Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday afternoon thanks :)

Thanks to everyone for the sweet comments regarding the new kitchen floor. You know, I hesitate to mention too much about how bad the vinyl had gotten, not wanting it to be a reflection on our money situation. The fact remains, however, that a one-income family in today's world is oftentimes thought an oddity. And we've chosen a self-employed lifestyle, and it's not been easy, but for us, it's been the right thing.

Will say, though, that this floor was made up of leftover wood from the shop. The only cost was my husband's and sons' labor and the price of the Danish oil to finish it. So much for a pricey floor, hmmm?

I do want to add that as a family with eight children, I never want to come across as being a know-it-all. Too many prolific women who you run across online seem to want to be the answer to what other mothers need. No thanks! Give me the women who are struggling and making do anytime.

Just wingin' it here.