School with kids, and the reviewing of chapter five of The House of the Seven Gables (a really good read)The washing and hanging out of about 4-5 loads of laundry- Baking something for tea party with little girls of mine today (middle daughter did this)
Meeting up with husband at 3 o'clock-ish for mochas---found cash for this jolly (or as my tendency is---a double chocolatey chip yumness)- Cleaning sofa with soapy water since we have Pugs (shedding machines)
- All-around tidying of house
- Making list for oldest daughter's birthday which is on Wednesday...she'll be 22
- Cutting up red potatoes for tonight's meal...baked potato soup with cream cheese in it
Focusing on the Lord and His plan of my day...don't want to get too side-tracked with busynessGoing to house of neighbor I don't know and seeing if we can put the Yard of the Month sign in their yard (so cute)And finally...going to neighborhood association meeting after dinner
Bed will be my reward :)
UPDATE: outta twelve ain't bad. :) Oh, and oldest daughter said she didn't want potato soup for dinner, so she sprang for burger and fries makings. Good daughter.