You know, a person takes a risk when they talk about books and movies. I spoke out against Julie and Julia last night, saying that I'd not be seeing it with our daughter. The thing is, I really want to see it. But I have this part of me that wrestles with what's appropriate for a Christian to do and what's not right. Sometimes I just don't know. There are popular movies I've really enjoyed...full of swearing and other worldly stuff. Still, I consider them good entertainment. But, when I look at things in the light of what I'm trying to teach our children, the worldly aspect of life seems to rear its head and I end up just hanging mine.
The commercials push the Julia movie as wonderful and it looks grand. The colors, clothes, humor all look appealing. But the language is definitely a problem and some other issues do rear their heads.
To buck what's popular is always hard. I don't judge anyone who wants to see this or any other movie that's out there. But my husband and I have tried to follow a new rule to not rent R-rated movies, esp. when it's regarding language. The thing is, the PG-13 rating has become almost R-like in its permissiveness. What the rating system says is appropriate for a 13 year old with a parent is rarely what I'd approve of.
Might as well hang myself the rest of the way. The two books I mentioned yesterday....the Revolutionary Road, in particular---I'll have to pass on it too. The guy has a great talent for writing, but man, is it depressing. (I'm reminded of Catcher in the Rye that I read in high school. Weighty and hard to swallow. ) And again, I'm not too awfully keen on reading of the Lord's name being taken in vain. Yes, some of the books I've recommended on the sidebar have some profanity, etc., in them so I'm not holding myself as this great example of perfect character, but it is a shame when what the world calls entertainment has to be tainted with foul language and situations that cause me to blush.
Christians are supposed to be different and stand out. Seems that it rarely pans out that way. We're sorta wishy-washy, and I'm just as uninspiring as the next guy. Interesting, huh?
The commercials push the Julia movie as wonderful and it looks grand. The colors, clothes, humor all look appealing. But the language is definitely a problem and some other issues do rear their heads.
To buck what's popular is always hard. I don't judge anyone who wants to see this or any other movie that's out there. But my husband and I have tried to follow a new rule to not rent R-rated movies, esp. when it's regarding language. The thing is, the PG-13 rating has become almost R-like in its permissiveness. What the rating system says is appropriate for a 13 year old with a parent is rarely what I'd approve of.
Might as well hang myself the rest of the way. The two books I mentioned yesterday....the Revolutionary Road, in particular---I'll have to pass on it too. The guy has a great talent for writing, but man, is it depressing. (I'm reminded of Catcher in the Rye that I read in high school. Weighty and hard to swallow. ) And again, I'm not too awfully keen on reading of the Lord's name being taken in vain. Yes, some of the books I've recommended on the sidebar have some profanity, etc., in them so I'm not holding myself as this great example of perfect character, but it is a shame when what the world calls entertainment has to be tainted with foul language and situations that cause me to blush.
Christians are supposed to be different and stand out. Seems that it rarely pans out that way. We're sorta wishy-washy, and I'm just as uninspiring as the next guy. Interesting, huh?