Sometimes I just need me some Nora to cuddle. She tends to be picked on by gorgeous Madelyn, who is apt to be way too big for her britches. Beauty queen syndrome, I'm thinking. But, here's the thing. I think Madelyn is just jealous, because Milk and Nora get lap-time and Maddy just struts around waiting to peck at Nora when she jumps from my lap. Like people. Huh. The least one came into the chicken yard this morning, picked up Maddy and she settled right down. As with humans, those who are most prickly, seem to need the most loving, not that we want to.
Having a quiet day today. Yesterday was supposed to be that, but my mental health went a bit awry. One son needed papers from me in order to apply for a college grant, and unfortunately I'm one of those people who isn't very organized in terms of papers. It all got settled, but having to hunt when I wanted to chill was a bit frustrating. He got it figured out, though, without my 'lost' papers.
I'm the person who's always asking where my keys, comb, pen, etc. are. Terminal, I fear.
Believe we'll take it easy in the house until Monday, which is the first of June. Then get a schedule of sorts for summer. Not pressing, but a bit of organization would be a good thing. Last summer was a wash, and with third son's official wedding on September fourth, I'd like to feel settled in my head. I figure three months to get there will work. :)