Sunday, November 1, 2009

Playing with blogging backgrounds

Know what I wish? I really wish I was one of those folks online who design their blogging page--photo and all, then walk away and leave it alone. Or at least put it in place and keep their mitts off of it for a month's time. But, apparently that's not my tendency.

You'd think that with the enormous amount of graphics out there that I'd find SOMETHING to get my teeth into for an extended length of time, wouldn't you? Or maybe it's related to my background in design---hard to leave something alone when there's just so much to play with. Sort of like my love affair with re-arranging the furniture. I think I just want it all, and enjoy playing with the templates and backgrounds so much that I find it unnecessary to limit myself.

Oh well. Least I know what my addictions are---least one of them.