Thursday, August 13, 2009

End of Thursday

Been sorta blogalicious today. Can't seem to quiet the thoughts in my head, and am driven to type them out. Just got off of the library website, and put several Wendell Berry's and Carrie Brown's on hold. When we get PAID (laughing hysterically), will order Hannah Coulter by Berry online. It's been recommended by several to me (thanks Bonnie, Dotsie and Sara!).

Now enjoying a bit of silence while cornbread and biscuits bake. The house gets full of static when my husband comes home (there's a quote about that in a book I've read here lately), and while I tend to be 'not a talker', to have such energy blow through the door every evening---well, some peace thrown in from time to time seems necessary.

So, now the break's over. Will check the oven and give the potato soup a stir. Might bake a cake after dinner. I'm thinking chocolate. ;)