Thursday, November 19, 2009

A few things, and not all related

  • finally turned on the heat yesterday afternoon after seeing the little ones rubbing their hands together. Well, it didn't get warmer than the 40's with it being a cloudy day, so guess it was time. Feels nice and cozy in here now, and I admit to enjoying the warmth.
  • all are healing up well from sickness. Residual sniffles and coughs, but guess we weren't hit by the big one. Tougher than a cold, but not as radical as the fl*.
  • glad for sunshine today. Will put my little pots back in the window, since I didn't yesterday. Wasn't wanting to plaster their little leaves against the cold glass.
  • my cactus are doing wonderfully. I'm smitten by them. Could end up being a collector who needs a 12-step program, since I find them that buying them is so addictive.
  • thinking about blogging and how it's not nice for folks to leave negative comments on the blogs of folks they don't know. It's that old duck and run mentality. Not nice.
  • Olive, the wonder dog, who's been in remission with mammary cancer is dealing with that problem again. She's a plucky one, though.
  • do yourself a favor and look at Susan Branch's YouTube videos. A pure delight. LOVE her kitchen!
  • very, very grateful for more work for my husband's shop, and for clients who pay up on time. He's backed up with build jobs right now and we stand amazed at God's grace.
  • going to take the day slowly...I get sorta woozy when I move too quickly, and there's not a rush to do anything, so another slow day will be good. Have one errand, but that shouldn't tax me too awfully much.
  • taking deep breaths and counting my blessings. Today is good and for that, I'm blessed.