Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday afternoon

Just finished watching 'An Ideal Husband' on a YouTube channel, as per Susan Branch's Twitter comment, and it was my first foray into viewing a movie there. So cool. Ten installments of about 10 minutes a piece, so it was easy to start and stop when I wanted to, with no commercials to mess up the works. Again I say, so cool. A wonderful get-away.

A quiet day besides. A couple of the kids went to church, but the rest of us stayed at home, still coughing a bit, but just enjoying a nice, drizzly day inside.

Now off to make waffles, not that anyone here gets excited about them. I hear in some houses that pancakes and waffles are considered a treat. Must sometime see what I can do to encourage that sort of enthusiasm here, but not holding out much hope. ;)