And lots of quiet.  No drama.  No heavy thinking.  And so thankful the kids are being wonderful about keeping up with their schoolwork.  They're not behind...the real miracle.  

The way I figure it, my system has been running on high since, and even before, my mom's stroke in November of 2013.  Just 15 months ago.  During that time, just-married son got into stuff and then joined the Guard.  He was gone for about 6 months, then came home and raised Cain.  Shortly followed by Cain-raising by oldest son and the latest with 4th son.  Who wouldn't be sick?

On Saturday, the kids and I went to the grocery store, and were gone about an hour. Not a big deal.  Halfway through, though, I was so tired.  Just stood there leaning on the cart.  Couldn't get done soon enough.  Got home, and Gary asked if I wanted to go out with him for a bit.  I had to pass.  Just couldn't.  One outing is my limit.  And I'm realizing that, and that's fine.

Here's to healing. Good to put a name to it.  I suspected Kim was right, but had to cross out a couple of possibilities first.  Not CFS or a thyroid condition, plus it all makes sense.  Pleasant to have an excuse to NOT do stuff.  I'm so tired of stuff.