Friday, May 8, 2015

'Praying Over God's Promises' by Thomas R. Yeakley

There are some books on prayer that I dog-ear and plain wear out.  Underlining and pouring over. Praying Over God's Promises by Thomas R. Yeakley is one of those books.

As the US Field Director of the Navigators he shares many stories of God's hand in answers to prayer.  And he challenges us to be bold.

He says, "First, we come with a twofold attitude of both abject humility and courageous expectancy.  We don't dictate to God, even when claiming His promises.  But we do come boldly, reverentially, before His throne."  Further steps refer to asking for forgiveness so our hearts are in the right place to even ask.  Also to ground our prayers in Scripture.  All wonderful advice, and necessary.

Yeakley shares about something he encourages folks to do who come to conferences he leads.  He calls it The Impossible List.  To come to the Lord with requests that, while they seem unanswerable to us, are simple tasks for God.  He recommends starting out with a 'tangible and measurable' request, and then to move into more difficult (in our eyes) needs.  His idea is for us to set a six-month window for God to work, saying that many requests can be answered in that period of time, but that it's not written in stone.  I love that idea.  Putting on paper the things that concern me, and watching God work.  

This book is easy to read, but filled with rich stories and encouragement for a life of prayer.

(i received this book free to review from tyndale)