Saturday, May 9, 2015

Mother's Day Eve

Listening to Mumford & Sons and Chris August.  Resting after some time gardening out front. I try to time my evening gardening so our across-the-street neighbors are inside.  As it was, one daughter of our neighbor (79 year old woman who I mentioned put me to shame with her digging), came over to her house and within minutes was hollering and going to town in her anger at someone in her mom's house.  What is up with that woman?   Gary worked with me a bit, sweeping and spreading some seeds.  My bodyguard, I guess.  Protects me from the monsters, and obviously we have those here.


We had a wonderful rain last night and into this morning a bit.  A soaking rain.  I'd been waiting for that to happen so I could put out the seeds I'd bought.  I'd rather we were in a situation of coming into full with the moon, but it can't be helped.  If I wait until the moon begins to go full, the weather will be too hot and my seedlings will burn.  Yeah, well.   Also put out a flat of Portulaca at the foot of the walkway (Mother's Day present).  It gets darn hot there, and we'd already pulled up some dwarf Crape Myrtles which had spread a bit too much.  Just trying to tidy up a bit.  My Black-eyed Susans have sort of taken over, so they got thinned as well.  Now to attack the Ground Ivy which is all over the place.  Stuff makes me sneeze.  Wish I liked it, then I'd leave it.  As it is, it's taken over as well.  If I could get my head around seeing it as an appealing ground cover, all would be dandy.  Uh, no.  By the way, one name of the Ivy is Lizzie-Run-Up-the-Hedge, which, yes, it does.  If I call it something charming like that, maybe I'll grow to love it?  'Course I could harvest it and make a tincture.  Seems most things grow agreeable when you stop making such a fuss.  Least it seems to me.  Lessons in gardening, as in the rest of life.


I'd been getting my knickers in a twist for days, wanting rain, thinking I'd be late planting.  Tonight spent about an hour out there, cleared out the spaces for the Portulaca, yanked some of that Ivy, and broadcast Onion, Spinach and Radish seeds.  I'm calling it my salad garden, for obvious reasons.  Not doing rows, but areas.  The gardening book I reviewed recently recommends that method for small plots, and mine is definitely small.  Spread some Marigold and Zinnias too.  The thing is, within a short period of time, I got all I wanted to do accomplished.  That's my way.  Get all worked up, finally do a task and realize it was so simple.  So, what's up with THAT?

Time to go.  Enjoy your weekend. :)