Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Eve

I couldn't love slow days more than I already do, and today is no exception. Husband and two oldest children are off to work, and the house sleeps. Will turn on the heat in a minute, because the house is a tad bit chilly. My toes are cold! I just want to savor the day, making pies with the kids, tidying up before (or correctly put---we have to do some major dusting and vacuuming) tomorrow. But with it only being us, the pressure is off to impress.

Am hoping that we can get the house in shape before everyone returns home from work. Dinner is tuna sandwiches tonight...I tend to feed the family scraps and boring things the days before Thanksgiving, so that they're REALLY thankful once dinner is served that evening. So far, it's worked!

But most of all I'm truly grateful for God's provision this year. Gary's work has continued all through what the world is calling a recession. His shop has been continually full, and even with oftentimes slow-paying clients, we've made it. Also thankful for a full kitchen today. Several years back, we were experiencing some extra-tight times and come Thanksgiving morning, all we had was the turkey. We literally dug out change and money here and there that day for me to go the grocery store and buy the rest of the ingredients for our meal. I'll never forget it, but sure don't want to repeat that day.

God is good, even when it hurts.

And finally another hearty salute to my husband and his side of the family who recently found out that they are related to Francis Cooke, who was a passenger on the Mayflower, and signed the Mayflower Compact. I can't claim that status for my own (yet, but intend to dig into it), but being part Chickasaw Indian, I like to think that I helped host that meal. :)

(graphic a freebie from indygo junction)