Monday, November 30, 2009

November's last day

Saw the newest Twilight movie, 'New Moon,' with some of the older kids tonight and totally enjoyed it. Totally. It was as enjoyable, if not more so, as the newest Harry Potter movie, 'Goblet of Fire'. Such fun! But, do you know what surprised me while we were there? In the theatre, there were only about 15 folks watching, including us. Huh!

But tomorrow needs to be a work day. Back to reality. The living room rug hasn't been vacuumed in too long for me to admit, and the house needs a hearty going over. The Thanksgiving holiday gave me the excuse to be a lazybones over the weekend, and I can't stand the clutter any longer. So, after school in the morning, one son will help me spread some pine straw out front that my yardboy sons collected from a friend's yard, and then will put away the Fall decorations inside in favor of a tiny bit of Christmas foolishness. Not ready to hit it big time, like Molly, but we'll get there gradually enough.

When we came out of the theatre tonight, I had to do a double-take as we drove home, because colored lights were all about and in my attention to the movie, I'd forgotten that it was Christmas-time. That just shows how NOT ready I really am.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday afternoon

Just finished watching 'An Ideal Husband' on a YouTube channel, as per Susan Branch's Twitter comment, and it was my first foray into viewing a movie there. So cool. Ten installments of about 10 minutes a piece, so it was easy to start and stop when I wanted to, with no commercials to mess up the works. Again I say, so cool. A wonderful get-away.

A quiet day besides. A couple of the kids went to church, but the rest of us stayed at home, still coughing a bit, but just enjoying a nice, drizzly day inside.

Now off to make waffles, not that anyone here gets excited about them. I hear in some houses that pancakes and waffles are considered a treat. Must sometime see what I can do to encourage that sort of enthusiasm here, but not holding out much hope. ;)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Evening meal

Happy Thanksgiving

In a better mood today. I'm thinking that the reality of having all of us sick for a month has made me a bit testy. Still coughing, but everyone's better. That's something to be thankful for.

Now the turkey is in the oven, the stuffing is in the fridge to be baked later on, the sweet potatoes are cooking and the house is tidy. Husband is puttering with his Suburban and the kids are scattered about the house. I'm about to take a nap/read a book and rest for awhile.

All is well. Hope all of y'all have a wonderfully sweet and special day.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pulling hair out

So, I was piddling around on the computer last night after dinner, being constantly interrupted by our 3 youngest, who had the need (all of 'em) to share with me. Now, granted I am the most patient person I know (not bragging, but it's absolutely true), but even so, I get wasted by chatter.

Gary said all of twice for them to *leave your mother alone*, and *back away from the table*. He's my hero, a welcome fan at all times. And magically, they leave. Me? I don't have the touch, being continually nagged because apparently I'm not very believable the first several times. Yes, I said several.

Now today I'm feeling, once again, the twinges of needing to run and hide. Being that I'm not a talker, to have to listen to questions so much of the time is truly draining. I have to wonder...why don't they get it?

Must needs practice *the hammer technique* that my husband has such flair with. 'Course he's pretty tough-looking and while he can be a push-over, he's totally obeyed. Huh.

Thanksgiving Eve

I couldn't love slow days more than I already do, and today is no exception. Husband and two oldest children are off to work, and the house sleeps. Will turn on the heat in a minute, because the house is a tad bit chilly. My toes are cold! I just want to savor the day, making pies with the kids, tidying up before (or correctly put---we have to do some major dusting and vacuuming) tomorrow. But with it only being us, the pressure is off to impress.

Am hoping that we can get the house in shape before everyone returns home from work. Dinner is tuna sandwiches tonight...I tend to feed the family scraps and boring things the days before Thanksgiving, so that they're REALLY thankful once dinner is served that evening. So far, it's worked!

But most of all I'm truly grateful for God's provision this year. Gary's work has continued all through what the world is calling a recession. His shop has been continually full, and even with oftentimes slow-paying clients, we've made it. Also thankful for a full kitchen today. Several years back, we were experiencing some extra-tight times and come Thanksgiving morning, all we had was the turkey. We literally dug out change and money here and there that day for me to go the grocery store and buy the rest of the ingredients for our meal. I'll never forget it, but sure don't want to repeat that day.

God is good, even when it hurts.

And finally another hearty salute to my husband and his side of the family who recently found out that they are related to Francis Cooke, who was a passenger on the Mayflower, and signed the Mayflower Compact. I can't claim that status for my own (yet, but intend to dig into it), but being part Chickasaw Indian, I like to think that I helped host that meal. :)

(graphic a freebie from indygo junction)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cactus/African Violet fetish

...and the photos were taken on such an overcast day, hmm? Am partial to the Thimble Cactus (second from the left in top photo), and the Hindu Rope Plant in the middle of the right-hand window. Such sweeties. :) Btw, Violets have been a tad temperamental, lately. The one blooming is brand new. Hasn't learned 'not' to bloom yet! Give me time.....

Monday, November 23, 2009

A slow Monday

Sometimes the fog lifts and I see life the way it's supposed to be...well, in my world. Maybe it's having been sick for days on end, or the anticipation of the holiday this week---though actually, it already feels holiday-ish 'round these parts. That's one thing I'll say for Americans, we know how to do holidays.

I'm feeling a bit slower (being that I break out into a hearty cough if I move too much, or too quickly), and maybe that gives me room to pause and think about stuff. Whatever the reason, I'm enjoying washing our bedsheets, puttering, and allowing the recovering kids to sleep in awhile. The weather is drizzly outside and the one son who's up says it feels crisp when he sticks his head out the door. Sounds nice.

So today I'll make attempts at cleaning out the fridge so I can put in the turkey to thaw---I just love that routine on the Monday before Thanksgiving. Then will tidy up the house a bit. It's only us for the holiday meal, and frankly, I like it like that. No frustrations in over-cleaning, and we can pace the day as we like it. Now I just need to continue to focus on pleasing my family. Sounds just about perfect.

(photo from tumblr)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday evening

Still healing up around here. The coughing is getting to be a bit of a drag, though. Get us to laughing about something and we all begin to hack. So pitiful. Least we're smiling through the whole mess. Glad we're in good moods...that's something to be thankful for in the midst of herbal remedies, cough drops and endless cups of tea. It'll pass.

And I'm enjoying this evening...Sundays being sort of laid back. Regret not being able to go to church on Saturday nights lately with this nonsense going on. The pastor started a new series on the first of November to run for four weeks, but I only got to go on the first weekend. Nuts. But, that's the way it goes. With us being a large family, sickness runs through the whole crew in a draggy sort of way.

But, we'll all be well enough by Thursday. I absolutely ADORE Thanksgiving, it running a clear first with Valentine's Day my second favorite holiday. Christmas is fine, but loaded with so much hoopla that I don't find it to be as much fun. Or maybe I tend to like holidays centered around food----turkey/stuffing and chocolates on heart's day. Who knows?!!

Take care.

Friday, November 20, 2009

On our Friday

Stuffy headed, coughing a bit, and enjoying a re-read of an old John Grisham book. His are light enough (hope he doesn't see this, not that he would!) that they don't tax my brain too awfully much. The house looks a bit worn and rumpled, but comforting nonetheless.

Vegetable soup in the crock pot---a variety of frozen veggies I'd been saving along with some taco seasoning, some leftover spaghetti sauce and whatever I could find in the cupboards. It's always good, but never a repeat performance, if you get what I mean. :)

Now, after I get the little ones fed, will cozy up with my book and settle in for awhile. Tomorrow should be even better.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A few things, and not all related

  • finally turned on the heat yesterday afternoon after seeing the little ones rubbing their hands together. Well, it didn't get warmer than the 40's with it being a cloudy day, so guess it was time. Feels nice and cozy in here now, and I admit to enjoying the warmth.
  • all are healing up well from sickness. Residual sniffles and coughs, but guess we weren't hit by the big one. Tougher than a cold, but not as radical as the fl*.
  • glad for sunshine today. Will put my little pots back in the window, since I didn't yesterday. Wasn't wanting to plaster their little leaves against the cold glass.
  • my cactus are doing wonderfully. I'm smitten by them. Could end up being a collector who needs a 12-step program, since I find them that buying them is so addictive.
  • thinking about blogging and how it's not nice for folks to leave negative comments on the blogs of folks they don't know. It's that old duck and run mentality. Not nice.
  • Olive, the wonder dog, who's been in remission with mammary cancer is dealing with that problem again. She's a plucky one, though.
  • do yourself a favor and look at Susan Branch's YouTube videos. A pure delight. LOVE her kitchen!
  • very, very grateful for more work for my husband's shop, and for clients who pay up on time. He's backed up with build jobs right now and we stand amazed at God's grace.
  • going to take the day slowly...I get sorta woozy when I move too quickly, and there's not a rush to do anything, so another slow day will be good. Have one errand, but that shouldn't tax me too awfully much.
  • taking deep breaths and counting my blessings. Today is good and for that, I'm blessed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sickness is good on one sense in that it demands that you pay attention---maybe to your health or your sanity.

'What About Now' by Westlife

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Children update: Assorted temper@tures...from a high of 103, down to around 99. Scr@tchy thro@ts, head@ches, sore eyes and sensitivity to light, lousy appetites, a little joint p@in. UGH. Figured I'd give a symptom run-down so that Blogg*r could puzzle over my odd typing skills. Heard they were keeping score with blog entries---tabulating folks with sickness. Oh bother.

Just praying that this won't conk Gary and me upside the head. A scr@tchy throat and c*ugh I can stand...but don't have time for the other stuff, especially the tiredness. Not sure what to call this bug, but will avoid using the 3-letter name. ;)

Sure is quiet around these parts with most children in bed before 9pm. I like the silence, but not the price that's been paid for it.

Sick folks---take two

Here I sit, feeling guilty for feeling a bit sick, but realizing (deep, deep down) that nobody's holding a gun to my head in order for me to be productive. Huh. I'm some kind of sadist, aren't I? But the frustrating part is that we already had one cold virus hit the family---now a second sort is having its way with us. I think I've had just about enough fun, you know?

I'd like to just mosey through my day, expending as little energy as possible, setting a good example on how ill people should behave. Tea, a good pile of books and magazines, and cozy time on the sofa with Pugs.

What'll likely happen is that I'll continue loading/unloading the washer/dryer and will vacuum the living room rug (which has run amok with dog hair), disinfect the bathroom and doorknobs, and fall into bed at naptime and doze off.

Real mothering isn't anything like the pretend-in-our-heads sort, is it?!!

(photo from

Monday, November 16, 2009

Let's say thanks...

THIS is making the rounds...a way to thank the troops for their sacrifices for us. So cool.

A snuggly sort of day

A slow rainy day. Got back from taking middle daughter out to shop with her birthday T@rget cards awhile ago. She's so sweet and is fun to be with, but when we began the drive home, she admitted to being tuckered. Everyone's healing from this sickness that's plagued our house, but we tire easily.

Is it naptime, yet?

After getting the kids situated with their schoolwork, will settle myself in bed for a nap. Even my husband was restless last night, saying as he left for work that he'd have gotten more sleep if he'd walked up and down the street rather than tossed in bed.

Off to rest my weary bones.

(photo from tumblr...sadly *not* my bedroom)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nifty trains

Yesterday, oldest daughter and I got out a bit and went to the Town Square of a town nearby. They have a selection of cool trains and we spent some time walking around them. The photo is me sticking my head in the doorway (locked) of a caboose. Least I could see in the window. The other shot our daughter got is of the inside...reminds me of what a ship or submarine looks like in the movies. ;)

I love stuff like this...just out-of-the-ordinary things to do.

Sometimes I write here to get my thoughts on paper, so to speak. Have, pretty much, given up my hand-written journals, having overloaded on them when my neighbor was ill with ALS. Just got burned out writing out my frustrations back then. I know I'll get back to them, but for now, it's not what I want to do.

Now I tend to put in here what's on my mind, no matter what's rattling around in there. Feeling battered just now. A neighbor has had to go back to the hospital with problems with her Addison's, and my childhood friend is, once again, dealing with cancer. Darn. Plus, my husband's shop is over-flowing with work (which is a huge blessing) but he's feeling a bit overdone himself. A one-man shop is a lonely place to be, and his is on exception. I think I've been fretting over out oldest son and his job as well. Just being a mom. This cold we've passed around has worn us out to boot. The tiredness related to it is a bit wearing, to say the least. Not used to a simple bad cold leaving such fatigue.

Going to take a deep breath and try to sort my thoughts. To enjoy the evening watching 'The Amazing Race' and get into another book. The house is relatively tidy, so that's not a worry, which is nice. Will attempt to look at this evening, and only that. That's as far as I need to see anyhow.

About 'Her Fearful Symmetry'

Well, finished 'Her Fearful Symmetry' and was blown away. Was a bit put out at the author's usage of crude language/situations in a couple of places---a tiny bit of swearing and a couple of spots where I thought the crassness of the topic should have been avoided, but all in all, the story was amazing. But for the rude parts, I'd put it on my favorites list for this year, but can't for that reason.

Funny that she sort of got permission from the cemetery to write the book (see previous post here) and put Highgate Cemetery as the starting place of the action, but still she had to slip in the nonsense. Yeah, it could've been lots worse, but then again, it could have worked without the s*xual references. Less is more.

I recommend it with the disclaimer. Do a search online for images of the cemetery. Wow. The one I show above doesn't even scratch the surface.

(photo above available for download at photobucket)

Friday, November 13, 2009

'Her Fearful Symmetry'

Began reading 'Her Fearful Symmetry' by Audrey Niffenegger (which is wonderful so far), and found an interesting bit of information online about the book. Much of the story centers around this cool old cemetery in London, which actually exists---and she went so far as to meet with a founding member of the Friends of Highgate Cemetery, Jean Pateman, telling her that she wanted to arrange the book setting around that old place. Mrs. Pateman tried to discourage her, alluding to the profanity in 'The Time Traveler's Wife' (which Niffenegger wrote) feeling it was not respectful of the cemetery to have similar language in the current book. The author agreed to limit her use of foul language and to not have naughty scenes in the cemetery, and everyone was happy.

Me too. Unnecessary swearing doesn't add to a book, in my opinion, but just makes lots of folks uncomfortable. Write well without the nonsense.

Anyway, as I said, am really enjoying the book so far. Very Gothic, in a current time frame sort of setting. Reminds me of 'The Thirteenth Tale' by Diane Setterfield and 'The Historian' by Elizabeth Kostova. Good creep stuff! My favorite sort of reading is anything that smacks of late 19th century England anyway, and when modern fiction picks up on that flavor, I'm hooked.

(information acquired from Chicago Magazine, October 2009)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tea and stuff

I just had the most wonderful thing to say here, and whoosh, out it went. Don't you hate it when that happens? My brain. So undependable at times.

Oh well.

On to other things. I was online last night, wanting to order some's a weakness, I know. A friend had told me about some chocolate tea she liked (can't find it in town), and I decided to browse for others like that one, and found some at St@sh tea. Some of the reviews at various tea sites say that chocolate teas can be weak (which is fine with me since I don't care for strong tea), or a bit oily with the chocolate bits. Doesn't sound appealing, does it? Might take the plunge and order some later after I hit on my husband for some money. One thing....found what looked good at one site, and was filling out the order form, only to find that for two boxes of tea, I'd pay over 8 dollars in shipping. Ha! Like that's going to happen.

It's like what I tell the kids at birthdays and Christmas. I rarely buy gift paper, except at Christmas, telling them I'd prefer to give them the gift than spend my money on fancy trimmings (though I do love me some fancy trimmings at times!). The comics from the paper do fine, and brown paper sacks can be decorated to look a treat. We fell to the lowest low with my husband's and oldest daughter's birthday recently, though. Grey duct tape doesn't look pretty on a package no matter how much you dress it up!

Enjoy your day. :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Woke up WAY too early, having heard Olive the wonder dog attempting to break free of the baby gate to come to our bedroom door. The thing is, after hearing that noise at 4:45am, a person tends to just be awake. Such is the case with me. Plastic baby gates that slam to the floor make an awful noise in the middle of the night. Told the annoying Lab. to go back and lie down, and noticed that Violet the Pug was bouncing around the living room, wanting to be held. Does this nonsense ever stop??!? Set her back on the sofa after a hug and then snuggled myself back in bed.


Didn't work. Got back up an hour later, after thinking about stuff all that time. The dogs were good---it was my brain that was misbehaving at this point. Yesterday we heard about a friend who's seriously ill, when we thought she was going to be fine. Hearing that was a slap in the face on my husband's birthday. Maybe that kept my mind whirling. Plus Violet has something wrong with a back leg, not knowing if it's hip dysplasia or some injury she's dealing with from playing so hard. Some days are better for her than others. I think we're more bothered than she is, though.

Figure I'll mosey on back to bed soon. One son gets up at 6:30am, and the least one usually soon follows, besides two boys who are pet-sitting a neighbor around the block. They have that duty today.

Will pay homage to Veterans Day, get in some more sleep, and cosset myself a bit. Feeling in need of some gentle time, you know? Sometimes you just have to.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And after the birthday is over...

Surprised my husband with fried chicken which is a family joke, being that I never go to the trouble. Consider that I had 4 iron skillets going full blast for a total of 8 huge chicken breasts and about a dozen or more legs before I was done. In two hours the frying and all was ready. Man! That's why I rarely do this meal. :)

And all the time he was expecting spaghetti. I love secrets.

A good day for a birthday, and we finished it off with renting "UP" which is absolutely darling. "Nemo" has been my favorite children's movie for years, but this one definitely is as good as that one. Highly recommend (please forgive the pun!).

'The Liturgical Year' by Joan Chittister

Joan Chittister’s book called ‘The Liturgical Year’ reads like a textbook. Not that that’s a bad thing, but the subtitle of ‘the spiraling adventure of the spiritual life’ gives me the impression that this book should be more intriguing. I’m afraid I found it to be a bit dry. And while Chittister covers the history of liturgical practices very well, she doesn’t grip me with wanting to observe the traditions she maps out. The world, however, is giving a harder look at ancient practices, with liturgy being one of them. I’m just not convinced.

My issue is whether these feast days should be given so much attention, and when they are, if folks are focused more on the ritual and not on the true meaning the ceremony represents. Obviously my Protestant beliefs are showing. My issue isn’t so much with her writing style, as the subject matter. Clearly we’re at odds with one another.

A final point, and a negative one, is Chittister’s mention of the feminists Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan and Bella Abzug in a chapter titled Models and Heroes, holding them up as women who strove to ‘free their mothers and their daughters from sexism and abuse’. That comment in itself is enough to cause me to not recommend this book.

I'm a member of Thomas Nelson's blogger book review program and more information can be found at their website.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Husband's birthday eve

Husband's birthday is tomorrow (Tuesday), and I'll likely be out-of-pocket here. Lots to cook/bake and we need to make the house all sparkly besides. He's been tired lately---getting over a long-running cold and cough, and with a difficult build job to tackle (a vanity that'll end up with gold paint---he's not sure about how successful that finish will be) he's just tuckered. A birthday dinner will be just the ticket, plus with presents, he'll be pampered well. :)

Must be off now. Since everyone's been in a state of new or recurring sickness, we're all weary. Time to call it a day, though if we were smart, we'd have turned in a couple of hours ago. But we're not that smart!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

What's needed... a support group for women who have lots of kids. The churches have MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), but there needs to be an additional group for me. Maybe not so much as a place to unload and whine, but a padded room with soft music, chocolate, tea, candles and enough books that have soothing, and possibly pathetic story lines...nothing that requires too much brain power.

The tendency is for folks to suppose that moms who've already raised a few to have the answers down pat (maniacal laughter heard in the background). I get so tired, probably not any more than a woman with toddlers, but the difference is that my body takes longer to recharge. Those of you with young ones would probably roll your eyes at that, but I believe it to be true. Sheesh, I get so tired, and there's no end in sight. I mean, I'm fifty and my youngest is seven years do the math!

The solution? A sense of humor at what the Lord has blessed me with and enough diversions (like the Backstreet Boys music I've got playing now), so that I think of something other than myself.

It's easy to get sidetracked and think that it's all about me. Last I heard, it's not! I'm blessed and just need to figure out how to get a balance. I think I'm way too hard on myself, but know that there's a answer out there. Until I figure it out, I'll just blether on here as usual. ;)

The habit of blogging

Because on days like today with sick kids, a quiet house and a mind that wants freeing up, the above mindset just makes sense.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

YouTube jollies

Oldest daughter has gotten hooked on boy bands, with no small encouragement from her mom. That would be me! Guilty as charged. She found the following and we're having no end of fun watching them. Go here and here. ;)

As an aside...colds abound here in the house, but generic (from W@lgreens) Zyc@m, and Airb0rne are doing the trick at stopping the spread. Going with the'll be over in time.

Enjoy your weekends.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Late Friday

I think I've had sort of a Zen thing going here, with the header and white space. Very calming for me to write here, especially with 3 children sick and the weekend possibly being very busy with dishing out herbs/drinks and Popsicles. I'm not as quiet and restful as the teacup photo would suggest, though. I do like clutter and crowded rooms. So, have switched to an English scene, that mirrors my likes better. I'm not serene enough to be very Zen-like. Give me old stuff every time. (...thanks, Naomi, for your sweet comment!)

Must be off now, but not before I share that my husband has had 2 bids approved for work this week. The Lord has been very good to us. :)

Needing quiet

Cranky this morning, but I attribute it to needing sleep, and maybe some alone time. The least one has been more needy lately, just wearing on her mama a bit more than usual. And with our oldest son having a call-back for a job interview he had this week---well, that adds to my tension, I guess. And another son has a cold we're praying won't be spread. Plus, having 2 birthdays in a short period of time is wearing. (Husband's is next week, but don't tell!)

Least I don't have to go to the grocery store today. Polish sausage/potatoes/cabbage for dinner, with some homemade bread of some sort. I'm needing a puttery day, and having the makings of our evening meal in the house sure helps.

Will do schoolwork, get one son busy afterward with caulking their bedroom windows, then hopefully can just sit. I need that. Just to be myself for awhile.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday afternoon

Have the need for a quieter photo at the top of this journal for awhile. It's been a busy week---one full of blessings and activity, at least of the mental sort, so my brain seems to require some visual peace.

This afternoon I began reading the book I'm to review for Thomas Nelson, The Liturgical Year, and am finding it very soothing. Maybe it's stretching my mind a bit. I don't know why, but am attracted to it nonetheless. It's written by a Benedictine nun, and I'm not Catholic, so the end result of my reading will be interesting to see. (Update: Reviewed on Nov. 10th, and my opinion changed.)

I've got a pile of library books to savor tonight, simple navy bean soup for dinner with leftover jalapeno cornbread and a store-bought loaf of French bread. An easy meal for a restful mood.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

from the British group....'Take That'

Favorite song now: I'd Wait for Life

Way to go!

Husband just found out that he's descended from Francis Cooke who was on the Mayflower. I've got the documentation right here in front of me. I couldn't be more envious. :) Oh, and thankful to have the mother-in-law too, since it's from her side of the family. Man. I can pick 'em!

Here's the deal...

“Well, I do think someone might have arranged about our meals,” said Digory.
“I'm sure Aslan would have, if you'd asked him,” said Fledge.
“Wouldn't he know without being asked?” said Polly.
“I've no doubt he would,” said the Horse (still with his mouth full). “But I've a sort of idea he likes to be asked.”
The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis – Chapter 12

For anyone who's wondered about our money situation, since I mentioned being short of cash over the weekend, here's my story. My comment was something about not knowing what we'd eat on Monday. Well, as I said yesterday, oldest daughter took care of that. So tonight we'll have the potato soup that would've been last night's meal. A stick of margarine, a 8 oz. package of cream cheese and seasonings will dress-up a five pound bag of red potatoes nicely. Had gotten a deal on potatoes the other day, and was able to gather the rest of the ingredients in fits and starts. With biscuits, I can feed all ten of us.

Now, onto other things. Oldest daughter turns 22 tomorrow, and my prayer has been for funds to buy her dinner fixings and presents. I asked the Lord for X amount of dollars to accomplish this. My husband has had trouble contacting a particular client who owes him money, so the actually gathering up of monies has been up in the air. We've learned, however, to NOT depend on people (who will fail us whether they intend to or not) and to put our eggs in one basket---namely God's.

So, I got up this morning with the knowledge that I can't do a thing about money. Pray, and that's it. But that's huge. One son came up to me with some cash in his hand, telling me he felt the Lord telling him last night to give this to me today. Guess what? It equals exactly the X amount I prayed for.

Can't add anything to that but to say that I'd told nobody in this house of my prayer. God just blows me away.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The day's doings

  • School with kids, and the reviewing of chapter five of The House of the Seven Gables (a really good read)
  • The washing and hanging out of about 4-5 loads of laundry
  • Baking something for tea party with little girls of mine today (middle daughter did this)
  • Meeting up with husband at 3 o'clock-ish for mochas---found cash for this jolly (or as my tendency is---a double chocolatey chip yumness)
  • Cleaning sofa with soapy water since we have Pugs (shedding machines)
  • All-around tidying of house
  • Making list for oldest daughter's birthday which is on Wednesday...she'll be 22
  • Cutting up red potatoes for tonight's meal...baked potato soup with cream cheese in it
  • Focusing on the Lord and His plan of my day...don't want to get too side-tracked with busyness
  • Going to house of neighbor I don't know and seeing if we can put the Yard of the Month sign in their yard (so cute)
  • And finally...going to neighborhood association meeting after dinner
  • Bed will be my reward :)
UPDATE: outta twelve ain't bad. :) Oh, and oldest daughter said she didn't want potato soup for dinner, so she sprang for burger and fries makings. Good daughter.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Playing with blogging backgrounds

Know what I wish? I really wish I was one of those folks online who design their blogging page--photo and all, then walk away and leave it alone. Or at least put it in place and keep their mitts off of it for a month's time. But, apparently that's not my tendency.

You'd think that with the enormous amount of graphics out there that I'd find SOMETHING to get my teeth into for an extended length of time, wouldn't you? Or maybe it's related to my background in design---hard to leave something alone when there's just so much to play with. Sort of like my love affair with re-arranging the furniture. I think I just want it all, and enjoy playing with the templates and backgrounds so much that I find it unnecessary to limit myself.

Oh well. Least I know what my addictions are---least one of them.

NavBar tweaks

If you come here very often, maybe you've noticed that I don't show the Bl*gger NavBar at the top. I added code to my html page so it won't show. BUT, I found at a site today that you can make it 'transparent' by following this link....(so cool) at Butterflygirlms, and if you want it to disappear just temporarily until you mouse over it, go here to the Shabby Blog blog. Follow the easy directions. Or do both and have it transparent when you scroll your mouse on top of it.

I love stuff like this.

Book give-a-way mention...

I've been meaning to mention this, and my mind's been a bit distracted. Wanted to share that Cindy at In a Garden is giving away a copy of Pilgrim's Inn (aka Herb of Grace) by Elizabeth Goudge to one lucky reader who posts on her blog. I know this interests me, especially since I own only 2 of her fiction books, and one devotional. A treasure indeed.

Have enjoyed getting to know Cindy via her blog as a result too. The photos of her daughter on her sidebar are worthy of a visit by themselves. :)